7-9 - The Guide

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I was called in to make an arrest, I wasn't told who and I wasn't told why. I went to the place and recognised it as Bolin and Mako's apartment, well Bolin moved out so it's just Mako's now. The dumbass detective duo knocked on the door.

"I'm not sure what kind off mess either of them could've gotten themselves into."

"Mako is suspected of bombing the cultural centre."

"Wait- what?"

The duo searched the apartment.

"Y/n what's going on?"

"The triple threats said you hired them for a job."

"It's true, we did an unauthorised sting operation."


"I was a part of it to." I intervened.


"Because I had nothing better to do on my day off."

Mustache 1 approached us.

"Chief, I found cash and explosives."

"What are you doing with explosives Mako?"

"I didn't put those there."

"I suggest we search her apartment as well."

"Sure, but you won't find anything."

We headed to my apartment and they began their search. Mustache 2 walked out of my room with a plastic bag full of clothes.

"Wanna tell me what these are."

"They're Bolin's, whenever he stays over 9 times outta 10 he leaves something."

The other mustache guy walked out of my bathroom with a box of, uh, well a box of tampons.

"What are these." Asami and I looked at eachother and she was trying not to laugh.

"Do you really wanna know?"


"They're tampons."

"What's a tampon."

"I'm not having this conversation. Look you haven't found anything so please get out of my apartment."

Everyone left and I ran to Bolin's filming studio. Hopefully he still cares enough about his brother.

I ran into the studio and saw Bolin sitting in a directors chair.


"Hey! What's up?"

"Mako's in jail."


"Because someone planted explosives in his apartment."

 "Wait really?"

"Yeah, I need more evidence to build a case for him and-"

"Look I would love to help but I have a scene to shoot right now."

"I'm sorry did you not hear me? MAKO IS IN PRISON!"

"Yeah and I'm worried but this mover could help the South and if it goes well we can bail out Mako, okay?"

"Fine, you still promise to not let this shit go to your head?"

"I wouldn't dream of breaking it."

"Okay, I'll see you later." I walked away and back to headquarters to get some work done. 


"AGH! Chief Beifong?"

"We're in private you can call me Lin."


"What are you still doing here, your shift ended hours ago?"

"I'm trying to gather more evidence to build a case for Mako, because I know for a fact he didn't do it."

"Go home and get some rest."


"That's an order."

"Okay, good night."

I headed home but didn't rest, I kept grinding for evidence, searching through every recent bombing file. I was gonna him out of prison. One thing kept distracting me though, why wouldn't Bolin help me? He'd jump at any chance to help out his brother, he's just been a dick since he became a mover star. God I've gotta get him out of my head.


Again sorry this one is so short. I will not be writing for episode 10 because all the scenes take place in the spirit world so I will be skipping to episode 11(we all know what happens in that episode 😻).

Good morning/night/afternoon/whatever have a nice day

May the spirits be in our favour (Bolin x reader) (PART 2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now