10-11 - Night Of A Thousand Stars

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I was walking out of my office into the main lobby for my break when I saw Bolin in his fancy getup suit.

Maybe he's not such a dick now.

"Hey Bo! What are you doing here?"

"Just visited Mako and gave him a little something."

"What was it?"

He just mumbled something.

"Come again?"

"A Nuktuk poster with an inspirational message on it."

I stared at him, flabbergasted, his brother is in jail and instead of using his truckload of money to bail him out, he decides to give him a poster of himself. I just scoffed and walked out of the building.

"Y/n wait!"

"Why should I? Your brother is in jail for a crime he didn't commit and instead of thinking that you should maybe bail him you give him a glorified photograph of yourself!"

"What do you think I'm supposed to do?! My premier is tonight, I don't have time!"

"What do I think?! What I KNOW is that you make me sick! Ever since you became an actor you've turned into a massive dick! This isn't the Bolin I became friends with, the one I fell in love with, you're just some asshole. I'm only going tonight as security, nothing else."

I turned around and headed back into the building and towards the jail. I headed to Mako's cell and the guard opened it for me.

"Bolin literally just left." He laughed.

"I don't give a fuck about him."

"What why?"

"I just called him out for being a dick but that's not what I'm here for. I've being putting together a case for you, I need evidence, leads, witnesses anything."

"Those bombs at the cultural centre were manufactured by Varrick, the bombings weren't the North, they were Varrick, it's all been Varrick."

"Thanks, have fun in jail man."

"Real funny."

The night rolled around and I was stationed with Lin to stand guard.

Bolin POV

She was right, I have turned into a huge dick!

I watched the mover but couldn't help but feel guilty. I decided to go outside and clear my head.

"Seems like that mover really got you huh?" Asami said following me outside.

"What happened to our group?"

"I get what you mean."

"Korra's off doing avatar stuff, Mako's in jail and you're doing business lady-ing. I even messed up with Y/n. "

"Yeah when you wouldn't talk to her, that seemed like a big deal."

"It's not that, she called me out for being a self-absorbed dick. Heck I was even planning on asking her out after the premier but nevermind I guess."

"Hey, if you guys resolve this I'm sure she'll go out with you."

"I don't think we can resolve this, she told me I make her sick and that this isn't the me she became friends with or the one she fell in love with. SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH ME! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!"

"Calm down, we'll get through the night and then we can talk about your next move. I'm gonna head inside, you coming?"

"I'll stay out here for a bit."

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now