4 - Civil Wars, Part 2

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Your POV

I went with Asami to close her deal with Varrick. We headed to an attic where Mako and Bolin were waiting for us.


 "Where is Varrick? We were supposed to close our deal an hour ago."

"Can you just relax? This place is great! And the best part about it, Eska doesn't know I'm here."

On cue, the doors swung open and there stood the emo twins themselves with their ensemble behind them. Bolin sprung up from the couch.

"I wasn't hiding!"

"I am not on the hunt for you, currently."

"Our father wishes Varrick to stand trial."


"He is a traitor to the water tribe, along with our aunt and uncle."

"Korra's parents were arrested?"

"Yes, your powers of deduction are impressive."

"Yeah he's a cop."

The guards returned to the twins after searching the attic.

"Varrick's not here."

"Very well, we will conduct our search elsewhere. Boyfriend! Bow to me when I exit!" Eska commanded Bolin.

"Yes my sweet koala otter!" He said bowing to this bitch.

"You are so cute when you grovel."

The doors slammed behind her as she left and I stuck my middle finger up at the closed doors.

"Don't let her treat you like that! Stand up for yourself!"

"I tried to break up with her but MAKO gave me terrible advice, thank you Mako."

"Holdup how are your girl problems my fault?"

"Bolin you need to be honest with her."

"Honesty is for fools kids!" Someone called from God knows where.


"Where the fuck are you?"

"INSIDE PENG-PENG! How we doing?" Varrick pried open the mouth of the stuffed platypus bear.

"The coast is clear, you can come out."

"I like (preferred gender or both I don't judge)."

"Not you Y/n, we know."

"I am not leaving this bear, I like both by the way. If Unalaq finds me I'm toast!" A hand reached up and handed Varrick a cup of tea. "Thankyou Zhu-Li."

"Your assistants in there with you? "

"Zhu-Li never leaves my side! BLEGH! YOU FORGOT THE HONEY!"

"There isn't any sir."


"I'm gonna go see how Korra's doing." Mako said leaving.

"Bolin, I got a little something for you round back." 


"Unalaq has rigged this trial for sure, I need my rebels out of prison."

"So what's the shit money for?"

"BRIBERY OF COURSE! There's always someone willing to look the other way for a few yuans."

"I think I catch your drift, Varrick bear."

We headed to the trial and I sat next to Asami.

"Okay I gave the money to some guys over there, I said take care of it then winked, I think they got it."

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now