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As several hours passed by, Albedo would wake up, tiredly rubbing his eyes; he then glanced down at the sleeping figure that was so close to his body. He felt his face turn a soft red as he smiled, he chuckled softly as he pushed some of their hair from their eyes and kissed their head. He then placed his hands on their face and creased over the golden crack marks as he sighed. "Glad to have you back.." he muttered as he kissed their jaw softly and sitting up some more while stretching his arms over his head

Kunikuzushi furrowed his brows upon feeling movement beside him, grumbling softly and burying his face into the bedding in search of that warmth and where the heartbeat had gone.
Only to not be able to find it. He soon stopped moving and rested his head upon his arm as the arm he had once wrapped around Albedo was now tucked snugly against his chest - though only a few minutes later did he woke up.
He scrunched his nose up in disapproval of the morning light and used his arm to cover his eyes, letting a hand rest upon his scalp as he mentally cursed everything out. Now, he wasn't usually bothered by mornings, but seeing as the day prior he had done nothing but laze away and keep himself shrouded in blankets, he wasn't quite pleased with the idea of getting up just yet.
"Mmnnh.." he grumbled, furrowing his brows and moving his leg slightly, confused as to why it feels elevated - only to feel the warmth he had once lost beneath it and stop moving almost immediately.

Albedo glanced down at the other as he chuckled softly, sighing as he laid down and pulled them close against his body, his arms wrapping around their waist as he kissed their neck "I'm here.. no need to be afraid.." he mumbled as he kissed their cheek. He sighed and ran a hand through their hair as he stared at them "sleep well?" he smirked as he kissed them softly. He then got up and out of bed as he placed a blanket over his lovers body "I'll be back, are you hungry?" he questioned as he made his way to the bedroom door

Kunikuzushi flushed a soft red from the pressure of the others' lips against his neck, pursing his lips and letting out a quiet hum of acknowledgement before he watched them get out of bed. He stared at them intently, carefully watching every move they had made before he shook his head. He didn't need food to survive- so knowing this he never really ate anything unless he felt like he had to.
"No.." he spoke quietly, a slight roughness to his voice due to not really talking for almost two days straight. He rubbed his eyes, the swollen and puffy feeling now gone and only leaving him with a simple headache. "I'm a puppet. Food is not a necessity for me" he spoke bluntly, dragging a hand through his hair before he stretched out against the bed with a light yawn- his nose scrunching up and a slight popping could be heard. Oh how we love cracking our backs.
"...thanks for the offer though, I guess." He mumbled as he averted his gaze, taking his sweet time with waking himself up to the fullest before even thinking about getting out of bed.

Albedo nodded as he walked out of the bedroom and headed into the kitchen. He sighed softly and grabbed a teapot and made some tea, leaning up against the counter he waited till it was done before pouring some into two cups, one for him and one for the other. He glanced out the window as he headed back to the bedroom and sat the cups down on a nearby table "I made this, drink some" he would pick up his own cup as he brought it to his lips and started to drink

Kunikuzushi soon looked over at Albedo as they walked back in, watching them carefully before he looked over to the cups he had set down on the table. He stared for afew moments before he had sat up, combing a hand through his hair in attempts to neaten it out before he eventually just gave up. He soon looked back over to the cup that had been left on the table before carefully taking hold of it. As he brought it closer to himself, he stared at the liquid in the cup for a moment before he spoke up.
"..thank you, Albedo" he spoke hesitantly, nor daring to make eye contact with the blonde before he brought the drink to his lips. He let it rest agaisnt his tongue for a moment before he swallowed it. It wasn't as bitter as he would prefer, but he was greatful nonetheless. "..if I may, are you not curious about what we used to be?" He inquired. Keeping his eyes upon the beverage in his hand - partially debating whether or not he should actually tell Albedo about their past... well, Past life, in a sense.

Albedo glanced at the other then back down at his own cup as he furrowed his brows. A soft smile on his face as he chuckles a little bit "I.. well I am curious.. but we can make new memories.." he placed his cup down and walked over to the other, his arms wrapping around their waist from behind as he held them close in a soft hug. He closed his eyes sighing as he squeezed their waist "you don't have to tell tho if you don't want too, I'm sure when the moment is right you can tell me everything you know.. right?" he reassured as he kissed his cheek and let go of the other

He stayed still as he felt the other behind him, narrowing hisbeyes at the feeling of their arms around his waist, gently leaning against them aswell as into their touch - however the moment he felt their arms move away he couldn't help but once again feel a little bit dissapointed.
"...Right.." he said as he placed his cup down and looked at where Albedo's arms once were. He thought for a brief moment before hesitantly taking a gentle yet firm hold of their wrists and wrapping their arms back around his waist- letting himself soak in the feeling of their warmth. "Can we stay like this for a little longer?" He asked quietly, staring down at the blonde's hands and admiring everything about them - their shaping, the size, their nails, all of it. No matter how many times he saw any part of Albedo, he couldn't help but feel captivated by their beauty. However, the one thing he loved most was their eyes. If he could bring himself to do such a thing, he could find himself staring into them and getting lost in them for days, years, centuries on end if he could.

Albedo would feel his face turn a soft red as he held them close in his arms, smiling he kissed their cheek lovingly "of course we can.. whatever you want.." he mumbled as he rested his chin on their shoulder. His hand moving a bit underneath their shirt as he traced soft shapes on their stomachs skin, he sighed softly and closed his eyes as he squeezed them closer. Not wanting to let him go now he relaxed up against them, his touch felt warm, gentle and soft. He would spend his days with the other, even if it meant he had to drop what he was doing for them.

Kunikuzushi hummed quietly in approval as he heard the other approve of his request, a fluffy feeling building up in his chest as he closed his eyes - letting out a relaxed puff of air before he felt the others hands against the cold skin of his stomach.
His body was smooth and cold. His muscles weren't really visible, but you could definitely feel them if you paid close enough attention. He pursed his lips as he felt their warm hands trace shapes against his skin, a flushed warmth spreading across his cheeks once again in mild embarrassment. He sat idle for a few moments before turning his body to face Albedo, wrapping his legs around their waist as he held their body close to his own, resting his face in the crook of their neck as he melted against their warmth.
He didn't care how clingy or child-like he was coming off as, the night Albedo had found him in tears shattered his pride already - so he didn't see much of an issue with being like this anymore. Even if it means embarrassing himself in the eyes of the man he loved most.
"... you were similar back then.. though you had your own.. strange ways of getting my attention, " he spoke up, his arms wrapped around their chest as he thought his words through very carefully. "Dare I say you were.. rather manic." He admitted. Was this really the right moment? Even if it wasn't, it surely felt like it... or did he just have teyvats worst timing?
"Before everyone forgot who I was.. I was.. in the fatui. You killed somebody who had worked under me because you were jealous. You then proceeded to kidnap me- funny story because.. actually all these silly things you did made me fall for you harder every time. Perhaps it was stroking my ego in some sick way, but.." he spoke, inhaling softly as he opened his eyes and stared at the fabric his chin had rested upon. Burying himself into the crook of their neck once again "I convinced you to leave the knights, somehow. Work under me as an assistant. And.. when I came home one day, practically dying- you locked me up and actually went to try kill my boss." He let out a small chuckle, curling their hair around his fingers before furrowing his brows and squeezing the other closer to his body.
"Though it will probably never be the same, I still like the idea of starting a new life with you."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐏𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐘  [ᴀ ꜱᴄᴀʀᴀʙᴇᴅᴏ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ]Where stories live. Discover now