Enemies to lovers - Changbin

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Changbin X Female reader

Trigger Warning: please remember this is a fiction and the characters are just that fictional. If you are sensitive to swearing or sexual content please do not read my stories...... if you are sensitive to tooth rotting fluffs please i wouldn't recommend reading this story.

The last 2months have been stressful. The lack of sleep and food was now getting to you. To top off a bad two months you had to work with changbin. You begged JYP to let you work with anyone else. You even begged your best friend Han. They all said the same thing "he's not a bad guy....give him a chance to prove himself."

Here you were starving, failing to consecrate on the job you had been assigned.

"I'm just going to grab something to eat," you say as your stomach rumbles.

"Of course you are," Changbin whispered. Changbin was hard to work with on a good day when he was stressed.

"God.... I can't stand you," you say under your breath as you work on the song assigned to you.

"What's your problem Y/N" Changbin turned his chair around and snarled at you.

"YOU.....You Know your not the only one who works hard, Changbin" you packed your bags up and swung them over your shoulder.

You stormed off. You felt under-appreciated and overworked. It wasn't meant to be like this at all. It was always your dream to be a producer, so when JYP offered you your first real job producing, you were ecstatic.

However, now you were crying in the female bathroom. You had to pull yourself together. You had already been gone for too long. You rolled up some toilet paper and wiped your eyes. "Come one, Y/N.... What is wrong with you? He is just some guy," you sobbed.


"Shit.....why do I always react like that" Y/N always had a smile from day one. Sure she talked a lot and got distracted easily, but she was the first one in every morning and often the last to leave. "God... your a dick" I started to bang my head on the table. "Shit, I've got to apologise" I stood up and glanced over at the chair she had been sitting in.

"Her coat... she must be freezing" It was in the middle of winter. How could she leave without her coat?

I know Y/N doesn't like working with me but am I really this horrible that she leaves without a coat on the coldest day of the year.

I walked out to search the halls for her to apologise for my behavior. I often would lash out at her because I was stressed and overwhelmed.

How could I do this to her, she was the best assistant producer in jyp, and I crushed her spirit.


"Okay.....I'm good" you splashed your face with water and proceeded to exit the bathroom to walk down to the cafeteria.

As you exit the bathroom, you run into three trainees. As you walked past, you could hear them whispering and giggling. You know it was towards you. Who else would they be pointing and giggling about?

You walk with your head down, entering the room you decide you grab changbin some lunch as well. "Maybe if I get him some food."


I walked straight to the cafeteria, hoping she wouldn't be so stupid to leave the building. I scan the room and don't see her "shit......where is she....idiot, she's going to catch a cold out there" I walk towards the exit, searching as I go along. I see a bunch of trainees giggling to themselves.

"Omg, it's changbin," one of them calls out.

"fantastic....I don't have time for this," I mumble.

"What are you doing changbin want to eat lunch with us" god, why is she flirting with me? Can't she see I'm not interested in her? I'm searching for someone.

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