When he's injured you as his best friend- Hyunjin

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Hyunjin x readerWord count: 2.1kGenre: Spicy 🌶️Summary: When your best friend hurt himself, things get a little heated.Warnings: 18+ MDNI, unprotected sex mostly lol and other spicy things. 

"hyunjin...stop, I'm ticklish there," You say, laughing and kicking your legs. You get up and turn your body away, trying to escape his grip. After you heard a loud bang, you turned to him, holding his hand, his face screaming in pain.

"Hyunjin....what happened?" You said, grabbing his hand. He hissed in pain.

"I don't know... it's just a sharp pain...what do I do? I have a performance on Thursday" his eyes begin to water due to the pain.

You touch his hand again, and he hisses, "ouch, stop touching it", he says, pulling back.

"We are going to the hospital," you say, dragging him to the car.

"I have to call Channie Hyung," he said as you opened the door.

"I'll call him when we get there" you felt so horrible. If you hadn't overreacted to his tickling, he would have never gotten hurt.

Hyunjin is holding his wrist the entire drive, whiny as you go over speed bumps " I'm sorry for trying to go over them slow", you say one last time before you find a park.

"I'll call Chris. You go inside" you pull out your phone and get ready to be scolded by Chris. You sit in the car as you pinch the bridge of your nose. The phone rings, and then Chris answers, "hey, what's up?" You could tell he was out in a public space due to the background noise.

"Hey.... I have to tell you something," you say, on the verge of crying. You know he will understand once it's explained to him; however, there is a part of you that feels responsible for hyunjin. You are you, and his friend should know better.

"Is hyunjin hurt?" He said concerned

"Yes... he smashed his hand on the table, it was an accident... he was Ummm," you said, not wanting him to know that him tickling you was the reason his hand was injured." it's embarrassing....but I brought him to the hospital."

"HOSPTIAL?....what happened? How bad is it?" He was panicking. I could hear him starting to pack if computer and headphones up.

"I'm not sure. We just got here....but I'll update you when I know" you can hear Chris moving the phone from ear to ear as he packs up his stuff.

"Okay, give me 30, and I'll be there" he hung up the phone. You gather your stuff and exit the car locking it behind you as you walk into the emergency room.

The room is full of people. You scan the room, looking for hyunjin, who you soon find standing at the reception desk. "Take a seat for us and fill out this form," the nurse said, handing him the clipboard. Of course, grab it due to hyunjins injury.

You start filling out his information. Surprisingly you knew a lot about him. The things you couldn't answer, you asked him and filled out.

"I'm impressed with how much you know about me" he smiled as you walked back up to the receptionist, who told you to take him right into a private waiting room. You signal for hyunjin to follow you into the secret room. He lay on the hospital bed, moving over for you to join him.

"Come lay down this could take a while", he smiled. You lay on the bed with your arm around his torso and head on his chest. "I am so sorry, Jin... it's all my fault" he places a kiss on your temple.

"It was an accident....it's not your fault" his hand was placed on your shoulder while his sour one was placed on his stomach.

"I hope nothing is broken," you say, curling up to his body more. A couple of minutes go by, and in comes Chris.

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