Age Regression - Bangchan

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Bangchan x female reader

Word count: 900

Trigger warning: please please please, be respectful this most definitely has some triggering content in it... Age regression is mentioned 100%, if you don't fell comfortable reading then DONT.

This is a new topic for me I had not real knowledge on age regression. All I would like to say to those who age regress, I know there is a lot of negative stigma around age regression but please know you are not alone and it is a normal healthy way to help cope with trauma. In saying that I really hope you enjoy this fanfic.

You had the worst day in history. First, you missed the bus for work, which made you late. Being late made you anxious because you were anxious you couldn't work. You would get distracted and find yourself wandering the halls.

To top it all off, as you walked home from the bus stop that day, it started to rain quite heavily. For you, it was all one big trigger.

You had your best friend Felix coming over tonight and had no time to calm yourself down. Due to your high anxiety, you would often find yourself retreating into your inner child for comfort. Your therapist said it was called Age regression.

What is age regression, you might ask? Age regression, in most cases, is an unconscious defense mechanism. It is a way the mind can protect itself from trauma, stress, or anger. The idea is to regress to a younger state of mind to help you process your triggers without traumatising the brain further.

You can have negative and positive triggers.

Negative triggers are: Stress, Anxiety, darkness, Enclosed spaces, public transport, and meeting new people.

Positive triggers can include: Plush toys, Certain shops, colors, Disney movies, coloring-in, and the smell of really yummy food.

There are two types of age regression voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary age regression often comes from positive triggers. It is where a person chooses to regress to relieve stress, cope with mental health issues, or sometimes for fun. Involuntary age regression, in most cases, stems from negative triggers where someone regresses against their will, typically to deal with high levels of stress or due to past trauma.

Now that we have that cleared up, we can move back to your day.

You had Felix, your best friend, on his way over for dinner with his seven friends, which on a good day, you would be more than happy to host the get-together however, in your current state, it was just adding fuel to the fire.

You found yourself just staring at the wall, trying not to retreat into your "little space" you were also friends with all of them and had told them about your age regression. None, including Felix, had seen or had been around when you went into this space.

You had, however, educated them thoroughly on the subject of your involuntary regression and what it might look like.


As the boys arrived, the room became louder. You found yourself zoning out and retreating into yourself.

"Y/N......everything okay" Chan, the man you had a crush on, noticed you becoming quiet and shy.

"I think I might be regressing," you say with tears. You didn't want to do this right here right now.

"Come with me" Chan stood up.

It was loud enough that no one would notice if you left the room. Chan grabbed your hand softly "it's can trust me......I'm not going to hurt you."

You had never actually experienced what it was like to have a caregiver before. You willing took his hand, knowing you were either going to regress in this living room right now, or you could go into your little space you had prepared in your bedroom.

"You have that space in your room, right?" Chan questioned. It surprised you he listened so well.

He walked with you into your room. "Remember, your safe, can trust Channie" you Were finally able to let go.

"Hi," you swayed from side to side, your voice would become more childlike, and you would often get shy.

"Hi," chan waved "did you maybe want to color in with me" he smiled

"Ooooooo, I love coloring" you skipped to the tiny seats and sat down, pulling out your coloring pencils.

"Why don't you draw me a picture" he looked too happy.

"Sure," you drew him a picture of him and a microphone.

"Here you go" you handed it to him, and he was so proud to have received this gift from you.

"Wow...thank you so much," he said, folding it up and placing it in his pocket.

"Can I do your hair?" You saying running to grab your hairbrush off your dresser.

" want to do my hair" he was playing along and acting all silly.

"Yeah.... you're so silly," you say in a cheeky childlike tone. You start to brush and put if hair into three pigtails.

"Tada," you said while he went to look in the mirror.

"Wow, you did amazing I love it" you ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"Want to watch lilo and's my favorite movie" he headed over to the tv Cabinet.

"Yes....please you jumped into the bed chan followed, sitting on the opposite side.

As the movie went on, you found chan relaxing. He even looked like he enjoyed the little space. You hugged him again "thank you, Channie," you said before coming out of your regression.

"Chan, I am so sorry about that" you hopped off the bed.

Chan just smiled. "No,'s fine...I enjoyed little Y/N.... She drew me this awesome picture" he pulled the drawing out of his pocket.

"Omg, I'm so embarrassed" you placed your hand over your face.

"I'm gonna hang it in my studio" he smiled lovingly at the picture.

You stopped to admire the kind-hearted person chan was. This only increased your crush.

"We should get back to the group" he walked to the door and put out his hand, which you happily grabbed. 

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