Husband Material - Jeongin

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Jeongin x FEMALE Reader

Word count: 1k


Summary: When you come home from work to the most amazing husband

Warnings: But stuff lol, unprotected sex, fingering, eat out of course sex is a little rough not sure what you think rough sex is lol. if you are not 18+ then JOG ON 

"Hi, Honey," you say as you close the door behind you. Jeongin comes out from the kitchen, kissing your cheek as he swings the tea towel over his shoulder.

"How was work, my love" he smiled as he started to walk back to the kitchen to finish prepping for dinner.

" don't even want to was the most infuriating day I've had yet," you say, running your fingers through your hair. Jeongin immediately stops what he is doing, "should I start a bath then," he said, throwing the tea towel onto the bench.

"Only if you join me" you walk with him to the bathroom, where he turns on the bath water.

"I'll be back in. Just going to turn off the oven... how knows how long we will be" you weren't sure what he had planned for you; however, it got you all gitty on the inside.

You start to undress when Jeongin walks back in "oh good. I was scared I would miss the best part" he walks over and cups your face kissing your smashed lips.

"Sorry, I just really wanted to do that", he was the sweetest. You had never felt so loved. He got undressed and hopped in the nice soapy bath "okay honey. This should be the perfect temperature" you liked your baths steamy.

You hop in between his legs with your back facing him, and you lean back so your head is on his shoulders. "This is so nice....thank you, Jeongin" you smile up at him as he wraps his arms around your naked stomach.

"You mean everything to me," he says as he leans down and kisses you intimately. He starts to draw on your stomach as the kiss heats up. You slowly pull your hand up out of the warm water to adjust his jaw so you can deepen the kiss.

His hand travels down your stomach to just above your pelvic bone. He pulls back "let me take care of you, pleases" you nod your head as you pull him back down for a kiss. His fingers were massaging your clit. You moaned into his mouth, "I love you" now, Jeongin doesn't say those words to you very often, so when he does, you know I'm that moment means a lot to him.

"I love you too," you say, kissing him as he continues to massage your clit, applying just enough pressure.

"Mmmm, right there, baby," you say between kisses. You reach below and start to jerk him off.

"This was supposed to be about you", he giggled as he pulled away.

"Well, I've decided we both need distressing," you say, hopping up and out of the bath. You take Jeongins hand. You pull Jeongin towards the bed.

"Wait, we are still wet" he was such a worry wart sometimes.

"How cares? Did you want to fuck or not?" You say, pushing him onto the bed. Jeongin says nothing as you climb on top of him. You spread your vagina lips on his shaft, grinding your body up and down.

"You're 100% right. Who cares" you know he only agreed with you because of the pleasure he was experiencing.

"Do you want me to fuck your brains out, baby" you whisper into his ear.

"Yesss...please", he moaned. You run your hands up his body to his neck. While you slide his penis inside you, you lightly choke him "you like that, huh?" He nods as you release.

"I love it when you choke me", he moans. You grab his neck one more time as you leave to kiss him, bobbing up and down on his cock. You release one more time Jeongin gasps for air. "Please, Y/N...I want to come on your tits," he moans.

You hop off his cock "you can do me from behind if you like," you smile while crawling into doggie style. Jeongin grins and slaps your ass shoving his face into your exposed wet pussy.

He licks upwards towards your asshole, rimming around it while continuing to massage your clit.

"Oh baby....that feels so good", you moan as Jeongin inserts if feel thumb into your core.

He aggressively rubbed your clit, all while still licking your asshole. "Gin, I'm gonna cum", you whine as you let go cum now dripping from your pussy.

He slams his dick inside you. "UHHHHH", you cry.

"You feel so good around my cock, baby," he says, leaning over and kissing behind your ear.

You continue to moan as he pumps in and out of you. "I'm getting close, baby," he says, pulling out quickly. You roll over just as he aims for your breast and sprays his cum all over them.

"You did so well, Gin," you say, sitting up and kissing him.

"We should have a shower," he says as he picks you back up and walks you back into the bathroom, sitting you down on the bench while he turns the shower on. He walks back over and places his hand on either side of your thighs, leaning in and kissing your lips.

"Sorry if I was rough," he said, pulling back.

"It's okay. I like it rough, remember" you smile as he leans in for another kiss.

"Let's get you all cleaned up" he says carrying you to the shower.

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