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As the blonde walked away, the agent slowly felt himself losing his grip on life, his vision going hazy as he watched the blonde walk away, his mask slipping from his face as his crimson eyes slowly looked down to the pools of blood surrounding his body as the ringing in his ears only gotten louder before his eyes began to feel heavy. He felt so warm. And yet so cold.
Scaramouche continued to lay upon his bed as his eyes would occasionally glance between the clock that had been hung upon the wall and the door- his impatience growing unbearable as he sat himself up, grumbling strings of insults to himself as he pushed his hands through his hair and adjusting the fabric that sat snugly upon his hips.
His agents weren't ever late, and this sparked a sense of uneasiness within him, slowly swinging his legs off of his bed and pushing himself to stand up. Just what was going on?

Albedo had made it to Scara's room as he knocked on the door, he held a tight grip on his sword which dropped the blood from the agent he had killed. Had he gone insane perhaps? He didn't think so , after all he just wanted Scara to himself. What caused this only remains unknown. He swayed his body back and forth as he waited for the other to answer the door, he furrowed his brows as he knocked louder the second and third time around. He glanced around the hallways making sure nobody was watching as he felt that urge to kill, who? Well.. only people who stood in his way

Scaramouche grumbled as he walked over to the door, gripping the handle firmly before he heard the third set of knocks, opening his mouth to speak as he opened the door.
"You're fucking late Seirgen-...." His voice was bitter, angry and venom dripped from his tongue, only for him to cut himself off when seeing the familiar face at the door. "Its you." He spoke plainly before clipping his tongue, his eyes glazing over every inch of the blonde's body, seeing the blood upon him and then noticing the lack of his workers, soon catching on.. and yet he decided to play dumb.
"What is it that you want?" He asked bitterly, his thunderous gaze staring down at Albedo as he folded his arms over his chest. "My attention? I must assure you I am no easy catch, Doll." He spoke, his voice holding a low and bitter rumble to it, the familiar look of falsehood shining within his eyes.
'Doll' where did this pet name come from? And why did he start using it? Did I want to spur on others' actions? Perhaps it did. He saw some... use.. in their behaviour. And that's when something clicked within his mind.

Albedo would cross his arms over his chest as he pulled the other close to his body, his arm holding onto his waist before grabbing his face with a free hand he stared at him "What will it take to get your attention then? Do I have to slaughter your little agents just to catch that attention?" he questioned as he squeezed his face, his fingers creasing the others cheeks as a mischievous smirk crossed his face "I think i'll be able to catch your attention, sooner or later" he leaned in just inches from his face "then I'll make you mine.." he scoffed again before losing the hold on Scara's face

Scaramouche furrowed his brows as he focused on the others features, his hand holding onto their wrist before a slight spark of electro should shoot out of his fingers as the other let go of his face, a soft red dancing on his cheeks from the unexpected proximity of the two.
"You can kill all of my agents, but that  won't get you anywhere." He spoke, using the power of the gnosis to manifest a small pretty much harmless bolt of electricity between his fingers before using that hand to remove the others' hold from his waist. "I want you to beg." He spat, venom dripping from his tongue as he did what the other had done to him previously. He held  the other's face, his thumb and fingers gripping tightly onto the sides of their face harshly. He held.. no remorse. Part of him didn't care if he had caused harm to them - not after that little outburst, anyway. His hold tightened against them as he leaned in closer to them, his dark, thunderous and piercing gaze shooting into the other.
"Then maybe, just maybe you'll get something in return." His voice was low and... raspy, his warm breath brushing against the others skin as he spoke and his nose scrunching up in distaste as he spoke. "And might I remind you. You hold no control over me. I do as I please, Doll."

Albedo stared at him as he furrowed his brows at the others words, he closed his eyes trying to hold back his pain from the other. He scoffed out a bit as he stared at him "me? beg? What do you think I am, a dog? I can assure you I'm not doing that.." he narrowed his eyes as he felt the skin on his face starting to crack under the other's hold. Who knew Chalk could crack so easily, fragile and smooth to the touch, that's what his skin feels like. He quickly pulled himself away from the other as he looked away, clenching his fists he stayed silent "tch brat.." he mumbled before he walked away quickly, was he upset? perhaps. Maybe he should just ignore the others and let things play out. He knew if he killed more people for the other he would get into trouble from the knights and he didn't want to lose his position he was already in.

Scaramouche would slowly watch the other turn to leave before grabbing his shoulder and pulling him into the room, pushing him up against the wall and staring into their eyes. The comment the other had made had... ticked him off a little. However, only a little. Little sparks of electro would weakly crackle at his fingertips as his dark and thunderous eyes seemed to hold irritation.
"Let me make this clear..." he spoke, lowering himself to be only inches away from their face, his hands slowly moving to cup their face. He was.. going to try and toy around, however only a bit. He wanted to see if he could use their behaviour to his advantage. His hands held onto their face more gently this time around, his thumb 'lovingly' rubbing over the crackmarks in their skin as if he actually cared. "You won't be able to win me over easily.. and you only have a little over a week to try '' his voice was soft and gentle as he spoke, inching himself closer to them.
"So you need to make up your mind." He spoke bluntly before lengthening the distance between them both and letting go of them, stepping away and looking them up and down before a ghost of a smile formed upon his face. A somewhat mocking smile. "You are dismissed. Clean yourself up while you're at it, Doll. You're a mess..'' he cooed before a mocking laugh escaped his lips

Albedo would stare at him for awhile before looking away, his face turning a soft red as he thought over the others words "a week huh.. give's me more than enough time.." he mumbled under his breath as he glanced at the other, furrowing his brows he opened the door "fine then.. I think I already have an idea on how to win you over.." he muttered as he quickly left the others room, he headed back to his own room. Rubbing his cheek he scoffed a bit "who does he think I am, wanting me to beg.. im not his servant.." he grumbled to himself as he opened his hotel room door and quickly closed it behind him

Scaramouche closed his door once the other had walked a fair way, humming lowly as he began to step closer to his bed, rubbing his chin softly as he sat down on to the plush fabrics of his bedding before laying down and then turning onto his side.
"Tsk- stupid knights." He began, closing his eyes as his chest would rise and fall with every breath he took. "Killing my men over a petty obsession...pathetic." He spat, furrowing his brows - slowly, the image of the reds burning into the others' cheeks came to mind, opening his eyes as he pursed his lips.
"Mmh... " He hummed out before moving his body to sit up, picking up a fresh change of clothes before he walked into his room's bathroom, closing the door behind him and undressing- sliding the fabric of his body suit down his finger before turning the shower head on and beginning to wash himself down. Soon enough, he finished and turned it all off, drying off his body and slipping on his new clothes before drying his hair the best he could. The navy haired man then stepped out of the bathroom and sat back on his bed, slipping himself under the blankets before burying his face into his pillow out of irritation.

It was several days later since Albedo last spoke with Scaramouche, he was stirring up a potion at his alchemy table, a potion for the other to take, he was going to do something that would definitely change things. Once bottling the liquid up in a vial he would put a tab on it naming it 'sleeping potion.' Was he going to put the other to sleep and do something to him, perhaps. He was going a little insane after all, he knew he only had a few days left before Scaramouche left Mondstadt. He didn't want to miss the chance he had in front of him. Sighing he placed the vile away in his pocket as he thought about how he should get the other to take the liquid.

The Balladeer had ordered his agents to begin to pack their things and dispose of any of the dead sergeant's belongings. He would simply just tell their family he went missing and nothing was found of him whatsoever.
At this current moment in time he was sitting at a table in the angels share with one of his other agents- he had always had one by his side since the last time he had spoken to the obsessed alchemist, using it as an excuse to try and keep the other away from him or to look busier than he actually was.
Soon enough the agent was requested within a separate area of the city, rendering Scaramouche on his own. Since he wasn't really in a busy area of the tavern he let it slide with an irritated wave of the hand.. and then he was alone, sipping on his wine as he read through copious letters from Il Dottore, filling him in on what would be happening when they were to both arrive in Sumeru.
But of course, that wouldn't necessarily happen.. however he didn't quite know that. He just thought that he had finally ridden the Alchemist out of his hair, allowing him to live his life in peace.

Albedo would walk around the city as he stopped near the tavern, seeing the agent come out he raised a brow, looking around he would walk inside acting as if everything was normal. He gripped onto the vile lightly as he glanced around the tavern, soon spotting the harbinger alone a smirk crossed onto his face. Noticing it was that busy today and Diluc wasn't in he would quietly walk to the table, seeing the glass of wine on the table he would make sure the other wasn't paying attention and made sure nobody was watching him before slipping a few drops of the liquid into his drink. Once doing that he walked upstairs to watch the other from high above.

Soon enough Scaramouche had slid his hand over to his glass and held onto it carefully, his long and slender fingers lifting the cup slowly and held it in his hands for afew moments before he brought it to his lips, holding the glass in place for afew moments before he eventually pushed the glass upwards a little more in order to let the red liquid within to fall into his mouth. He stopped for a moment as he let it sit on his tongue, realising a slightly different taste and swallowed it before pulling the glass back and analysing the contents that had resided within the cup. Upon seeing basically no changes to it he narrowed his eyes before humming lowly and swiftly finishing the glass and placing it back down onto the table.
As he continued reading over the letters he began to feel heavier. Squeezing his eyes together and running a hand through his hair to try and wake himself up before putting the letters back into his pockets and resting his elbows on the table and pressing his head into his hands. His eyes felt so heavy and his head wanted to fall flat onto the table.
The navy haired man inhaled sharply as he folded his arms across the table and rested his forehead against his arms.. perhaps resting his head would cease this horrible feeling?
It did in some way.. however that was only because he had been completely knocked out.

Once seeing that the other had knocked out completely he would walk down the stairs to his table, furrowing his brows he would gently pick him up bridal style as he carried him out the tavern. He looked around the city making sure no agents or knights were in the area before carrying the other out of the city. Where was he taking him? Perhaps in the place they first met, the icy mountain Dragonspine. He stopped at the foot of the mountain, staring up at the white powder dusting the mountain, he then glanced down at the sleeping harbinger in his arms as he smiled softly. He walked up the path that he usually took to get to his campsite, avoiding any enemies and camps that would get in his way. Once arriving at his site he would put the other down gently inside the tent. He looked around the area before grabbing some ropes tying up the other to make sure he wouldn't escape from his sight. He would place a blanket over the other and leave the tent to put a fire on to make the area warmer

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