14 - Light in the Dark

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We were knocked out by the flash and woke up in spirit water but my leg was still fucked. Briar nudged me and threw me onto her back. 

"Thank goodness you're all okay."

"Did you find Jinora?"

"I was able to rescue her soul, but she wasn't ready to return to her body yet. She sensed that the world was in grave danger."

"She was right. "

"Were you able to stop Unalaq and Vaatu?"

"No. They fused, then Vaatu ripped Raava right out of me and destroyed her. Vaatu won."

"No. I am too young and hot to live through ten thousand years of darkness. Korra, can't you talk to one of your past lives or something?" I say with slight panic in my voice

"When Vaatu destroyed Raava, he destroyed my connection to the past Avatars too."

"If that's true, then-"

"The cycle is over. I'm the last Avatar."

My heart sank, this can't be true.

"There may still be a way you can stop Vaatu. Come with me."

I sat on Briar's back as she trotted along side Bolin.

"Your leg okay?"

"Nope, it is well and truly fucked."

We stopped outside the prison tree. Korra meditated in the middle and a giant spirit version of Korra emerged from the tree. It reached for the spirit portal and she got swept into it.

Hordes of dark spirits charged towards us and Briar knocked them back with her airbending moves. She scooped one into her mouth and began chomping on it.

"Briar, drop it..."

She looked at me innocently.

"Drop it..." She let it fall out of her jaw and she continued defending Korra. 

The spirits pushed us back into the tree and Giant spirit Korra returned. Jinora descended from Giant Korra's hands then proceeded to disappear. Spirit Korra evaporated and returned to regular Korra, purifying the spirits along the way. Raava scooped up Korra and carried her to the spirit portal arch and they fused again. The arch crackled with lightning and returned to being the separate portals again. Korra descended to the ground and her eyes returned from the avatar state.

"Its over."

"THANK FUCK!" I yelled.

"Y/n do you have to be so loud!?"


We ran over to Korra, well Briar carried me, and Mako kissed her on the cheek. Korra stepped towards Briar and patted her on the head.

"Meet Briar."

"Looks like Naga will have a friend."

I sat in the healing hut while Kya fixed up my leg.

"How does it feel?"

"Like nothing ever happened to it!" I said jumping up from my seat.

"You seriously don't feel anything?"


"Weird, even with the best healers it still takes broken bones at least a few weeks to fully heal."

"I guess I'm just built like that."

I sat on the edge of a cliff face kicking my legs back and forth.

"Hey." Bolin said sitting next to me.


"How's your leg feeling?"

"Good as new."

"Look, when I had that whole emotional outburst with Eska, I wasn't acting."

"Kinda figured that, look if you want to be with her go for it I'm not stopping you."

"NO NO NO NO! It's just that, those emotions weren't directed at Eska."

"What do you mean?"

"They were directed at you," He smiled softly as he looked at me."I love you Y/n."

My heart was fluttering and I had butterflies.

"Wow, I thought I would be the one to confess first, I love you too."

"Now that that's over, would it be too much to ask you for a kiss?"

"Not at all."

He placed his hand on top of my own and lightly pressed his lips onto mine. I eased into the kiss. In that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world. We pulled away and bursting out laughing. Holy shit, I'm dating Bolin now.

Back in Republic City, back on the job. I was filling out some arrest reports when I thought for a moment, about my family. I looked at Lin's door and went up to it. I knocked on the metal doors.

"Come in."

I walked in closing the doors behind me.

"Is everything alright Y/n?"

I sat at the chair opposite her desk.

"I need to tell you something, about my family."


FINAL CHAPTER BITCHESS!!!! This one was really short for a final chapter but the entire thing deleted itself, I cried for several hours and then re wrote it.


May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now