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When the day to leave Mondstadt finally came, the blonde would dress up in the clothes he had worn the night previously. Tying up his hair he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, his brows furrowed unsure if he should go through with the whole thing.. but it's not like he could back now. He would walk out of his hotel room, leaving the hotel as well as he looked around to where the other would be going to leave. He stopped in the middle of the city as he looked down at his notebook silently, his back being turned to the city gates as he looked up to look around again

Scaramouche had already begun ordering people to pack their things onto a carriage that would take their luggage to Liyue harbour, including Albedo's things. There were afew separate vehicles, one for baggage and one for the agents and one for Scaramouche and the new arrival.. who would be being introduced shortly. He stood at the other end of the bridge, waiting impatiently for everyone to finish their work before one of his personal agents came up to him
"My lord, we are ready to leave. We are just waiting for everything to be secured and your... new arrival to accompany us" they spoke carefully, holding the spear-like cane carefully. Scaramouche's eyes turned to the geo weirder as he let out a low hum In response, turning his body slightly to glance back at the city gates before turning his attention back tk the situation at hand. "He should be here soon. You'll all know who he is when you see him." He spoke firmly, crossing his arms over his chest as his agent nodded, looking around at the other agents who were quickly packing things up, ensuring nothing had been left behind. "Now stop lazing around and finish up your job. And make sure both mine and my new.. assistants luggage is separate. I don't want to remind you again." He spat, earning a swift nod from the other before quickly rushing off to continue their work, leaving the navy haired man to await his... his what? His lover? Interest? Either way. He was waiting for Albedo.
Albedo would eventually spot the others nearby as he sighed out in relief at finding them, he walked up beside him as he smiled softly. He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked ahead at the scene "I'm really doing this.." he mumbled as he took the badge out of his pocket and looked down at it hesitantly, no turning back now that he was there. He then glanced over at the harbinger beside him as he kept a small distance between the two, his face a soft red as he looked away. He felt himself getting nervous.. but a small feeling of happiness in his stomach as he played with the ends of his own clothing

The navy haired man looked down at the other and his eyes soon landed upon the badge within their hands. The agents soon noticed the... Knight? No, Albedo wasn't a Knight anymore and they saw that. What they did see however was the badge that once belonged to the agent that had been killed a week or so prior... which they had found rather suspicious, but seeing as there was such a quick replacement, they turned a blind eye.
Scaramouche carefully took the badge from the blonde's hand and stood in front of them, unclipping it from itself before finding some loose fabric upon Albedo's chest and carefully attaching it to their shirt. He was.. gentle with his movements, tender as if he didn't want to hurt the other, and yet he still kept the cold and hardened demeanour that he always had up around his workers.
"Welcome to the Fatui, my Prince" he spoke quietly, a small ghost of a smile appearing upon his face as he let his fingers graze across the skin of their jaws."Its a pleasure to have you within my ranks." He chuckled before he carefully slid his hand down to their own, locking a single finger with him and began walking to the carriage that he and Albedo would be on, as well as their luggage.
"We will be travelling to Liyue harbour and should be there shortly after Sun down if we are quick. From there we will be boarding the crux and setting forth to port ormos." He spoke firmly, not only speaking to Albedo, but hid agents that were awaiting their next orders. "We can only get onto the crux due to some... connections that I have. Any of you mess this up I will have your head on a pole arm in my office in Snezhnaya. Do I make myself clear?" He spat, a venom dripping from his tongue as his dark and thunderous gaze scanned across his agents, and upon getting the answer he wanted, which was a simple bow and a 'yes my lord' he let out a quiet hum of a approval before allowing everyone to go back to boarding their carriages, soon offering assistance to Albedo when it came to their own.

Albedo would look at the carriage before he then followed behind the other silently, stopping in his tracks he would rub one of his arms awkwardly. He stared at the harbinger in front of him as he took a seat somewhere "I.. never would have thought I would end up being part of the fatui.." he laughed softly as he glanced at the other. He then placed his hands into his lap as he looked down thinking to himself for awhile

Scaramouche soon sat next to the blonde and hummed quietly in response to their words, turning to check if everything was ready before letting out a slightly irritated huff from the speed of his workers and eventually the carriage with everyone else's baggage began to move down the path to Liyue.
"Oh yeah? dare I say that 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 makes you do crazy things, mmh?" He cooed as he turned his attention back to the blonde, resting an arm behind Albedo on the back of the seat. Soon enough, their own carriage would follow behind the baggage, and then the other filled with a few of his own personal agents followed closely behind.  "Joining the Fatui is just a step towards your true potential, my Prince.." he spoke lowly. As the navy haired man continued to get himself comfortable, he soon ended up manspreading as he leaned his head back and furrowed his brows. Part of his was received to be getting out of Mondstadt, but the other half of him was practically begging to stay away from that wretched doctor.

Albedo would slowly nod a little as he turned his head to glance outside the window at his side, his brows furrowed as he watched people pass by. Sighing he crossed his legs and leaned back into his seat, he crossed his arms over his chest as he closed his eyes. His mind thought as he opened his eyes after a while and glanced over at the harbinger from the corner. Watching their features and movements, he then ran a hand thru his blonde hair before relaxing into his seat

As time had passed they had eventually arrived in Liyue, the troops swiftly moving everything to the harbour as they awaited permission to board the crux. Now, if Scaramouche had guessed correctly, an old friend of his should be present- it would only make sense as this was the only reason he was able to get on the ship.
He had kept a finger intertwined with Albedo during the entire time, ensuring that he wouldn't lose the blonde within the crowds of the city.. and mainly just to confirm with himself that they were still there and that they weren't going to leave. He simply wouldn't know what to do with himself if that happened.
Soon enough, they had the green light and their baggage would be loaded onto the ship, of course both his and Albedo's separate as requested.. well- ordered. Upin boarding the ship himself he had caught sight of a familiar face.
Kazuha Kaedehara.
Of course, The Balladeer chose to ignore their presence until everything was sorted and they had set off but during that time he could constantly feel their eyes upon him.

Albedo would stay close to the other at all times, watching their every movement and facial reactions, noticing Kazuha he didn't think much of it. His hand softly rested on the other's waist when the two were alone as he looked around quietly "that guy keeps looking at you.." he would mumble a little, a slight hint of annoyance being heard in his voice as he looked at the harbinger. Squeezing their waist he furrowed his brows. Was he getting.. jealous over something that didn't matter? He would look down into the water thinking for a while to himself

The Balladeer felt their hand around his waist and his eyes focused on where they were making contact before a soft hue would dance upon his cheeks. He had listened to the others words carefully as the ship began to depart from the harbour, soon turning his hair to look at the Ivory haired man who's eyes never seemed to part from the two and cocked a brow curiously as a ghost of a smile would form upon his features.
"Ah, worry not. He shouldn't get in the way" he spoke as his eyes narrowed, tearing them away from Kazuha as his eyes landed back upon the Blonde next to him, moving his own hand to rest upon theirs and began to rub his fingers across their knuckles carefully. "He's merely a... good friend. What? Are you perhaps jealous?" He spoke, his eyes admiring every inch of the man that held him so closely, his gaze never faltering as it watched the blonde's movements and expressions carefully.

Albedo would stay silent after the other had asked the question, his brows furrowed as he looked away "maybe.. So what if I am..?" he mumbled as he removed his hand from the harbingers waist. He then brought his arms up to his upper body and crossed them over his chest. Silence came from him as he stood there in thought, he didn't bother making eye contact with Scaramouche as he just stared at the water down below.

Scaramouche chuckled lowly as his hand held onto the Blonde's hips from behind, Pressing a sly kiss upon the back of his neck before a darkened look shone in his eyes as a slight smile formed upon his features.
"I find it rather... cute, in a way" he teased, soon letting go of the other, ensuring no other attention was brought to the two before he stepped back. "Again, worry not. I have high doubts he'll try to take me away from you" he spoke with a slight roll in his eyes, whether it was a playful one or not, he didn't care much for how it came across.
Almost as if on cue, the man in question approached the two. A calm and warming smile upon his features and a welcoming, seemingly soft and affectionate look in his eyes.
"Ah.. I do hope I am not intruding." He spoke, his smile never faltering as his hand rested on the hilt of his sword. "..I simply wish to greet you, Scaramouche. It truly has been a while since we have last spoken" his voice was soft, friendly, and so was his gaze as it stayed upon the shorter navy haired man. Scaramouche clicked him tongue in response, crossing his arms over his chest as he turned to look at the other and let his eyes trail across their body to take in their features. He wanted to know if anything had changed.
"Kaedehara." He greeted, a ghost of a smile forming upon his features as his gaze remained cold and hardened. "..I must thank you for convincing your captain to accept my request" he spoke, only gaining a small, humm and a nod in response. The two seemed well acquainted, and there was a slight tension in the air- and yet there was also the way Kazuha seemed to look at the harbinger. A look of affection. Whatever kind of affection it could be wasn't really visible, but it was there- and soon enough, his crimson eyes landed upon the blonde, raising his brows as a smile flashes upon his face again, as if greeting the man.
"Pleasure to meet you, I am Kaedehara Kazuha." Was all he said, bowing his head slightly before his attention turned back to the harbinger.. picking favourites of the two. Or maybe something was going on behind his eyes? Maybe. Scaramouche didn't care too much though.

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