Addict - Bangchan

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Bangchan x reader

Word count: 1.9k

Thank you for your request, I always enjoy writing chan smuts lol


Warnings: Rimming , unprotected sex. If you are under 18 please do not go any further. THANK YOU 

You had a hectic day at work. It was Friday, and the kids at work had been little shits all day, throwing things, biting you, hitting you. You had just had enough and needed to go out and have some fun.

You just needed sex. Sex had been your way of coping with the shitty things in life. It had always been your stress reliever. Sometimes you felt like it controlled your life.

You could masturbate; however, you needed something more.



"We are still going to watch a movie tonight."

Shit, that's right, your guy friend chan was coming over for dinner. You had forgotten.


"Yep, still on....I didn't buy anything to make for dinner though I had a bad day."


"Okay....I'll get food.....promise you a foot rub when I get there."

He was so sweet, chan had been your best friend for two years now, and he would come over once a week for a movie night. Your family had always wanted you to get together with chan. He once admitted to your sister that he liked you when he was drunk.


"Oh, I am so holding you to that."

It had run through your mind to hook up with chan. It would be pretty convenient. You wouldn't have to go out and search for a new person all the time. This was when you came up with a plan.

Knock knock

"Y/N open up the pizza is burning my hand," chan said through the door. You had decided to get changed into something.......more I'm comfortable. You put the robe on and answer the door.

"Hey," you say as he pushes his way in and drops the pizza off on the counter, he was too busy to notice you in your robe.

"Okay.....that was so fucken hot," he said, running his hand underwater. He finally looks up "wow," he says softly. He is just staring at you in awe.

"What," you say, looking down. "Oh, please chan like you haven't seen me in a robe before," he had, but you usually wore pants.

"" He turned off the water and dried his hands.

"Yeah, sure" he opens the box, and your favourite pizza is in their thin cut pepperoni with black olives. "You don't like olives," you said, looking at chan.

"But you do" he smiled and took a slice. He took a bite, and tomato sauce stuck to his lips. You couldn't help but stare at them. You had never noticed before how plump and kissable they were.

"What's wrong? Do I have something on my face" he put the pizza down and started to look over into the mirror you had in the living room.

"No," you started laughing, grabbing two plates from the top cupboard. You had to get on your tiptoes to get them when chan turned around and saw your robe creepy up, so the bottom of your ass was showing. He gulped.

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