Breeding - Felix

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Felix x reader

Genre: Smut smut and more smut 🔞🔞🔞🔞

Word count: 1.2k

Trigger warning: unprotected sex (never do it) breast sucking and fucking, clit simulation, teasing.

If you are not 18+ do not go any further 

"What do you mean....I'm not fucking you without a condom," an argument you often had with your boyfriend.

"Hear me out," he said, following you into the room.

"No, Felix," you said, sitting on the bed.

"Baby are like three days out from your period, right?" Here we go with trying to convince you shit happens every month.

"That's not the point....some girls ovulate right before a period" you weren't lying to him.

"We'll get the morning after pill" he had an answer for everything.

"Easy for you to say," you scoff. He's not the one that has to take the pill.

"Why don't you just get the rod or take the pill" you could tell he was frustrated.

"Felix, they fuck up your body" you had the discussion with him when you first got together.


Two days later, you usually start to spot a day before your period, not to mention how horny you felt right before. You cleaned up the dishes when you felt these arms wrap around your waist.

"You okay?" He kissed your shoulder.

"Yeah, why?" You are still scrubbing the dinner out of the pot.

"Your frowning", he kissed behind your ear, and you wished he hadn't. This was your sweet spot, the spot that would make you do anything.

"Sorry, I don't mean to", the truth.

"Does your tummy hurt?..... I can wash the dishes" he kissed behind your ear again.

"No, it's okay. I don't have my period yet" you turn around, your back now to the sink, Felix's nose touching yours.

He gives you a soft kiss you didn't realise you wanted. Felix pulls back "let me help you dry" Felix turns around to grab a tea towel out of the drawer. You had other plans. As Felix turns around, you peck his lips. He freezes, not expecting you to do that. He kissed you back, slowly walking you into the cold kitchen counter.

He helps set you on top. You are only wearing his white T-shirt. "I love you so much," he said, pausing the kiss to catch his breath. You pull him back in for a deeper, more sexual kiss. His hands slide down to your hips. Then one slides down to your inner thigh.

His finger traced along your underwear line. He then runs his fingers over your clothed folds. He pulls away from the kiss. "Are you sure your okay? tummy pain?" There was always a little discomfort right before your period, but you read when you were younger that sex during and before periods could help with the pain.

"I'm fine, Felix" you pull him back, legs wrapped around his waist. You begin to grind on his already hard member.

"Wait....I'll have to get a condom" he try's to unwrap your legs, but you grip on tight.

"Don't worry about it", you say, heavy breathing.

"But...all that talk the other day", he gulped.

"I thought about it.... Would it be so bad if we got pregnant" his eyes widened. The truth is, Felix wouldn't mind having a baby. He's always wanted to be a dad.

"Are you joking?" He was so confused you had always made him wear a condom ALWAYS.

"Felix..... are you going to fuck me or not" you are dead serious.

"Fucken oath" he pulled you off the counter and carried you to the bedroom.

Laying you on the bed, your hand roams down to his pants. You are desperate at this point.

"Easy...Easy.....why are you so desperate" he giggled as he grabbed your hand that was currently pulling his pants down.

You stop and raise your eyebrows "did you really just say that to me."

"Sorry, I'll just shut up" he kissed your neck, working his way up to your earlobe.

"I'm not desperate, by the way," you say as he kisses your sweet spot.

"No....definitely not, baby" he starts licking and sucking behind your ear.

You giggle as you slowly pull up his shirt. Felix stops to remove his shirt. He stares down at you before he resumes kissing your neck.

"Felix..." you whine. He's so slow you need him inside you now.

He scoffs, "fine....use me" you push him down excited.

"This is gonna be so fun...hehe" your giggle makes Felix chuckle. He loved it when you took over.

You start by kissing down his chest, down his stomach and to his v line. Slowly as you move his shorts down, you kiss further and further down until his cock pops out of the shorts. You lick from his v line up his stomach and to his neck in one stroke. You place a sloppy kiss on his lips. "What to try something new?" You smile. Felix is shocked. Who is this person? This was not his girlfriend.

You slide down and spit on the tip of his already hard cock. You slowly spread it down his shaft, making sure to make eye contact the entire time. You had pretty big breasts, and you planned a little surprise for Felix. You had overheard him and Hyun-jin talking about fucking your tits the other week.

"Hold this still, okay" Felix holds his dick in place, not knowing what will happen. You take Felix's shirt off, revealing your bare chest, boobs perky, nipples hard.

You squish your breast together, sliding his penis in between "holy fuck, hyunjin was right" you don't think he meant to say that aloud.

You smile, pleased with yourself, you start to slide your breast up and down his shaft; Felix closes his eyes in enjoyment.

"This feels amazing" are the first words you've heard from him in a while.

"I want you to come inside me," you say, letting go and crawling back up his body.

"I can do that.....anything you want, baby," he says, leaning up to kiss you.

"Fuck me so good, Felix, please" Felix made quick ground. Before you know It, your underwear is thrown on the ground, and Felix has you lying on your side, your favourite position.

He pulls your shoulder back so your body is now leaning against his. He lifts your leg and rests it on his hip. "Perfect...I know how much you love when I do this" he lines himself up and pushes his member into your core.

He shoves his face into your neck as he thrusts in and out, cupping your breast and squeezing. It wasn't long until his thrusts got sloppy. He was getting close, and so wear you.

"Come with me, baby," you said

With that, he let go of your breast. You leant further back, twisting your torso, exposing your bouncing breasts to him. He latches on and traces his hand down your stomach sending shivers down your spine. He uses his tongue to flick your nipple then his hand finally reaches your clit. Using a circular motion, he sends you over the edge, "Felix, I'm about to..." just like that, you hit your high, your walls tighten around Felix's cock as he realised inside you.

"Oh my god," you say, coming down from your fantastic high.

"It was good, huh," Felix said, pulling out and rolling onto his back. It was the best sex you two had ever had with each other.

"Wow", you are out of breath. "Well, I better take a shower" you roll off the bed.

"Wait for me. I want to come" Felix quickly rolls off and meets you in the bathroom.

"Why, all of a sudden, do you want to shower with me" you smirk

"I was hoping to make you cum like that again.....but this time around, my fingers", he grinned. 

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