2 - The Southern Lights

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The next evening we packed up to head to the South Pole because Korra had to open some spirit portal or something. I threw my stuff onto the back of an arctic camel and climbed onto the saddle.

"Hey wasn't Bolin coming?" Korra asked me.

"I don't know, he hasn't been talking to me recently." 

"Wait why?"

"Don't ask me, I tried checking up on him after the spirit attacked but he just ignored me."

 Tonraq arrived on a snowmobile and we were all confused because we had no idea he was coming.

"Tonraq, what do you want?"

"I heard you're taking Korra to the South Pole, I'm coming."

"Absolutely not! You are a distraction to Korra and a hindrance to what needs to be done!" 

"My daughter is not going without me, she needs someone to watch over her!" Korra strode over to her father hoisted on Naga's back.

"Dad, why do you always think you know what's best for me?"

"Because he is misguided, the sad truth is it's men like your father who have put the spirit world out of balance. He's ignored my warnings in the past and hasn't learned since."

"What happened in the past?" I looked up at Korra who had a confused yet worried look on her face.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is The Everstorm."

"The Everstorm?"

"It's a massive blizzard that's battered the South Pole for decades. I'm coming! Unless you think you can stop me."

The two brothers stares intensely at eachother, the air grew thick and musky, which was almost immediately broken by Bolin's adrenaline filled cheers.

"GUYS! HEY! WAIT FOR ME!" I shifted my gaze towards him as he rode in on a snowmobile.

"Where'd you get the gear?"

"Varrick! That guy is awesome! Check it out! This jacket has heaters and even a food ration puch. Who wants some freeze dried cucumber-quats? Did I interrupt some-thing? "

"No. Dad come if you want just don't get in my way."

Eska approached Bolin's ride in her usual stiff manner. I narrowed my eyes at both her and Bolin and he glanced at me before I rode off with Korra and Mako. We began our journey and I tuned everything out, I was only focused on reaching our goal so we could go home. I looked up and saw a spiralling storm cloud with lightning crackling in it. 

"Hey guys! I think I found The Everstorm!" Everyone looked at the cloud in different ways, some in awe and some in fear. We found a cave to set up camp. I sat down and nestled into my fur-lined parka. Korra handed me some soup and I sipped at it.

"So why is it the dark spirits are following us?"

"Can we not talk about dark spirits right now." Bolin said leaning into his emo, toxic, bitch of a girlfriend.

"Bolin isn't big on ghost stories."

"I'm afraid this isn't a ghost story, this is real."

This made Bolin freak out and drawstring his hood around him.

"The spirits are angry because he's here." Unalaq gestured to his brother. "Haven't you ever wondered how he ended up in the South Pole, why he never took you to his home?"

"Unalaq, this is not the time!"

"You're right, you should've told her a long time ago!" Korra whipped her head towards her father and glared at him.

"Told me what!?"

"The reason I left the North Pole is because I was banished."

Everyone looked at Tonraq in shock while I took another sip of my soup.


"Because I almost destroyed the entire tribe." I scooched closer to Korra and we listened to the story. "20 years ago I was a general in the Northern Water Tribe, sworn to protect our people. Unalaq told me the tribe was under attack. We were met by an army of barbarians. We drove them out of the city and deep into the frozen tundra. We tracked them to an ancient forest. Many believed that the forest was home to spirits and the the barbarians hid there because they thought we wouldn't attack on such sacred grounds, they were wrong. We captured the barbarians but in the process destroyed the forest. I didn't realise the consequences of what I had done. We were attack that night by dark spirits. They threatened to destroy everything, the entire city. Unalaq sent the spirits away but by then the damage had been done. For all I had caused my father banished me in shame. That's when I came to the South and started a new life."


"Oh so you were supposed to be chief but then he became chief, no wonder you hate eachother!" Mako elbowed Bolin harshly causing him to flinch. Korra and Tonraq started arguing but I tuned it out and fell backwards as I drifted off to sleep.

"She has the right idea!" I heard Mako say before I was fully encased in my slumber. I woke up by Mako throwing me onto my camel and we continued our journey. We trudged over the deep snow and I almost fell asleep about 5 times but Korra kept pummeling snowballs at me to keep me awake.

"I think we're here!" Mako called out to us.

"YEAH NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" I yelled at him extremely tired.

"Damn calm down."

"Sorry the sleep deprivation is getting to me."

I pulled up my parka hoodie and we continued through The Everstorm. A screech in the distance drew our attention.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"We must keep moving!" I narrowed my eyes on Unalaq, I don't trust him whatsoever.

"I don't like this!"

"Bolin stay calm there's no reason to PANIC!" Spirits sprouted from the ground like landmines and ripped off all of our supplies. I was knocked off my camel and I had no other defense besides my pocket knife.  I switched it open and with a single, swift move, I sliced the spirit vertically in half. This was a bad idea because the dismembered spirit form into two spirits, great. Luckily unalaq dispersed the spirits and I looked around at the damage. Bolin's snowmobile had been sent out of control and he was sent hurling at an ice wall. The creepy twins pulled him back and his suit inflated. He glided down the slope while Desna and Eska skated down effortlessly. Mako stopped him like a soccer ball as he slowed down.

"Can someone please deflate me." Eska impaled the suit with ice shards and the suit squeaked out air before compacting. "Thankyou."

"Well shit! There goes our equipment!"

"What do we do now?"

"We turn back." Tonraq commanded but Korra interjected.

"No dad, you are."

Tonraq packed up and left as we headed towards a huge ice forest. Trees and vines were frozen in the ice as it emitted a soft yet piercing glow. Korra walked towards the frozen forest and We waited anxiously. Inside I could hear faint screeching and growling making me tense up. Suddenly a huge beam of light fired from inside the forest and strung across the sky.

"Woah..." I stood next to Naga as I traced the string of light with my eyes. Korra walked out of the forest unfazed and I sprinted towards her but Boliin got to her first.

"KORRA'S BACK!" He said hugging her. He got separated from her with a wall of ice and got scolded by Eska. I hugged Korra tightly.

"I'm so fucking glad you're ok!"

"I wouldn't dream of getting hurt."


Hey everyone! So sorry for the delay on this book, I have been pretty unmotivated after the new year but I promise I will try and publish at least once a week. Thank you for patience and happy new year!

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now