12 - Harmonic Convergence

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We arrived in the South Pole, but something was wrong. Korra's dad was captured and there was so many injured, too many injured. Ginora was placed in a healing bath, her spirit was vacant from her body and she was starting to slip away. We headed back outside.

"Unalaq has the Southern portal surrounded and Harmonic convergence is only a few hours away!"

"Then we have to break through the enemy lines ourselves and get to the portal!"

"VIOLENCE!" I yelled a little to excitedly.

"You know, I was in a similar situation once. My platoon had crawled through the desert with no water for a week, but when we finally located the only oasis for 100 miles, it was surrounded by angry Sandbenders. I realized our only chance to get to the water was to drop in from above. So I fashioned together a catapult, and with the help of a few well-trained hog-monkeys-"


I rested my chin in my palm and came up with something.

"Maybe it isn't ridiculous, we don't have a catapult and hog-monkeys but there's a plane on Varrick's ship and we have Oogi, what if we did attack from above?"

"What are you thinking Y/n?"

"Mako, Bolin and Asami can cause a distraction and scatter defenses, then you, me, Tenzin, Bumi and Kya and fly into the spirit world unfazed."

We saddled up Oogi and Bolin came up to me.

"Hey so this whole thing is gonna be crazy and I don't know if we'll make it out, but if I did die, I'm glad you're in my life."

I pulled him into a tight hug and he returned the embrace. I pulled away and waved goodbye before climbing onto Oogi. We soared through the sky and ducked through the clouds.

"You ready!?" Asami braced Bolin.

"I'm an earthbender strapped to a plane 100s of feet in the air so no?!"

"It's okay! There's no way they're expecting this!"

Low and behold we neared the portal and hundreds of troops were lined up with mecha-suits.


Oogi rose higher into the clouds until we were out of sight. We saw explosions, even though we were so far away, the sound still rang in my ears.

"There are spirits everywhere, I don't see an opening."

"Circle around and see if there's a way in on the other side."

A dark spirit formed and spiralled towards us. We ducked around it but it still latched onto Oogi causing him to plummet. Korra and Kya fended off on coming spirits when another jumped on Oogi's tail and Bumi starts kicking that motherfucker in the face only to fall and grab onto it.

"If I'm going down, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" He kicked himself as well as the spirit off and they started hurling towards the ground.

"BUMI!" Kya screamed for her brother.,

"He'll be right." I said a little louder then I wanted and Kya looked at me. "What!? He's a tough dude." 

Oogi tumbled to the ground and the impact caused all of us to go unconscious. I woke up in shackles, my hands and legs chained together. Mako, Bolin and Asami were thrown onto the ground in front of us. Chief Unalaq and his emo twins walked in.

"Congratulations, you all have just won front row seats to the end of the world."

Korra and Unalaq argued, my ears still ringing. I did notice Eska's cold glare on me the entire time. Unalaq left and Korra attempted to reason with the twins. All of a sudden Bumi soared into the tent knocking over the twins like bowling pins. He untied us and we went outside to see the entire base destroyed.

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now