6 - The Sting

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I woke up at 6 the next morning to footsteps in my apartment. I got my switchblade from my nightstand and burst down my door.


"CHILL ITS ME!" Bolin was in my living room.

"Shit now I gotta fix my door. It's 6 in the fucking morning, explain."

"Ok so the premier of my mover is today and we don't have posters, Varrick hired a bunch of artists and he didn't like any of them , so can you do one?"

"What do I have to work with?"

I got a piece of paper from my desk and sat down on the couch. Bolin placed a poorly drawn stick figure artwork on the table.

"Did Varrick really hire this?"

"Oh no I drew that."

"Fair enough, do you have a photo of Nuktuk." He placed a picture of his character next to the drawing.

"Oh damn..." I whispered.



"Also Ginger." He placed a photo of the female protagonist next to his own photo.

"Give me t-minus 2 hours."

"Kay, you're going to the premier right?"

"Wouldn't miss it! See you then!"

He left and I got to work on drawing the poster. I finished it with 10 hours until the premier.

 I finished it with 10 hours until the premier

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I found Varrick on his ship.


"Tigershark 2! How are ya?"

"I have the poster."

"This is fantastic! Zhu-Li get me 300 copies by 4 o'clock! Thanks Y/n."

"I'll be at the premier, bye!"

I headed home and rested until the premier.

10 hours later

I walked into the probending arena where the mover was being shown. I got some fireflakes and sat down. 

The mover started and DAMN did Bo pull off that outfit. Pabu and Naga talking was also pretty great. GOD I HATE HOW HE DOES THIS TO ME! How he make me feel like butterflies are in my stomach, and his smile... HIS STUPID FUCKING SMILE! That outfit did wonders for him- SHUT THE FUCK UP Y/N! Damn moment ruined Ginger's on screen. Fucking ranga.

I headed outside and saw Bolin walking away.

"HEY BO!" I ran and hugged him. "You did great."

"Thanks, I'm glad you were there I was so nervous."

"Mhm like running into my apartment at 6 am wasn't a sign."

"I'm going." He said with a disappointed face and turned around.


I chuckled before heading home. 

The next day after work I decided to pay Bolin a visit.

"Hey- Holy shit!" I walked in the front door and the first thing I see is a huge Nuktuk statue.

"Hey! Pretty great right?" Bolin was sitting in a hot tub that was way too big for the room.

"Is that-?"

"A life sized Nuktuk statue? Yes, yes it is."

"Why the fuck do you need this?"

"It's a great hat rack."

"I've never seen you wear a hat."

"That's because I've never had a hat rack."

"How did you pay for this?"

"A great thing about being an actor is that you get serious cash."

"Is Mako okay with this?"

"I don't know probably."

This wasn't the Bolin I knew and fell in love with, this was some prick that had a life sized statue of himself in the doorway, NO ONE NEEDS A LIFE SIZED STATUE OF THEMSELVES!

"Listen, I think it's great that you're doing well and that you're really successful just don't let all of this go to your head, an ego boost is not what you need right now. "

"Okay okay I won't."



Literally just as I got home Mako came knocking at my door.


"Hey, you wanna do something dangerous and probably illegal?"

"Who the fuck do you think I am? Of course I'll do it."

I walked with Mako and Asami.

"Do you wanna ask Bolin to help us?" I asked.

"Don't bother with him, he's busy maintaining his instrument or whatever by sitting in a fucking hot tub!"

"THAT SON OF A BITCH! I told him not to let this actor shit go to his head and that's the first thing he does after I leave."

Mako knocked on the triple threat headquarters door and we were surprisingly let in.

"So Mr Law and order needs our help, what's in it for the triple threats?"

"I'm friends with the avatar, I can convince her to give Shin his bending back."

"Sounds good!"

"What's in it for all of us?"

"I have vehicles, all top of the line and brand new, help us and their all yours"

"I think we have a deal."

We headed onto the bait ship and this guy called Two-Toed Ping hung around us.

"So what's it like dating the avatar?"

"We broke up."

"Yeah right, you broke up with the avatar."

"Oh no I was there! She sent his desk flying across the room."



They all started laughing and Mako left to check some noise here heard. After a few minutes he signalled for us to follow him.

"We've been double crossed, we need to get off this ship." We tried running towards a life boat but were stopped by the triad.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Mako firebended the fuck out of them and we hopped on the lifeboat. We sped back into the harbour and two boats were quickly on our tail. We weaved through ice-pillars and managed to make it back.

"That's enough crazy for today, I'm going home."

I crash landed into my bed and fell into a lovely slumber.

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now