Dance - Minho

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Minho x female reader

Genre: FLUFF

word count: 1.8k

Trigger warning: none

"Miss Y/L/N......we are ready for you now" your heart is beating out of your chest. The last one in you takes a deep breath in. "We can do this.... we've got this", you repeat to yourself repeatedly. You stand up, brush your clothes off and walk into the studio.

"Miss Y/L/N.... Minho, nice to meet you" he extended his hand.

"Y/N", you shake his hand. Minho walks over to his table and sits down.

"Please take a seat", he sat, gesturing to the seat in front of him.

You sit and cross your legs. Placing your hands in your lap, you look up to Minho, reading the paper on his clipboard.

"So, I'm going, to be honest with you" your face drops, and your heart sinks into your stomach.

"I didn't like anyone else's choreography.... But yours, I think with some tweaking we can make it work" you try to hide your shock "he liked my work, holy shit", you thought to yourself.

"Thank you.... I will work hard to make it better for you" Minho stands, and you follow.

"Well, we should probably get started tomorrow...our comeback is on a tight schedule", you nod "of course."

"How does 6am start sound?" He begins to write on his notepad.

"6am, I can do that" you smile once more and go to shake his hand.


Your alarm goes off, and you roll over to the snooze button. You remove the sleep from your eyes. You close your eyes for a few seconds and take a deep breath.

"I can do this," you say, opening your eyes. The room is still dark, and the winter air hits your face. You quickly get up and move to the bathroom. Once you have a shower, you get changed into warm clothes.

"Goodbye," you say as you walk out of the door.


"What is your name, dear," the lady behind the desk said, moving her glasses down her nose.

"Y/N", you smile. No one else was at the company, yet the smell of fresh coffee was overwhelming.

"Morning" Minho came in and started taking off his gloves. "Want to grab a coffee before we start?" He smiled, signing into the iPad.

"Yeah, sure, why not" you both wonder over.

"What do you drink?" He pulled out his card.

"Oh no, it's okay. I've got mine," you say, rummaging through your bag.

"It's the least I could do", he laughed "one Americano and...."

"Latte", you speak up.

"And one latte, please, grace" he knows the girl's name.... you wonder if he likes her by how he looks at her. She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks up at him to smile.

"Take a seat. I'll bring them over in a minute" she was playing with her hair. You roll your eyes. Is she seriously flirting like that?

Minho turns to you, "shall we sit by the window" you nod and smile as you walk over to sit down.

"She's gorgeous", you say, sitting across from him.

"I guess," he said, no longer paying attention to her.

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