When you call your ex over to cuddle you - jisung

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Jisung x Reader

Genre: angsty and a little cute

Word count: 1.1k

Summary: you call your ex partner over after having a meltdown only to realise you still loved him. 😂

Warnings: none really i got really close but there is no smut unfortunately theres a little bit of kissing and some other stuff those so if you are under 18 please dont read in your not comfortable.

"Hello," Han said, answering the phone call from his now ex-girlfriend. He could hear her sniffling over the phone, and his heart sank as she struggled to get the words out.

"Can you please come over" she barely gets the words out.

"I'll be over in 10 minutes" Han knows nothing good will come from him going to see his ex. However, he was still very much in love with her and to hear her cry, which she often didn't, made him eager to get to her.

"And where do you think you're going at this hour" chan jokingly said while sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Honest answer?"

"Of course..." chan said, putting his phone down.

"Y/Ns", Han said, fiddling with his keys, his eyes widening.

"We talked about this... you have to stop being at her beck and call Han... she's using you" chan was upset he had worked so hard all these weeks, building Han's confidence back up so he could go right back to his ex.

"She needs me, Hyung... I have to go," he said, closing the door behind him.


Han pulls up in front of your house. The front lights are on. He opens the car door and walks up the driveway towards the front door.

*knock knock*

Y/N pov

You open the door and have never been so relieved to see Han so much in your life, today was shit, and you felt overwhelmed with everything.

"Hannie", you cry as you wrap your arms around him. He embraces you, and you slowly walk back into the house.

"You okay? What happened?" He pulled back and caressed your face making you sob harder.

"Please don't cry", he kisses the top of your head. You manage after a few moments of embracing Han to slow down your breathing and minimise the crying.

"I'm just so stressed with work and my family... I can't catch a break, and I think I'm overwhelmed," you say, hyperventilating into his chest.

"Y/N," I think you have a panic attack." He squeezed you tight.

"I need you to hug me. Is that okay?" That was fine with Han. Not only had he missed your touch, but he had also had a lot of experience dealing with anxiety over the years.

"I have an idea?... how about I stay over, and we watch movies?" He rubs your back.

"I would like that" you smile up at him. The truth was you had no idea why you broke up with Han in the first place. He was so sweet and kind-hearted. You grabbed his hand and led him through to your bedroom, slowly sneaking him past your roommate's door. You closed the door and grabbed the remote off the bedside table.

"Uh, I didn't bring PJs", he smiled awkwardly.

"You act like I haven't seen you naked before" you giggle, and suddenly Han becomes shy.

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