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Albedo would look down at the badge in his hand as he furrowed his brows slightly, glancing at the other as he listened to what he said  "I see.. thank you, I'll be sure to do that.." he mumbled as his face heated from the contact against his skin. Soon turning around he stared down at him, smirking at the now height difference "I better go, I'm just a floor up if you need me.." he would move some hair from the other's face as he kissed his forehead. He walked to the door and placed the badge away in his pocket as he left the others hotel room

Scaramouche couldn't help but feel a little let down upon the other leaving his hold, he wanted to drag the other back into his arms and keep him there for as long as he possibly could, reaching a hand out as the blonde walked to the door only to retract it back to his side almost immediately.
He stared at the door that Albedo had just walked through, furrowing his brows as he let out an irritated sigh. He lifted a hand to his forehead, feeling where the other had once kissed him and pursed his lips softly, a redness blooming upon his cheeks before he grumbled to himself, moving his body to his bed before laying down upon it, pressing his face into the pillow as he let his thoughts consume him.
"Pathetic." He spat, scrunching up his nose in distaste as he thought over his actions. He wasn't meant to get attached- he wasn't meant to find any kind of..  attractions towards anyone. And yet here he was. Denying his feelings to himself- he was sure it was a ruse.He was sure of it... almost sure of it.. kind of.
Archons! He didn't even know himself anymore. And he hated it. He loathed it. He hated how warm the other made him feel, hated how he would look at them, hated how he wanted to hold them. Hated.. how Albedo made him feel complete, balanced out.. did he hate it? He wasn't sure. But he was telling himself he did. Perhaps it was a poor excuse of reassuring himself that it was all a part of his plan.. Once again…. Lying to himself.

Albedo entered his hotel room as he tossed his coat onto his bed, he sighed quietly as he sat down on the bed to remove his boots. He laid down with his arms spread out as he stared at the ceiling, soon picking up the badge that the other gave him he stared at it taking in the details. He then stood up and grabbed some fresh clothes, one of the short sleeved shirts having a window in the centre of the chest, transparent leggings and shorts as he walked to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him he placed the clothes down and undressed himself, taking his hair down and getting in the shower. He would let the warm water run down his body before eventually getting out and dressing himself, soon walking back into the bedroom to look thru his letters and documents that scattered the area

As time had passed, Scaramouche didn't end up actually leaving his hotel room until later, eventually putting on something more suitable for talking with his Agents before swiftly leaving the building, the gentle chimes of his hat following him with every step he took. Upon finally meeting with his agents, he began to explain that the trip back would be delayed due to some.. unexpected encounters. He also explained how somebody new had joined their ranks, saying they'd know who it is when they see them and not to ask any questions- which of course raised some suspicions, but none of them dared to utter a word about it.
He soon disbanded his troops and told them to continue their work before he began to venture around the city, his eyes watching the life around him as if it were some kind of show. A sigh escaped his lips as he eventually turned to walk to the gates of the city, finding himself standing at the edge of the bridge that allowed people to leave and enter the area and just… staring out at the world in front of him as he allowed himself to think things through thoroughly.

After awhile of being in his room he would take out a blue cloak that his master had given him, putting it around his shoulders he put on some thigh high heeled boots over the leggings as he grabbed the badge the other had given him, putting it into the pocket of his shorts as he left the hotel room. Locking it behind him he headed out into the city, he looked down at the notebook he had in his hand as he felt some stares on him. Was it because he dressed.. differently, in Khaenri'an clothing, a nation that was destroyed years ago.. no decades ago. Grumbling to himself he stopped at the fountain, taking a seat on a nearby bench he crossed his legs and read thru his notes in silence, ignoring his surroundings

Soon enough Scaramouche had turned to return back into the city walls, his brows furrowed in concentration as he walked up the staircase that led to the fountain. His eyes soon landed upon Albedo, eyeing his attire and raising a brow, recognising the style almost immediately. He slowed his pace as he walked past, the gentle chimes of the ornaments on his hat following him, as well as a gentle sway of the veil that hung from the back.
He didn't pay much attention to the blonde, otherwise.. he didn't want to raise any suspicions. The Balladeer just walked past them, averting his gaze to settle back on the path in front of him as he returned to his hotel- well.. that was his original intent. Just as he manages to walk a little further an agent approaches him, questioning timings and other less important things. However, one of this things caught his attention, the mention of Khaenri'an attire and the Knights, to which he just waved off and told the man that it wasn't a worry before

After a few hours of staying near the fountain and reading through his notes and drawings he would stand up, dusting himself off as he walked to a restaurant to pick up some food. Of course.. it wasn't for him tho, he took the food to the hotel, his notebook under his arm and the food carried in a small bag as he knocked at the Harbinger's door. He looked around as he ran a hand through his hair, he felt.. awkward now that he was no longer in the Knights, why about this time there is usually a meeting or training at Headquarters. He stared at the ground in thought as a soft sigh escaped his lips, what was he doing, he wasn't sure of himself. He felt hesitant as he reached his hand again and knocked a few times at the others door

Scaramouche had eventually returned back to the hotel, walking up to his room only to slow his steps as he saw the blonde at his door. He approached the man and held his hands behind his back as he raised a brow in curiosity.
"What brings you here?" He inquired, taking his hotel key from his pocket and holding it in his hands before unlocking his door and pressing his hands down upon his handle. "So desperate to see me again?" He teased before his eyes slid down their body and noticed the chest window, biting the inside of his lip before averting his eyes and opening the door and allowing the other to go inside before he followed in suit.

Albedo would softly chuckle at the others words as he walked inside the room, soon putting the bag down on a table he turned his body to the other "me desperate? nonsense I just came to give you this bag, it's one of Mondstadt's foods, a dish I enjoy and made before.." he crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back onto a nearby wall, his eyes focused on the others features and movements before he looked away, closing his eyes he stood there in silence thinking to himself. His chest rising and falling with his breaths as he pushed himself off the wall "I'll get going, I'm sure your busy, I'll see you in a few days" he would fix his gloves and hair before walking to the door

The Balladeer looked over to the bag thay the blonde had brought in and silently thanked them before hearing what they had to say. He didn't initially have a problem with them leaving - but yet again.. part of him desired their attention. Whether it be from their sickening obsession to their seemingly loving touches. It all felt so stupid to him every time he thought about it.
He swiftly stood behind Albedo and wrapped an arm around their waist, pulling them closer to his body before his free hand gently curled their hair around his fingers.
"You shouldn't go assuming such things, my Prince.." he began, his voice, somewhat quiet, against their backs as he gently pressed his lips against the back of their neck. "If I was busy I wouldn't have came back to the room, would I?" He inquired, carefully turning their body to face him, his thunderous eyes staring them down, tracing every feature of their face, their body, their clothes and the patterns upon them before letting out a soft humm of approval.
"Never would have thought I'd meet a Khaenri'an again.. not to mention one as charming as you." He thought out loud, his voice barely above a whisper. It was genuine, and honestly if he wasn't in denial about it all he would have said it more as a statement, an announcement, in full fledged confidence. But here he was. Still thinking he was partially faking it all in order to save his pride.

Albedo furrowed his brows as he listened to the other, a small smirk working its way onto his face as he leaned in close, just inches away from the others lips "you think I'm charming? Goodness didn't know you felt that way before.." he softly hummed as he went to kiss the harbingers cheek. He removed the coat from his shoulders before he took a seat somewhere, running a hand thru his hair he glanced at the other

The man furrowed his brows upin feeling their lips upon his cheeks, pursing his lips at their words as he felt a warmth flush within his tightening chest once again. Archons.. What has been going on with him lately? He inhaled sharply as he soon turned his body to face the others, a seemingly stoic expression with a mix of soft and deep reds painting his cheeks.
His feet soon started moving on their own as he moved to stand in front of them, sliding his hands under his chin and lifting it gently in order to force the other to look at him as he stared down at them. He liked this feeling. Being above people in any way he could. He liked the feeling of having control.
"Bold of you to assume I had been thinking such things beforehand." He spoke slowly. His thunderous eyes staring down at them. His eyes held a mix of admiration, distance and something he hadn't exactly been familiar with. Was it love? Possibly. He didn't know though. All he knew was that the man in front of him was making him feel in ways he never thought he would have to.

The blonde stared up at him as he listened to his words, narrowing his eyes he then closed them and chuckled a bit "so if I were to kiss you.. or perhaps do something else.. you won't feel that way?" he softly said as he opened up his eyes. He moved his hands up to hold the others' hips, pulling him close. He tilted his head a bit, he had gotten more courage and seemed to be bolder when around the other. He gently took Scara's hand as he kissed the palm of it, soon nuzzling his face as his other hand gripped onto the harbingers hip

Scaramouche stared down at the other, his eyes widening his mild shock from the others actions and flushing a deep red from the feeling of the others hand  his hips, his own hand resting on top of theirs as he bit the inside of his lip, staring intently at Albedo as they kissed his hand.
He inhaled sharply as he thought over what to say in response as his brows knitted together from embarrassment.
"Uhm.." he stumbled over his words. He felt..  weak. He wasn't used to such bold acts of affection- and most certainly wasn't used to people being so bold in this kind of way around him. He didn't even know what to say. He definitely wouldn't think any differently if Albedo did end up doing anything- he would still see them as a charming guy.. but archons- his pride would be tarnished before he would admit such a thing.
"Shut up.." he grumbled, his eyes never leaving their features.Not even for a moment. The man practically melted against their touch, swearing that if he had a heart he would be able to hear it in his ears by how worked up he had gotten.

Albedo smirked as he looked at him "how about.. no" he softly said soon moving his hand away and pulling the other down onto the bed. He got on top and pinned the other down by the wrists, leaning in his took in the harbingers reactions and movements "what do you think of me now.. hm?" he tilted his head as his grip slightly tightened around the other's arms. What had gotten into the alchemist, perhaps drunk? No.. he didn't have anything to drink. He could feel his heart race as he kissed their neck and jawline. Inhaling he closed his eyes connecting his lips to the others lips, loosening his hold he then got off and smiled like nothing happened

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