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After some time Scaramouche would begin to stir awake, feeling the unfamiliar weight of the blanket upon him he opened his eyes only to close them tightly afterwards, a sharp pain shooting through his head as he let out a low groan of discomfort. Upon feeling this pain he would try to move his hands to rub his head only to find his movements being restricted by rope. A slight panic began to set in for afew moments before he opened his eyes slowly, looking at his surroundings carefully and soon remembering where he was. Albedo's tent.
He scoffed as a slight mocking smile appeared on his features as he furrowed his brows before setting his focus onto the ropes binding him and tried to move around, only to find out it was no use.
"That Knight… fucker truly is a maniac." He mumbled before the idea of just using the power of electro to burn his way through the ropes came to mind only to refuse to idea incase he set fire to more than he needed to.. well- It wouldn't be a problem if he did, but it would certainly catch more attention than he would prefer. He soon averted his gaze to the entrance of the tent and scoffed before opening his mouth to speak. "So this was your plan? Kidnapping? Tsk..how original.." he mocked as he scrunched his nose up in disgust.
Soon enough he had an idea- unsure if it would actually work but in his mind it was worth a try. After all, he would just find himself a step closer to finding what would make the blonde tick.
"You want my touch and attention so desperately? Go ahead. Take it as fast as your filthy heart desires." He spat, a low and venomous tone dripping from his tongue as a sly and teasing smirk would tug at his lips as his eyes darkened slightly. "I won't offer this to you again, Doll."

Albedo would hear that the other was awake, glancing at the tent he took his notebook and walked over to him. He would kneel down beside him as he used his pen to lift the others face by the chin, his eyes narrowed down as he stared at him "You know you have a disgusting mouth.. for a pretty face.." he smiled as he pulled the blanket off the other, sitting him up he stopped. He stood up running his hand thru his blonde hair, he would walk away from the tent ignoring the others words as he took down some notes. He would glance at him as he walked over, taking the other's face and cupping it, creasing his face he stared into his eyes "and don't call me a doll.. puppet boy.. I'm chalk" he stood up walking away from him before closing the tent up

Scaramouche watched the other in disgust, squirming slightly within the ropes in ettempts to loosen them slightly as he furrowed his brows, his efforts rendering useless.
"Stupid.. couldn't have gone about it like a normal person." He spat, speaking to himself under his breath before attempting to sit himself up, and with much effort he did it. He looked down at his hands before grumbling to himself as he found red marks agaisnt his glassy skin. "Tsk. And here I thought Dottore was sick in the head." He grumbled before letting small spark of electro flicker from his finger, attempting to catch the rope only to once again fail.He soon looked back up to the now closed entrance and scrunched up his nose in distaste.
"Disgusting behaviour for a 'person' made of chalk.." once again he was speaking to himself before tugging his arms trying to snap the rope, only to hear a light cracking noise and a shooting pain in his left wrist.He flinched before he moved his body to look at his closely to find slignt cracking in his skin around the joint, clicking his tongue at the sight.

After a while of leaving the other alone he would open up the tent, his eyes scanning the other from head to toe as he approached him, kneeling down in front of him he tilted his head. A soft smile making its way onto his face as he slowly moved his hand to reach for the others, creasing his skin he hummed lowly "don't run away from me now, i'll only find you if you try to escape.." he smirked as he took out a small knife, soon cutting the ropes before standing up and looking down at him "im sure your body must be aching.. so i'm letting you stretch yourself out.." he softly said as he left the tent and closing it behind him

Scaramouche rubbed his wrists and ran his thumb agaisnt the crack within his skin, burrowing his brows before glaring at the tent entrance, processing the others words as he quietly opened the tent and slowly stepped out of it as to not cause a ruckus. He scanned around the camp before I his eyes landed upon the blonde, narrowing them before quietly approaching them from behing before pressing his foot into the back of their knee and forcing them onto the ground, moving his leg to press into their middle back and swiftly moving their hands above their head, locking them together in a firm grip as his other hand was gripping onto their shoulder. Ignoring the burning feeling within his wrist he leaned down to their ear and opened his mouth to speak.
"I think you're forgetting just who you're dealing with, chalk price." He spoke lowly agaisnt their ear, his hot breath brushing agaisnt their skin as he pressed his knee further into their back "What is it that has caused you to become so..  infatuated with me, hm?" He asked as his eyes would carefully watch their body, his dark and thunderous eyes crashing with strikes of irritation and anger. He squeezed their wrists slightly, knowing fine well that the other was also capable of cracking and crumbling to pieces. "Why is it that you think I belong to you, and you alone?"

Albedo would feel himself being trapped between the cold snowy ground and the male above him, he furrowed his brows as he looked back at him "ever since you came up on the mountain that day I couldn't help but feel interested in you.. and knowing more about you.." he winced a bit at the pain in wrists, feeling his skin crack he looked away, he looked around trying to see if he can find a way out before he stared ack at Scaramouche "let me go now, and we can talk this out like the non human beings that we are" he thought about it before a smirk went onto his face "unless your enjoying holding me down like this?"

The man didn't move, not knowing what the other would possibly do if he were to let go. He listened to their words closely before squeezing their shoulder harshly.
"Amd you couldn't have just gone about it like a normal person? How stupid can you get." He spat lowering himself closer to the other in inhaling softly before speaking once again. "And I won't let you go for I do not know what wild acts you'll perform if I were to let go" he whispered agaisnt their ear, slowly letting a plan form within his head as the seconds passed and after a short few seconds he had finally came up with something.
"And maybe, just maybe.. I do find enjoyment out of this. Perhaps I like seeing you beneath me." He spoke, his voice low and silky, almost alluring and somwhat flirtatious and teasing. Archons- how he loathed resorting to such methods. But if it were to get him out of there, he would do whatever it takes. "Maybe I want to see you beg.."

He listened to his words as he chuckled softly, glancing over his shoulder at him he would sigh "and just what is it would you like for me to beg for?" he questioned as he felt his heart beat up against his chest, his face a soft red as he tried to move a bit to find a more comfortable position "so scary, tell me what is it that you want me to do? I am willing to pay the price" he muttered as he began to feel himself going numb in his arms from the others grasp

He let his grip loosen a little bit as he gently pressed himself against the other, sliding his free hand that rested upon the blonde's shoulder to his hands, using both of his hands to lock fingers with them as he pressed his lips up against their ear, 'kissing' it softly before staying silent for afew seconds and only letting the warmth of his breath brush against their skin before he eventually opened his mouth to speak.
"Any time you want something from me, be it my attention, my touch.. I want you to beg for it, worship me if you feel it deems suitable for what you're asking for." He spoke slowly, hoping his plan would work as he stayed put for afew seconds, not daring to speak during that time before inhaling softly "do I make myself clear, my Prince?" He cooed as he slowly let go of them, his colder hands letting go of the blonde before he eventually stood up, crossing his hands over his chest as he looked down at them.

He stayed silent for awhile as he smiled softly, chuckling he looked away "mmhm.. I understand.." he would sit up once the other had let him go, rubbing his wrist he furrowed his brows "fine then, I'll beg for you.. I'll kneel before you and show you how much I need you.." he mumbled as he stood himself up dusting off the snow from his pants. He wasn't sure how he had felt about the other, did he feel his emotions grow or did he feel something else that he couldn't place his finger on. He stood there in silence as he kept his back to the other, thinking about how he should put things into words and actions.

Scaramouche let a ghost of a smile form upon his features as he listened to their words, a darkness growing within his eyes as he felt a small rush within him. If he had a heart, he swore it would be beating maybe just a little faster than it would have been normally.
"That's what I like to hear.." he spoke before his eyes landed upon the camp exit and then back at the blonde before a twisted smile tugged at his lips before he began to walk to the exit, curious to see what Albedo would do "until then- I must return to my Agents. I am to leave soon, after all." He cooed, his eyes creasing as his smile widened ever so slightly.
He wanted to know just how much the other 'needed' him, how strongly they would react to him attempting to leave. He held out his hand as he stood at the edge of the camp, catching some falling snow within his palm and humming lowly before wiping his hand against his shirt that clung tightly to his chest underneath his kimono.

Albedo would look over to where the other was heading, his eyes widened as he walked over to him, grabbing his wrist gently as he looked down at the floor, a soft red making its way onto his cheeks. Inhaling he got closer to him "don't go yet.. please stay awhile longer.." he bit down on his own tongue as he looked up at him. His lip trembling as he slowly wrapped his arms around the others waist, he couldn't believe he was begging, he did say he would for the other "please stay with me.." he was practically pleading for the other to stay, he wasn't sure if it would work on him tho

He hummed in response, letting the other hold him for afew moments.. he had to admit, he enjoyed the attention, enjoyed the others touch.. and yet he couldn't help but feel repulsed by it.
"And if I don't?" He asked plainly, his eyes falling upon the blonde as he slowly moved his hand to lift the other's chin to face him, his thumb brushing over their lip as he watched their every move carefully. "What then?" His voice lowered once again, letting himself lean closer to their face. Part of him was disgusted with his actions, acting as if he cared for the others feelings.. when in reality he was just buttering him up for a plan he was slowly constructing in his head.
"You'll have to do a better job than that to make me stay." Be spoke bluntly, rubbing his thumb and pressing against their lower lip before rubbing it against their cheek softly. "Mere please and... hugging.. is... something, that's for sure." He cooed, thinking over his words as his thunderous eyes stayed trained upon their face, some hair falling into his line of sight.

Albedo grumbled underneath his breath at the others words, an idea popped into his head he felt his cheeks turn a dark red. Exhaling he slithered his hands up the others chest in a rather flirtatious way as he wrapped his arms around his neck, biting down on his lip he leaned in close, his smell being of cinnamon and pine from the trees. He huffed out as a smirk crossed his face "stay here with me, i'll do anything it takes.." he gently said as he traced his hand in different circles around his chest. He leaned in close to the others ear as he soon whispered "and I mean anything.." he mumbled as he blew a kiss at him. He never would flirt; the feeling of his actions made him feel strange.

Scaramouche stared at them and I hated sharply at the others actions, the feeling of the others hands travelling his body made his grow warm, a soft red dancing upon the tips of his ears before swallowing thickly- their scent sweetly burning into his nose and intoxicating his senses before he took hold of their hands and removed them from his body.
"Shut up." He grumbled firmly, pushing a hand through his hair before inhaling sharply- calming the faint colour in his cheeks and the disgusting warmth that was bubbling within him, his eyes staring at the blonde's hands as he held them within his own hands, admiring the differences before letting them go. "...Fine. if I will stay.. for now" he spoke bluntly.
He soon walked away from the exit, holding his hand upon the lower half of his face in mild embarrassment as he felt a faint warmth against his cheeks before sitting down in front of the tent, his brows furrowed as he let his gaze follow the blonde carefully.

Albedo would look over at him, he had noticed Scara's face as he chuckled lightly. He walked over in front of him as he looked down "huh.. so that did work.. interesting.." he mumbled as he sat down beside him. He hands resting on his lap as he looked down at the snow, he used his finger to draw flowers into the ground as he smiled "so I'm guessing you liked what I did, I couldn't help but notice your face.." he softly said as he smirked a bit "I find that kinda cute, especially coming from a harbinger" he teased as he leaned in closer to the other

The man scoffed and rolled his eyes, scrunching his nose in disapproval, his cold and hardened demeanour soon returning before his eyes landed back on the blonde next to him.
"Touch me and keep this up, and I will not hesitate to leave this nation without looking back." He spat, furrowing his brows as his hands gripped the fabric of his shorts before inhaling softly and calming his mind, soon staring at the empty space in front of him before letting his once tense body slowly loosen up. He looked down at his wrist and rubbed his thumb across the rope burned crack in his skin. He narrowed his eyes as he knew it would take some time to heal, pulling his thumb away as he felt the familiar burning feeling come back from applying unwanted pressure on the joint.
He soon looked back at the man next to him and hummed slowly before closing his eyes and letting out a bothered sigh- the tingling feeling of the ghosts of the others' touch lingering upon his chest and the sight that he saw not leaving his mind and it irked him. He loathed it.

Albedo would tense up from the other before he slowly moved away from him, he looked down at his lap as he stayed silent for a few minutes. Standing up he walked away from the other and walked to a small bookshelf pulling out a book and sitting down at a nearby table to read through it, knowing he must have annoyed the other enough he would open his mouth to say "you can leave.. I'm sorry.. thank you for keeping me company I suppose.." he mumbled as he placed the book down, soon taking out some vile as he swished the liquid around, he wanted to make it seem like he was busy when he wasn't. He had decided to let the other go and go about with his day, perhaps his obsession with the other really did get out of hand. Soon feeling a small animal beside his feet he looked down seeing the small snow fox, smiling he picked it up "missed me?" he softly said as he laid it across his lap before finishing up with whatever he was doing

Scaramouche watched the other tense up and felt rather pleased with himself before he saw them wake away, closing his eyes with furrowed brows as he I hated softly.he wasn't expecting the other to let him leave, and yet.. he didn't want to leave. He couldn't really bring himself to... so he just stayed put.
"If I were.. that little show you put on would have gone to waste.." he spoke as he tried to warm the ends of his fingers through using his own... miniscule amounts of body heat, sliding his fingers between the insides of his thighs to try and warm them through. "And that would be quite a shame.." His eyes watched the other interact with the animal before humming loudly as his gaze never faltered, analysing- almost admiring their every move.

Albedo sighed a bit as he picked up a jar and walked over to him, soon kneeling down between the others legs "hold still.." he mumbled as he took the others cracked wrist as he observed it. Taking off his gloves he would open the jar up and gently put a soft gel on their skin "this will help it heal faster.. works on my skin" he looked up at him as a soft smile went on his face. He then stood up and wrapped a blanket around the other's body "this will warm you up faster.." he sighed as he walked away again, kneeling by the fire he made sure it was still going.

The navy haired man hummed lowly at the proximity of the two, furrowing his brows from a slight stinging feeling that burned against the ridged edges of the crack against his skin before pulling his hand away once the other was done.
"..you are quite a strange one." He spoke plainly, his eyes following the blonde with his indigo eyes, the red eyeliner around his eyes slightly faded from how long he had been wearing it, slightly smudged too. "Just afew moments ago you seemed rather... unhinged, dare I say. And now you're showing hospitality to the person you've decided to kidnap." He spoke, only minutely analysing the situation in front of him. He took the more.. docile feeling atmosphere to his advantage, using it to ask some questions.
"While I'm still here.. you can answer some of my questions." He spoke before gently brushing his fingers against the blanket, letting himself remember the textures and how it smelled before speaking up once again. "what about me intrigued you when I first came to the mountain? And just what caused you to act so.. well.. obsessed" he couldn't lie, he loved the attention he was receiving. It was foreign to him, and in his mind, it felt similar to worship.

Albedo had to think the questions through and alongside his answers. Furrowing his brows he stood up, he placed his hands on his hips as he stared at the other "I was suspicious of you when you first came.. but would you call me crazy if I knew you were also not a human that same day? When you left though I was disappointed, I wanted to.. study you.. to get to know you" he muttered as he started pacing around the camp slowly "and well what caused me to act this way, easy it's my personality.. happens when you have a big brain and plan to destroy Mondstadt someday.." he shrugged as he cleared his throat hoping the other didn't hear him on the last part "people say i'm a genius, but my creator knew something would go wrong with me one of these days'' he softly said as he brought his hand to his neck, brushing a finger over his mark as he chuckled softly "anything else you wish to ask me?"

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