1- Rebel Spirit

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It has been 6 months since the equalists were defeated and everyone was living their best life, Bolin was back at pro-bending, Mako and I were cops and Korra was living happily on Air Temple Island. Oh and Korra and Mako are a thing now so that's nice. 

 I pursued a criminal vehicle on my badass motorbike. I whipped around the corner and the back of the truck opened. An earthbender made a wall to block my path but it was slanted. I sped up as I popped over the wall. I pulled out a pistol that is given to non bending police officers and fired at the back tires. The vehicle spun out of control and  rolled over a few times before skidding across the asphalt. I hopped off my motorbike and clipped off my helmet. 

"When you get to jail, tell them Y/n sent you!"

I arrested the perps and got my paycheck for the week. Lin had given me and Mako a few weeks off to go to the Southern water tribe with our friends.

The next morning I visited Air Temple Island to meet with my favourite avatar. Change of plans I was now helping Bumi officiate an air scooter race. Korra came first and I held onto a pole as she zoomed passed, she used the avatar state to pass Ikki and win.

"The avatar wins!" Bumi announced. 

"No fair! You don't get to go into the avatar state to win!" Ikki complained while Korra stuck out her tongue.

"You did what?! " Tenzin yelled as he approached. "The avatar state is not to be used as a booster rocket!  You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate!"

"It's the avatar state and I'm the avatar, who appreciates it more than me."

"Clearly you need more training to grasp with your spiritual connections, not to mention you are a long way from mastering airbending."

 "I have mastered airbending, punch punch punch!" She yelled as she airbended a few quick jabs at nothing. "See mastered!"

"Looks pretty good to me!" Bumi said leaning over his younger brother's shoulder. 

"Is it too late for you to unretire from the united forces?" 

"The paperworks already gone through little brother, from now on it's 24/7 Bumi time!" 

Tenzin wriggled free from his brother's grasp and approached Korra.

"You've mastered Korra style airbending, now you need to master real airbending."

"Airbending's airbending." I just said what everyone else was thinking.

Tenzin glanced at me before looking back at Korra.

"Hopefully our visit to all the air temples will encourage you to delve deeper into your studies."

The kids started frantically asking questions.

"Can we see where Grandpa Aang was born?"

"How many lemurs can I have?"

"I wanna get tattoos, but instead of arrows, I want lightning bolts!"

"You can't get lightning bolts that doesn't make any sense?"



"No one is fighting! We're going to have a wonderful time! Now that the president is in office there is no need for the council and I can finally spend quality time with my family and give Korra the attention she needs."

"Great more attention."

"Relax, I'd pay money to see that, maybe I'll tag along just to see vacation Tenzin. "

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now