When you breakup with him and he returns your house key - BANGCHAN

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Bnagchan x Reader


Word Count: 1.2k

Summary: When you break up with him and he returns your house key.

Warnings: protected sex (don't be silly wrap that silly) foreplay, cum, penitration if you aren't 18 or over please do not read. 

You had recently broken it off with your boyfriend chan, who was an amazing human being, it's just you didn't fit together anymore, and your life goals aren't the same.

It's night three by yourself in your now semi-empty apartment listening to Latina music in your T-shirt and underwear while making dinner.

You hear a faint knock on the door and check your security cameras to see who it is "fuck it, chan", you say to yourself, he was supposed to drop them off tomorrow night. You answer the door, and he looks you up and down, then smirks "ha answering the door in your underwear, now are we" he chuckled.

"I knew it was you....what do you want, chan?" You say, unimpressed by his comment.

"I was on my way home and thought I'd give the unit key back now" you opened the screen door to retrieve the key from him.

He looked different, softer than usual. He looked defeated, like this was a battle he could not win. You felt for him because it wasn't easy to side-swipe him the way you did. Chan definitely did not see this break-up coming.

"Thanks for giving me the key back", you smile. He sticks his hands in his pockets and looks away.

"Yep, no problem," he says, rocking his feet heel to toe and back.

"Are you ummm hungry....." his eyes snap back to you, and he immediately stops rocking.

"I am a little, yeah", his hand on the back of his neck. You still have this way of making his stomach twist with nervousness.

"I have some spaghetti if you want to eat it" you open the door for him, and he takes a hesitant step inside.

"You sure it's alright if I stay for dinner?" He stands awkwardly as you take two plates out of the cupboard.

"Chan, can you just relax.... you're making it so awkward", you laugh, and he hesitates to sit at the table.

You serve him up a bowl and place it on the table. "Can I ask you a question?" He says as you sit down.

"Sure, I guess", you say, biting into the garlic bread.

"When did you stop loving me?" He was playing with his fork.

"I never stopped loving you, chan...we just aren't on the same page at the moment".


After you both finish eating, chan once again shoves his hands in his pocket "well, I better go...thank you for dinner" he pecks your lips, almost like he forgot you two had broken up.

"I am so sorry-"you kiss him back, a shock to chan at first, but soon his hands wrap around you as he pulls you in and walks you back towards the couch.

"God, I've missed you," he said, lying you down.

Kissing down your neck and lifting his head to smile down at you. "This doesn't mean we are back together, chan", you make a point of saying as he leans down and kisses your lips.

"I know....but I'm horny, and you're the only one I want...so let's just have some fun" he runs his hand up the inside of your shirt, tracing his fingers across your stomach.

"Is it okay if I take your shirt off" you nodd as he slowly lifts you up so he can pull your shirt over your head?

"Okay....okay...why am I so nervous" he giggled "I've done this a million times with you....but I'm so nervous" you lift his T-shirt over his head, revealing his god-like body. You did regret breaking up with him a little bit at this point because the sex aspect of your relationship never failed.

"Just relax, okay... we don't have to do this if you don't want to", you reassure him as you trail along his pants line.

"I really, really want to, " he says, kissing you while pushing back down on the couch, now kissing down your shoulder blades.

"There's not a lot of room on here...should we take this to the bedroom?" He grins. He picks you up, walking you to the bed you've shared for years. His hand unclasped your bra as his hand roamed your back. He reached your bedroom and laid you on the bed. He pulled off your bra and, with both of his hands, locked fingers with yours, pulling them above your head.

"I want to know I didn't come here to get you back... I just want you to be happy" you lean up and kiss him partly because you missed his kindness and touch, and the other just wanted him to shut up and fuck you already.

"Can we stop talking now" you smile as you pull away?

"Yep...good idea," he says, letting go of your hands. You tail your finger under his pants to signal him to take them off. Chan doing just that. He pulls his pants and boxers down, revealing his hard cock. As he rolls his body down onto yours for another heated kiss, his hard member now pressed against your core.

"Channie, please..." you moan, chan slowly rises, and it pulls the top draw open.

"Perfect, you kept them....kinda like you knew we'd be having sex again" he pulled out a condom, opened the packet with his mouth, and rolled it down his shaft.

"Let's get you nice and wet, hmm," he says, getting on his knees now face to face with your centre. He licks between your lips and slowly sucks on your clit, getting you nice and aroused.

"Mmmm, Channie", you moan as you grip the sheets. He got up and lined himself up with your entrance. He moans as he slowly pushes his way into your core "fuck me, you are so tight, baby" he leans down, giving over your body once more as he pauses to let you adjust to his prominent member.

You begin to grind your hips as he slowly pumps in you. "I don't know how long I'll last... this is so good", he moaned in your ear. He was so cute. He made you feel like the hottest person alive was just the icing on the cake.

"Come on, Channie.... Stay with me," you say, placing sloppy kisses on his ear. Stay with you, he did. He pounded deeper and deeper inside you, making you moan into his ear.

"Come on....just a little longer", he moans into your neck, his free hand starting to stimulate your clit, slowly circling.

"Oh, chan, please.." you clench down on his cock, and he stops stimulating your clit.

"You have never done that before", he moans, unclench and pulling his head up.

"Did I say stop?" he said, kissing you as he beings again circling your clit. You clench once more, but this is followed by an incredible orgasm.

"Oooooh, CHAN" you scream, chan not too far behind you creaming into his condom.

"Fuckkkk yeah", he moans. He helps you ride out your highs and then pulls outputting the condom into the bin in the corner of the room.

"I Ummm think I should probably go," he says, putting his pants back on.

"I think you should", you giggle.

"Well, thanks again for dinner...." You shimmy back into your undies and walk him to the door.

"I'm always here if you want to do that again" he smiles as he kisses you goodbye.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks," you say as you close the screen door, watching chan walk out and to his car. 

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