13 - Darkness Falls

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"Raava! Nothing could stop this moment. HARMONIC CONVERGENCE HAS BEGUN!"

"I'm not gonna let you fuse with Unalaq!"

Korra threw Unalaq out of the spirit world.

"Make sure he doesn't get back in!"

"On it!" I flew Briar into the portal and I landed her on the outside. I hopped off and took a fighting stance while she stood next to me. Icicles flew towards us and we dodged them, Briar deflecting them with her wings.

"I don't know if we can win this fight!"

"We don't need to, we just need to keep Unalaq from getting into the spirit world."

We hid behind an earth wall Bolin made.

"Unalaq? You out there?"

He ducked his head around the rock and GUESS WHO THE FUCK LOOKED BACK AT HIM! 

"Hello, my feeble turtle duck."


She knocked me and Bolin back while Desna absolutely folded Mako. Briar hid herself behind the portal waiting for an opportunity to attack. I blacked out for a moment and felt myself be dragged away from the portal. I opened my eyes and I was being dragged away by Eska with Bolin next to me. Mako stood up and fire bended the fuck outta Desna while Bolin knocked back Eska. 

"Briar!" I called and she swooped me up onto her back. Bolin earthbended them both into the forest and I grabbed his hand and threw him onto Briar's back. She swooped down and picked up Mako as she flew us into the portal. 

We made it in and saw Korra on the ground. Mako jumped off Briar and ran towards her while Bolin followed.

"Stop!" Eska yelled freezing Mako and Bolin in ice cubes. "And you!" She attempted to freeze me and Briar but we dodged all her attacks. Korra stood up and we watched Unalaq as Vaatu flew towards him and began fusing with him. He touched the portal and turned purple and screamed.


Unalaq was now fully fused with Vaatu.

"We are now one! We will lead the spirits and humans as the new avatar! A new era has begun!"

"Well I'm the old avatar and my era's not over!"

The two launched at eachother and their fight began. They flew out of the Southern Portal and left me to dodge Desna's attacks before Briar pulled an airbending move on him, sending him back.

"Good girl Briar!" I said scratching her neck. I landed Briar and attempted to negotiate with the twins.

"Listen emos, you don't like us and we don't like you but your father is not the man he used to be, he's power hungry. The simple way to put it is that he doesn't give a shit about you, why would you protect him?"

"He was going to let me die."

"NO! Her words are poisoning your mind."

Bolin started balling.

"What's with  this outburst of emotion?"

"I'm sorry! It's just so sad, that I'll never get to be with you again!"

Damn that acting really payed off.

"What? Explain yourself further."

"Eska, I've always loved you and I've always wanted to be with you, but now that the world is ending I'll never get the chance!"

He's not acting.

"We could have been together but you left me at the altar!"

"I was scared! I was scared of my true feelings for you! I'm sorry that we'll never get to be together!"

Eska grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. That moment my stomach sank and my heart shattered. 

That wasn't fucking acting, but I have bigger problems.

The ice melted around the both of them and Bolin pulled away and ran. I flew on Briar above them.

"Wow! That was the best acting I've ever seen!" Mako exclaimed.

"Yeah, acting." Bolin said wiping away a tear. We exited the spirit world and witnessed Korra and Unalaq's battle. Vaatu climbed out of Unalaq's throat and reached into Korra's. He pulled out a white spirit.

"Raava, HE'S GOT RAAVA!" Briar flew towards him and Mako and Bolin ran after us. Unalaq unleashed a huge wave of ice, throwing me off Briar and into a rock. I heard a loud snap in my leg but couldn't scream. I saw the Raava be destroyed by Unalaq and he started growing into a huge monster. I limped over to Korra, leaning on Briar. Mako and Bolin helped her up.

"Now, 10,000 years of darkness begins!" Unavaatu bellowed. He touched the spirit portal and vanished into it.


Only one more chapter to go before the next book! 

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now