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As several months passed by Albedo had been busy with work in Mondstadt, every so often he would travel to Liyue for supplies he needed, but he mostly stayed back in the windy city of freedom. He had spent the last few months researching the boy who left him on DragonSpine that day. He had some pictures and different information written down on the other, was he obsessed? Archons only they would know, he knew he wanted the other to come back, he wanted the other to himself. He didn't want Scara to leave again, much less leave his side, so that's why he would plan to hurt people who got close to him if the other ever came back. He glanced at the coat that Scara gave him, it rested in his closet as he furrowed his brows. Grabbing the coat he would put it around his body, nuzzling his face into the fur that decorated the coat as he sat down on the bed huffing softly to himself
The breeze of Mondstadt felt familiar and welcoming against the man's skin as he walked throughout the fields of Windrise, slowly making his way towards the city of freedom. He hummed lowly as the veil that hung from his hat swayed softly against the wind.
The balladeer was accompanied by some of his higher ranked agents that worked under him directly, small chatter blossoming between his workers as the sounds of their feet hitting the ground rhythmically mixed with the gentle chimes of the ornaments that hung from his hat. As he walked he peered back towards dragonspine and let out a small huff of air before his eyes focused upon the nearing city.
After another short while he and his agents had arrived within the city and did indeed gain afew curious stares as he walked closer to his desired destination- and upon arrival he swiftly entered. It was simply just that of a hotel where they would stay until business was over, planning on getting his work over and done with so he could return to his first plan of action before the doctors had gotten involved; keeping the gnosis to himself and simply just living his own life..perhaps even convince a small few people he was a new god.
Instead of dwelling upon his thoughts he opened his hotel room door and stepped inside, closing it swiftly behind him before wandering over towards his window, staring out at the city surrounding him.
Albedo left his hotel room as he sighed softly, he had gotten himself dressed up to attend a meeting with the rest of the knights. He took a notebook with him as he walked down the stairs of the hotel, looking around he straightened his coat and made his way to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. Mumbling a few things under his breath he had to make it look like he didn't go insane, instead he remained his calm and observant attitude like he had for several years now. He slowly walked inside and headed to where Jean's office was, greeting Kaeya and Eula in the process. He took a seat somewhere as he looked down at his notebook, sketching out a flower as he waited for the time to pass by, knowing he would be there for a few hours.
The man hummed slowly as he stood idle in his room, his thoughts swarming around his head like fruit flies on a hot summer's day. He narrowed his eyes upon hearing a knock upon his door afew hours later, flicking through papers idly and soon placing them down upon a table and looking towards the door.
"Come in." He spoke firmly and after a few seconds the door opened- a recruit had been sent to notify him of any updates about the city and anything that could possibly cause a disruption to their work. Upon hearing nothing negative he clicked his tongue and furrowed his brows in annoyance. "Is that all? Now leave. Don't waste my time." He spat, waving his hand in dismissal before the other had scuttered from the room, closing the door behind themselves.
Scaramouche scoffed to himself as he sat himself down onto the bed he would call his own for the next few nights- possibly even weeks if things didn't go according to plan.The navy haired man grumbled to himself as he picking up the papers once more, flicking through the sheets of paper before a small thought popped into his head. Perhaps familiarising himself with the city would ease his mind. Upon settling on the plan, he pushed himself off of the bed and picked up his hat from the edge of his bed, placing it on top of his head before picking up his room keys and swiftly leaving the room and then making his way out of the building onto the city streets.
The meeting would take place for several hours before Albedo left the Headquarters, he looked around the city as he made his way to the alchemy table. Setting things up in silence he was greeted by Sucrose, his assistant, he then continued on with his work. Ignoring the world around him as he focused on the subject at hand, tapping his fingers on the brim of the table he then glanced around. He told Sucrose to take control of the experiment as he left to clear off his mind and find new materials. He walked around the city as he read through his notes, flipping through pages and making sure he didn't bump into anyone he knew. His behaviour had been rather off the past few days, of course only a few people he knew had noticed his sudden change
The gentle chimes of the ornaments that decorated his attire echoed softly within the breeze, his every step making a gentle thumb against the floor as he soon made his way to a restaurant. He stared at the sign and hummed quietly in thought as he looked at the menu and after afew short seconds he had finally made up his mind and decided to purchase a chicken and mushroom skewer. As he stood and waited around he glanced around the area, spotting the alchemy stall and other places around it.
The alchemy bench reminded him of somebody he had met afew months prior, the man in the mountain, perhaps? He shook it off and rolled his eyes at the thought before he had received his food, paying what he was owed before he would continue to venture around the city, eating on the go before he had came across a small group of recruits seemingly slacking off- stopping in his tracks to watch them intently before one of them caught sight of the looming presence of the balladeer and swiftly gotten back to work, the others following in suit upon realising he was there.
Upon that matter being fixed, he narrowed his eyes and began walking once again until he had been stopped by one of his personal agents, requesting an audience about something that had come up in camps surrounding the city.
Albedo met up with a few knights at the larger statue of the Anemo archon, he was in charge of training them with Kaeya, of course he didn't see any sign of the other one around as he knew he was most likely slacking off. So he took the remaining minutes to teach them and help with whatever they needed to do. Once all that was finished he sat on the highest wall near the stairs to look out on the city and sketch out whatever was there to see, he was unaware that the boy he met in DragonSpine was in the city itself.
Soon enough the gentle chimes of The Balladeer's presence could be heard approaching the statue, tossing his trash into a nearby bin as he hummed lowly- paying close attention to his surroundings when all of a sudden they stopped.
"My lord! You have another letter from the Second!" A recruit called out, saluting carefully. Their voices were loud enough to catch both Scaramouche and some of the surrounding people and it causing the shorter to I hale sharply, quickly turning his head with a look of irritation painting his features.
"Why must you be so loud?" He spat, his dark and thunderous eyes glaring at the people in front of him. He soon stepped closer to the recruits, a gentle clunk of his shoes against the concrete floor and a slight chime with his sudden movement. "Slide the letter into my room. I'll read it when I return." Bespoke lowly, his voice unusually calm.Maybe it was because he was in public, or maybe it was because he didn't want to come off as... violent. Playing the same game as he did in DragonSpine.
"But- My lord-" the taller masked man spoke, inching the letter closer to their superior only to each a scoff and a harsh slap to the hand.
"Who said you could speak back to me?" He spoke, a low rumble in his voice as his eyes seemed to crash and crackle like a violent storm, gentle sparks of electro sparking around his fingertips from his irritation. "I said put it in my room. That is an order." His voice was bitter and venom dripped off of his tongue as he spoke, soon inhaling sharply and turning away, ending in him deciding to go elsewhere for the time being instead.
Maybe it was because he was in public, or maybe it was because he didn't want to come off as... violent. Playing the same game as he did in DragonSpine.
"But- My lord-" the taller masked man spoke, inching the letter closer to their superior only to each a scoff and a harsh slap to the hand.
"Who said you could speak back to me?" He spoke, a low rumble in his voice as his eyes seemed to crash and crackle like a violent storm, gentle sparks of electro sparking around his fingertips from his irritation. "I said put it in my room. That is an order." His voice was bitter and venom dripped off of his tongue as he spoke, soon inhaling sharply and turning away, ending in him deciding to go elsewhere for the time being instead.
Albedo heard the chimes from the others nearby as he looked up from his notebook, looking over he noticed the other nearby. He felt his heart race up from the sight of the other, he watched him carefully before hopping off the wall, he tried to figure out how to approach him, he swallowed his words as he walked up to him from behind him "hey there remember me?" he asked as he placed a hand over the others shoulder, walking up in front as he looked him up and down, a small smirk on his lips as he stood back
Scaramouche stopped dead in his tracks as he felt the others touch upon his shoulder, his eyes narrowing and his brows furrowing in irritation as he tore himself away from their touch, a look of disgust upon his features as he quickly turned his hardened gaze to the blonde. He stared at them for a moment before scoffing in amusement, scrunching up his nose ever so slightly as he dusted his shoulder off, as if the other had gotten dirt on him.
"Bold of you to assume I'd even want to." He spoke bitterly before he began to walk around them, his eyes following their frame as he passed him- the bittersweet smell of smoke and lavender following him as his veil swayed smoothly with his every movement. "You have a face and a personality that is not easy to forget." He spat before he completely turned his attention away from the other, grumbling to himself about 'filth' and people wasting his time.
"However- I had found myself forgetting about you... imagine my disappointment running into you again.." He cooed, a darkened look of bitterness with a teasing and sly undertone shone within his thunderous eyes. He still looked the same as he did in Dragonspine. The same skin, hair, eyes and makeup around his eyes. Everything was the same apart from the redness that had blossomed upon the tip of his nose due to the cold.
Albedo stood there in place as he listened to the other speak, furrowing his brows he turned around to look at Scaramouche. Huffing he reached over grabbing his wrist with a free hand, and grabbing the other's face with the other free hand "I am in no mood to argue with you, you should learn respect if you're going to speak that way to me.." he narrowed his eyes before letting him go. His scary and psychotic attitude returned back to his calming and relaxed one as he smiled "I'll see you around Scaramouche" he smirked as he turned his back, walking down the stairs to head back to Headquarters
The navy haired man stared at him harshly, not phased by their attitude at all. In fact... he found it rather charming in some sick twisted way. He watched their actions carefully and narrowed his eyes, rubbing his wrists as if to once again remove any filth left behind.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes before turning to walk away, balling his fists tightly as he began to grumble under his breath- insults, perhaps? No.. not quite. Complaints?
"Tsk- who does that stupid Knight think he is.." He spat. He had to admit- he found the way they acted.. interesting- trying to think whether it could be of any use to him, and yet he couldn't bring himself to finish that thought as he saw the way they acted as irrational and stupid. "..stupid. disgusting. Telling me what to do." He grumbled before he found himself climbing a staircase towards the church.
He found it rather.... peculiar about how quickly the others mood changed, however he swiftly brushed it off as the church soon came into sight.
Albedo walked up the stairs to headquarters, fixing up his coat and gloves as he picked up his alchemy and art supplies that he would need for when he went up to DragonSpine. He mumbled a few things beneath his breath as he cleared off the desk beside him, thinking about the other he sighed quietly. He shook off the thought before leaving the area and heading down to the fountain, stopping and looking through his bag before walking to the hotel. He took out his keys for his room as he stood at the door, hesitation went through him before he entered his room, closing and locking up behind him.
As time had passed, The Balladeer had eventually returned back to his own hotel room in silence. His mind overran with thoughts about work and any run in he had with people- more specifically; Albedo.
He noticed a subtle change in their behaviour and began to think deeply into it and trying to pick it apart. He let out a sigh as his keys jingled upon being taken out of his pocket and slid into the door lock.
Scaramouche unlocked the door to his room and stood in the doorway in silence, analysing his room before he noticed the letter he had been delivered by his feet. He closed the door and knelt down to pick up the letter and began to walk over to his bed, opening it up and reading through it carefully before scoffing and crumpling it up and tossing it to one side before standing and beginning to get undressed, changing into something more comfortable and loose before laying upon his bed and staring up at the ceiling.
Albedo lay down in bed as he huffed out against his pillow, glancing outside the window he would grumble slightly. He pulled the sheets over his head as he turned onto his stomach, closing his eyes he let out a tired sigh. Figuring he would find another way to get the others' attention in the morning. He turned the lights off in his room and left the window open as he closed his eyes. Deciding to rest up, he mumbled a few things about the other before eventually passing out and falling asleep

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