The Raft - Steve Rogers

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The Raft – the underwater prison the government had that they always denied. The Underwater prison that they only sent the most hardened criminals too.

So why was I here?

I sat in my cell day in and day out. There was no one else on my level with me so I spent the day reading the one book they allowed me to even have and just staring at the blank cells around me. I heard a buzz as the main door opened and here was something else I got to do with my days.

"You going to confess yet Romy?" I heard the voice ask and I stayed laying on my bed.

"Not sure what you are talking about? I mean I'm here aren't I?" I asked.

"Only because we found you guilty, you keep trying to fight for your innocence." Director Ross said and I groaned.

"Well seeing as I am innocent and I never did anything I know I'm innocent, but you all don't want to hear it. I mean do you ever think I could have been framed. In this day in age, the ways of modern technology things can happen, faces can be cloned, evidence can be planted." I said and he scoffed walking over to my cell door.

"Why would someone want to frame you?" Ross asked.

"Well gee I don't know I guess so they didn't end up here." I said and he scoffed.

"I mean it was obvious you didn't like me. I mean they found my personnel file and a schedule of what I did on a daily basis in you place. Along with plenty of our most wanted criminals and numbers in your apartment. You were planning on calling them and planning some kind of attack." Ross said.

"If I was really planning on doing this, why did you leave me working at the compound for so long? Don't you think I would have planned it long before you found out and been gone?" I asked. Ross didn't answer this and I sighed.

"It's treason either way you look at it Romy. If you would just fully confess, I could try to get you off the raft and into a site side prison." Ross said and I shook my head.

"I won't confess to something I didn't do. I don't like you Ross and that's apparent, but I would never take a man's life just because I don't like him." I said. I made eye contact with him, and he just sighed. He walked away and I just sighed.

Back to my normal day of silence and loneliness.

A few days later as I was sitting reading my book, I heard the gate open again and I groaned knowing Ross was back. Although I didn't hear him come to my cell.

"Open cell door!" I heard the guard yell, and I stood up to look out. I saw 4 people come in and all got put into cells.

"Come on man! This is ridiculous!" One of the guys yelled and I looked across the way and I knew him right away.

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