3 - Civil Wars, Part 1

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As we made it back to the city, Northern tribe ships were pulling into the harbour, Unalaq explained it as they needed to reconnect the tribes politically and protecting the spirit portal, I swear everything goes to shit when politics get involved.

Korra asked me to attend a meeting with her at her parents house.

"Thank you for coming everyone, I know these last few days have been troubling."

"Troubling? Troubling is when I get that rash that won't go away and Zhu Li's not around to scratch it. This is shocking, nay sickening! These kale cookies on the other hand, opposite, remind me to get the recipe later." Varrick stated and he was right, those cookies were impeccable.

"What's your point Varrick?"

"My point is, Unalaq has already booted our chiefton's out of their palaces, HOW LONG UNTIL HE DICTATES WHAT KIND OF COOKIES WE CAN EAT!?"

"Probably a few days sir."

"Rhetorical question Zhu Li, get with the times. Not to mention I've got a seafood shipment rotting from this harbour lockdown, WHO WANTS TO BUY A PILE OF STINKING FISH, seriously I need to sell these fish."

Korra stood up and spoke.

"Unalaq is here to help the South, he wants to show us how to restore balance with the spirits so they'll stop attacking."

"The only spirit I'm interested in restoring is our spirit of independence! Am I right people!"

"Yeah! Stick it to the man!"

"Y/n who let you in the house."

Long story short I was kicked out, yayy.

Bolin POV

Why did I do this to myself? Dating Eska is torture and the worst part is I can't talk to Y/n, I really miss her. Believe me if I could talk to her I would but I don't want Eska to hurt her, because she definitely would. I was pulling Eska and Desna's chariot and I my arms were aching.

"I would hate to leave this quaint tribe."

"Is that true, Eska?"

"Of course not Desna, I have immense hate for the South." 

They both did this weird, creepy laugh.

"Bolin! Laugh at my humorous quip!"

"Yes dear! Hahaha ha very funny."

I put the chariot down at their stop and earth-bended a staircase for them to come down.

"You know I'll be really sad when you have to leave, it's been great getting to know you."

"But you will be coming with me, then we will live together in icy bliss. Foolish Bolin." The two left and I saw Mako and ran to him.

"Mako! I'm so happy to see you!" I held onto his shoulders.

"You okay bro?"

"NO! No I'm not alright I can't take anymore! Look I don't wanna live in icy bliss with Eska! Please don't make me pleeasseeee don't make me."

"Break up with her if you're that unhappy."

"You can do that?"

"Yeah guys do it all the time."


"Just tell her you're not that into her anymore."

"Oh no she won't like that."

"Ending a relationship is like ripping off a leech. Just gotta rip it off and get it over with."

"Thanks. I'm lucky you're so good at breaking girls hearts, Korra better watch out." Mako looked at me with a 'What's that s'pose to mean?' look. "I'm sorry- that was uh- uh- Imma go."


Sorry for how short this one is, mainly because this episode was a two parter.

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now