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Archons know how long had passed since Scaramouche had once been taken away, and finally, he had been let out of recovery. He was granted a stroll around the city as a way to steady himself and familiarise himself with his surroundings. Yet he felt as if something was missing.
As he stepped out of the Sanctuary of Surasthana, he let his eyes travel up to the clouds before he began to step down the slope that led him down to the city. He walked around, earning cautious stares from city goers and guards, aswell as scholars. He didn't let it get to him. What was afew stares to him?
As he approached the ground level, he stared across at some stalls, letting himself stroll through the city aimlessly before it had clicked what he felt was missing.
Albedo. He had left Albedo for god knows how long- and he didn't even say goodbye. If news of his dissapearance had gotten out who knows what would have came to his lovers mind. The endless possibilities left an unsettling feeling of guilt and shame to dwell deep within his stomach.

It had been a long time since he had seen his lover.. altho during that time he could feel the memory of the other disappear from his mind. The blonde stepped out into the city of Sumeru as he held a few packages close to his chest, he was heading back home to put everything away as he stopped every so often to help out some people. He had been working alongside Tighnari with every so often, but he had also opened up an alchemy class just in the city. He continued walking before reaching a small ally with not a lot of people, setting the boxes down he picked up some fruit and flowers before he looked around his surroundings

Scaramouche had walked throughout the city- the gentle chimes of his hat following behind him as he looked around carefully. He ne er did have the time to admire its scenery.
He let out a soft sigh before he had eventually caught sight of a very familiar head of hair. He stopped dead in his tracks. Albedo was only afew meters infront of him and he couldn't do anything hut stare at him. He felt a heaviness in his body as his chest began to fill with guilt, sadness, worry, desperation- all of it and possibly more.
He felt as if a pit had opened up in his stomach as a small breeze passed by him, causing another soft chime of the ornaments hanging from his hat as he kept his distant, guilt filled eyes glued onto the other.
The crack that had once been a stunning crimson red was now simply just a crack, a golden shimmering glue, kintsugi, now replacing where his skin once was in replacement of a scar.
What should he do? Should he even say hello? Was he really to scared to say anything?

As Albedo finished up paying he would pick up the boxes and the items he bought before he started walking again. Catching sight of the other he stared at him for awhile before he looked away. His brows furrowed slightly as he looked down and passed by the other, he felt his mind being a blur as he walked up the path heading home. Once arriving he unlocked the door and placed his stuff down before sitting on the couch and stretching his arms over his head

He felt a hurt within his chest as the other walked oast him, he wanted to reach out and hold them but by the time he could gather the strength within him he was too late, onky turning to watch him walk away before he saw the traveller in his peripheral vision, causing him to quickly turn on his heal and flee the scene, returning back to thr sanctuary as an aching feeling began to settle deep within his chest.
It hurt- but he deserved it. After all, he had already done so much to hurt others and practically manipulated the other to an extent. But hell- it didn't mean he didn't love them.
As he reached the sanctuary, he had came across the dendro archon, Buer- or more formerly known as Nahida, began to explain just what she wanted him to do and reluctantly he had agreed.
Upon tbe traveller arriving he couldn't help I but feel a bitterness seep into his stomach as the plan was explained to them aswell. However, soon enough that had all been pushed aside as they had entered irminsul. He was quick to make it to the center, standing there idly before listening to the instructions of Buer and searching through Irminsul as the traveller stood guard. Though as he did, he found something he would rather have not have. Causing him to have a... moment, let's say.
Soon enough, a little more time had passed and he had encased a space around he and the traveller, asking them a simple question.
"Can you change the past?" Their shock was all he needed to know before he had once again set them free.
He soon turned to look back at irminsul, staring at the giant tree of information before his hand reached out to it. He had entered it and for a breif moment everything was still.
Then it all began to rupture before the traveller and their companion had escaped.
Upon their escape, they- or more simply put- the traveller, had found that the balladeer had erased himself. Ultimately changing pretty much everything that had to do with him. Nobody knew of the names 'Scaramouche' or the title of 'The Balladeer'. He simply didn't exist. Everyone but the traveller had forgotten who he was.

The blonde would take a book out and start reading it silently, his eyes narrowing as he thought about the other, he had noticed their reactions earlier as he sighed in annoyance. He closed the book and leaned his head back, closing his eyes to rest as he stayed sitting for awhile. Opening his eyes he looked to the window before standing up and heading out for a walk, he decided he would take a visit to the tavern that was there, he really needed to clear his mind of some things much less figure things out with why he keeps seeing his 'lover' in his mind. It was merely just a blurred image of somebody with a vague familiarity about them

Scaramouche- Or... Kunikuzushi, as he was known from birth had been wandering around at the grand bazaar, in a daze as time had passed him by. He didn't remeber anything from his past life. Not even those he had once held so close to his heart. He only remembered those from tartarasuna and the accident thay had happened there, aswell as his... mother.
He was soon snapped out of his daze when he has been called upon by his employer, giving the puppet boy a light scolding before he had kindly offered to go and harvest some fresh sunsettias from the city outskirts- his employer was hesitant at first, however he had been to certain and persistent that he had been allowed to do so.
He soon picked up a basket and behan to tread out of the building, wandering through the city and looking over at Gandharva Ville in the distance. It had always looked so.. calm. He hummed to himself, shrugging off any suspicions he had before continuing on with his work.
Upon finding a tree, he stared up at it for a moment before placing the basket down and began inspected its fruits, smiling softly before picking them from the tree and placing them into the basket before picking it up and moving onto the next tree.
The golden shimmering glue from the cracks within his skin and a prominent shine across his face shimmered softly in the sun of sumeru as he let out a small humm of a tune he would often sing during his.. younger days.

After visiting the tavern he would walk thru the city again, admiring the scenery around him. He would go to a nearby market and grab a snack before walking to a bench and sitting down. Crossing his legs he watched people pass by as he sighed a bit, what was there to even do in Sumeru? He thought about visiting Cyno in the Desert but that would take awhile, much less it would be one hell of a journey to deal with such heats. Groaning he leaned his head back and closed his eyes tiredly, perhaps he should go home and do some painting.

Kunikuzushi had soon collected enough fruits before he woukd travel the city and go back to the grand bazaar. Humming a gentle tune as he listenedntobthe beat of his own shoes against the concrete. On his way back, he had found himself passing Albedo- although not knowing who it is, he couldn't help but feel a mild familiarity about them before shrugging and continuing his work, pushing open the doors to the bazaar before stepping inside and down the slope. He then dropped off the fruits and was dismissed- much to his dismay.
He sighed and insested he kept working only to be told there was nothing left to do. Kunikuzushi then walked around the bazaar, talking a gentle stroll around the city and admiring some of the pottery and trinkets from around the city.

The blonde would stand up from his seat as he made his way to the port, taking out a letter he read thru it, his eyes narrowing as he looked around for the ship to Mondstadt. Eventually catching sight he walked over to check the sailing dates from it. He sighed tiredly as he took a seat beside the water, looking down in thought as he looked at the sky. His eyes wondering around the area, seeing Kunikuzushi again he furrowed his brows watching him. He then turned away and stared back at the water, letting his feet dangle off the port

Kunikuzushi soon caught sight of the traveller, following their instructions and going with them, being told things he thought only he himself knew and in a way, it scared him.
Upon being brought into the sanctuary he was told many things, and while searching his own memories he saw just as many- if not more and by the time he had left the sanctuary he had only one thought in mind. Where was Albedo? He knew he wouldn't remember him, but then again, part of him was curious to see how they would react. Maybe now, if he was able, he would finally be able to live that life he so desperately wanted. As he walked along the city he had eventually found the port- standing idle and searching until he had found Albedo. He stared at them for afew moments before he had began to approach, inhaling heavily as he furrowed his brows.
"Excuse me? I can't help but feel as if you're a familiar face.. would it trouble you to tell me your name?" He inquired, it hurt him to ask such things, pretending he didn't know them or love them until it was the right time. His eyes held a curious gaze, and his smile was.. warm, almost seemed genuine.

Hearing a voice from behind him he glanced up at the other, his brows furrowed as he stood up, soon facing the other as he crossed his arms "I am Albedo.. and you are?" he tilted his head as he held a hand out to the other to shake. A soft smile on his face as he stared into their eyes, was his memory of the other really gone? He really didn't remember him that's for sure. His chest rose and fell with his breath as he stepped closer to the other, his eyes narrowed as he stared at their features for awhile.

He stared for a moment, inhaling as he hekd out a hand for them to shake, common decency, right? A new beginning. Yet it had so many downfalls. The man he once saw so much comfort in didn't even remeber him- and he had to act the same way.
"Its a pleasure to meet you.. Albedo" he spoke, staring at their features for a moment and swallowing thickly upin seeing the other get closer to him.
"I am just a simple wanderer. I go by many names. Though if you'd like to give me one you'd like to call me, go ahead... don't dissapoint me" be spoke, careful of the words he chose as he felt a tenses build up inside of him. He honestly wanted to fall into their arms and hold them close to him, kiss them until they couldn't breath.. well. He wasn't sure if the other needed to breath to survive. But he would kiss them forever of be could

He would chuckle a little bit as he shook their hand and let them go shortly after. He sighed softly as he ran a hand thru his blonde hair "wanderer huh, interesting name.. I suppose you only wanted to know my name?" he asked as he crossed his arms above his chest. He then looked down at their vision and smiled before looking back into their eyes "Is there a reason you think im familiar? After all we only just met I don't even.. know you" he would lean on a pole as he tilts his head at the other "Altho if you wish to know me you can find me living in the Grandharva Ville.."

Kunikuzushi stared at them for a moment, thinking through his words before interlocking his fingers together has he spoke.
"I merely wanted to confirm something. Both you and your name are… very familiar to me." He spoke. Archons. How much it pained him to hear the words of his lover forgetting who he was. Perhaps he would have to work things up slowly to regain where he once was. Perhaps this time there'll be no murders in the name of love- but then again, who would be able to tell. "Gandharva Ville? I used to stay there for a short while.. though, I don't recall seeing you around there" he spoke, his hands soon gently folding the fabrics of his kimono

Albedo listened to his words as he smiled a little bit "perhaps we never ran into each other, it was nice meeting you tho..I should get going" he would pick up his stuff as he pats their shoulder "I'll see you around" he smiled as he started walking away. Humming softly he stared to the ground thinking to himself for awhile. He only then glanced over at the other from the corner of  his eye as he felt a strange feeling wash over him, like.. he knew them of some sort. He then shook his head and walked down the path to Gradharva Ville, heading home to rest up

Kunikuzushi stood idly before a slight look of dissapointment washed over his features, his once seemingly innocent gaze turning distant and cold as he watched them walk away. He crossed his arms over his chest before clicking his tongue and sitting idly on a bench nearby.
He didn't really have a home. Was simply just a wanderer. He didn't necessarily belong anywhere at all. He was simply just sombody who you'd see one place and maybe see again in a place a great distance away.
Part of him began to think- just what could he do to try and regain what he once had, if that was even possible? Would he have to see if the other still held similar tendencies as he used to when.. jealous? If you could even call it jealously.
Hell- he'd rather be copped up- locked up, trapped, if it meant he could have what he used to again. But if he wanted it, he knew he would need to work for it. He was no harbinger anymore. The world didn't work the same as it did.

Once arriving home the blonde would place his things down in the hallway, making his way to the bedroom he would sit on his bed. Sighing he ran a hand thru his hair and looked out the window, thinking about the others words he furrowed his brows. He felt a few images pop up into his head, only remembering their face in some memories, but not recognizing their name. Grumbling he stood up and walked to the bathroom, closing and locking the door he undressed himself and turned the bath water onto warm. He stepped in and immediately sunk down, his head above the water as he let his thoughts relax

Kunikuzushi sat still, staring at the setting sun in the distance. He thought for a moment- what if he didn't erase himself or try to change the past? Why did he act to act so impulsively. He furrowed his brows and folded his arms across his chest in irritation.
"Stupid.." he grumbled, watching the yellows and reds of the sun swirling within the sky. He hated how he had acted and he didn't like the fact he had to face the consequences of it. He felt like a child that didn't get what they wanted. He soon looked down to his lap and huffed out, pulling his hat over his face in dissapointment as he let his thoughts and feelings run rampant

After a few minutes Albedo would leave the bathroom and head to the bedroom to get dressed. He sat down drying his hair as he shortly noticed a picture near his dresser, his brows furrowed as he stood up walking over. Picking it up and staring at, he noticed it was a picture of him and the male he had met earlier, it seemed like he did know the other but in what way. He had felt a short wave of memories cross his mind as his eyes widened, quickly placing the picture down he finished getting dressed and rushed out to the city to see if he can find the other

The Wanderer was sitting idly on the very same bench he had been sat on not long after the other had left earlier on. He was sitting watching the sun get lower in the sky as a way to pass his infinite amount of time.
He let out a small humm as he looked at his hands, small cracks filled with a shimmering golden glue that seemed to shimmer and reflect like real blocks of gold deep within his skin. He sighed at he, narrowed his eyes, and looked back out at the sky- crossing his arms over his chest as a rather pleasing bitter scent of tea filled his nose.
Shame he didn't really have the funds he once did. He would have purchased some for himself. Ah well. There's always a next time.
"Archons.. time certainly is dragging on.." he grumbled to himself, a board and distant look clouding over his eyes as his brows furrowed slightly.

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