5 - Peacekeepers

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We arrived back to Republic City where Lin was waiting for us.

"Welcome home avatar, thanks for starting a war."

"I DIDN'T START A WAR! Well I did but it's more complicated than you make it seem."

"Mako, Y/n I want you back on the beat, there's a Southern Water Tribe peace march tonight. I need you two to be there incase anything goes wrong. "

"You can count on us chief." I said.

"I'll go to!" Korra added. "I want the South to know the avatar is on their side!"

"Great that should calm them down. "

She walked off and I headed to my new apartment to get ready for the peace march. I spun my pistol in my hand before tucking it into its holster before heading out. The march began and nothing was currently out of the ordinary, key word currently. A huge explosion went off and I turned around to see the Cultural Centre in flames. My ears were ringing as the flames raged on. I ran out to the main section of the protest.

"EVERYONE EVACUATE THE BLOCK!" I directed surrounding officers to block off the area. I heard crying from inside the centre and I ran in. I saw a mother with her daughter, she was badly injured.

"Ma'am we're gonna get you out of here!"

"Please, save my daughter." She said weakly.

"I'll save you both."

"I've lived my life, I haven't been the best person, please, save her." That was the saddest thing I've ever heard. I picked up the daughter, around 9 years old,  and ran out of the building. 

"Is my mommy gonna be okay?" The little girl asked.

"I'm gonna get help." I spotted Lin in the crowd. "CHIEF BEIFONG!"

She ran over two us and I could see the little girl trembling.

"Their mother is still in there!"

"I'm going in." 


The little girl hugged onto my arm.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Yukio. "

"Well Yukio, I'm Y/n and I'm gonna keep you safe."

I saw Korra and Mako and Yukio held my hand as we walked over to them.

"The Northern Tribe has gone too far."

Yukio's face lit up when she saw Korra.

"Are you the avatar?" She asked in awe.

"I am." I turned to she Lin hauling Yukio's mother on her back. 

"Is my mommy okay?"

"She's alive, I can feel her heartbeat."

"We need to get her to a healer and quickly."

"This kid is gonna need somewhere to stay while her mother recovers."

I thought for a moment before looking down at a trembling Yukio.

"Yukio, do you have any other relatives?"

"I have an older sister."

"Do you know where she lives?"

"Yes. 115 Dragonflats."

"Okay then, let's go see your sister."

We walked to the location and I knocked on the door.

"Just a second."

The door opened to reveal a girl almost identical to Yukio but older.

"Hello, I hate to say this but your mother and sister were caught in the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Centre explosions, Yukio's fine but your mother is in critical condition."

"Wow, come on in Yukio, thank you so much officer."

Yukio hugged me before taking her sister's hand. I headed home and slumped on my couch. There was a knock at the door and I opened it up to see Bolin.

"What a surprise." I said sarcastically.

"Feel good to be back?"

I didn't even notice the fancy suit he was wearing.

"Where'd you go?"

"Oh yeah! I was at the arena, I got to do an interview with Shiro and they loved me! Also Varrick said he found my true calling."

"And what might that be?"

"Acting! He gave me a role in a mover that's gonna be a protest for the South. I'm playing Nuktuk, hero of the South!" He got up and did like a superhero pose.

"Damn nice."

"What d'you get up to?"

"Saved a child from a burning building."



"I should probably head home now."

"Bye!" Bolin walked out and I crashed into my bed and went to sleep.

The next morning I headed to work as usual and sat down at my desk. I filed out some paperwork when Mako walked out of the chiefs office and sat at his desk next to mine.

"You good?"

"Those dumbasses won't take my evidence into consideration."

The door kicked open and Korra stomped in.

"You ratted me out to the president!?"

"Korra let me explain-"

"Explain why my boyfriend stabbed me in the back!"

"Look the president of the republic asked me a direct question, what was I supposed to do?"

"You betrayed me and my family!"

She flipped his desk over and sent it flying across the room.

"Enough! Look I have a job to do! I can't constantly worry keeping you from making a huge mistake!"

"I have a job to do and it seems your always in the way of me getting it done!"

"Well, I guess if we're putting our jobs first maybe there's no room for our relationship!"

"So what? Are you breaking up with me?"

"Yeah, I guess I am."

Korra teared up as she ran out. 

"Told you you're a shit boyfriend"

"Piss off."

Lin's office doors opened and she stepped out in shock.

"What the flameo happened in here?"

"I broke up with the avatar."

"You got off easy, you should've seen the state of Air Temple Island when Tenzin broke up with me."

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now