Gym Junkie - Changbin

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Changbin x Reader

Genre: Fluff just so much cuteness honestly

Word count: 1k

Warnings : None at all ( maybe a little body shaming) 

*Beep Beep Beep*

"Oh fuck off," you say, rolling over and smacking down your alarm. You move out of bed and put on your workout clothes. "God, will this ever end" you hated working out; however, you needed to do it.

You drive into the gym and spot changbin's car, "he's here already," surprised he's usually later than this. You walk around to the back of the car and grab your towel and wrist wraps. Walking into the gym, changbin spots you through the window into the foyer. He takes his headset out and waves to you. There are two people you've never seen before "hey, beautiful ", changbin smiles. You are so grateful that changbin is here because the two new men's eyes follow you from the foyer to the weight room.

The reason you usually come this early to the gym is to avoid people. Just something about people watching you while you work out makes you self-conscious. "You okay?" Changbin says, checking over his shoulder, assuming you feel uncomfortable with the two new arrivals.

"Yeah, I'm okay, let's just start" you start to wrap your wrists with the straps.

Changbin becomes tense the more you two work out. "Bin isn't working out meant to make you less tense."

"Huh?....oh yeah, I'm good," he said, shaking his head; however, he couldn't stop looking over at the two men who were now whispering and laughing.

They both grab their towels and walk past you on the way out. "You're so right. She is pretty for a fat girl" they both laughed, and you could see changbin stand up in anger.

"Are you fucken kidding me...who says that to someone" he walks up to them, sizing them up as he gets closer.

"What are you her boyfriend or something," one of them says as he makes eye contact with changbin. You couldn't help but feel upset. It had been a long time since anyone had spoken to you like that, and even though you had lost so much weight, people still saw you as fat. You ran past them and straight into the bathrooms.

"You guys are dicks...she's trying, and you two are just a bunch of fuck heads," he says, walking into the bathroom after you.

"Y/n, please don't listen to two of those guys you are doing so well" he located the stall you were in and rested his head against it.

"What's the point bin... I wake up every day to come to this stupid gym to continue to be called fat" changbins heart broke. He had watched you become strong and healthy over the last few months. He enjoyed working out with you. It was why he woke up in the morning and came to the gym. He knew you would be there with a smile on your face to greet him. He had started to catch feelings for you. Watching how determined you were to lose all of this weight inspired him.

"Please do think like that", you decided to unlock the stall door. Changbin walks in and bends down, grabbing some toilet paper.

"You have been working so hard...don't let those dickheads affect you like this" he wipes your eyes. It was somewhat gross, considering but was toilet paper but also sweet.

"You look so pretty when you cry... it's unfair" he smiles as he brushes your cheek.

"You're just saying don't mean it" you laugh at how embarrassing you must look.

"Can I be honest with you right now?" he said; he looked earnest.

"Sure", you were interested in hearing what he had to say.

"When I came in this morning...I was pissed that those two guys were here...because I was going....I guess I was gonna let you know how I felt...I mean, how I feel" could this be what you think it is, is changbin confessing he has feelings for you in a gym stall?

You look at him in shock, and he pauses to collect his thoughts.

"Changbin?....did you maybe want to continue this outside of a bathroom stall" he stood up and brushed his hand on his pants.

"Yes, please, I'd rather not have this discussion here" he puts his hand out and walks you back into the foyer.

"So you were going to tell me how you feel" you smile at him, but suddenly he gets so shy.

"I u-um just really want to say I am so proud of you and how far you have come...when you first got here, I used to hate coming to the gym... but lately I have enjoyed being here because of you.....and god I can't control myself anymore I just want to kiss you right now" you both can't believe that came out of changbins mouth right now.

"I think you are gorgeous...your hips, your thighs, your tight ass, just everything about you when you walked in that morning, it was like god answered all my prays" there he was, the man of your dreams standing in front of you confessing his feeling for you. You started to get a feeling inside your stomach. The fact he wanted to kiss you right now was all you could think about.

"You want to kiss me?" Was that all you could get out?

Changbin just laughed because, after everything, he just complimented you. He lost you when he said he wanted to kiss you. "Is that all you heard?"

He walked forward and placed his hand on your cheek. This was it. You had been dreaming about this moment when a guy would confess his undying love for you and then place a kiss soon your lips. Mind you weren't in a gym, but you'll take the win.

He leans in and brushed his nose against yours before closing the gap with his lips. His lips were so soft and felt like clouds that you could feel butterflies rising in your stomach as more changbin settled into the kiss.

"I have waited for so long for that....can I ask you just one more thing?" He said with his forehead against yours.

"Sure, what is it?" Your breath was taken away at how good that kiss was.

"Would you want to date me, maybe?" 

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