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The blonde would walk out of the bedroom reading over some book he had as he glanced up to stare at him, he didn't say anything nor go over to him as he just headed into the kitchen. Putting the book down he took out the tub that Tighnari had given him and a glass of hot water. Putting in a teaspoon he placed it on the counter for the other to drink. "I went to the clinic, figured since you hate needles you can take this.. it's for once a day.. your welcome.." he muttered as he took his book and returned back to his room. Was he mad at the other for what they had said, or for the fact they didn't listen? He walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind him as he took a shower to clear off his mind

Scaramouche watched the other in silence, a small ache forming in the back of his head once again. He wanted to say something- but by the time he had gathered the words to say the other had already left. Mentally scolding himself, he walked over to the cup that Albedo had left out for him, he watched it carefully before letting out a quiet humm, scrunching his nose up at the smell before taking it into his hands and drinking it. Upon finishing a look of disgust painted his features. Herbal remedies were always distasteful.. but he supposed it was better than needles.
He soon began to wash the cup, ensuring it was clean before drying it and putting it away and as soon as he heard water running he looked over to the bedroom, narrowing his eyes, soon walking inside and looking around before ridding  himself of his clothes and putting on something more loose fitting on his bottom half. He soon wandered over to the bed and plopped down into the sheets- grumbling to himself, letting some fresh air get onto his skin. He swore it felt much more fragile than it actually was. Maybe he should find that old kintsugi kit.

The blonde would step out of the shower after a few minutes as he dried off his hair and body, putting on just shorts and stockings as he walked to the bedroom yawning. He would stretch his arms over his head, his arm muscles visible as he sighed heavily, he didn't bother putting on a shirt as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Soon glancing over at the other he stopped in his tracks to watch them carefully, he just turned his head away and walked to the bed silently to sit down. Sighing he plopped onto the bed as he stared at the ceiling, his chest rising and falling with his breaths as he closed his eyes.

Scaramouche opened his eyes when he heard the other coming in, not bothering to look over at them until they had lay down- and when they had he felt a slight warmth spread to his cheeks. He bit the inside of his lips as he let his eyes rest upon their figure. He soon closed his eyes again, furrowing his brows in the process so as to not bring any unwanted attention to himself.
Oh how he wanted to feel their body up against his own- to hold them and treasure every inch of them. Hell- if he could he would kiss every piece of skin they had to offer. But he couldn't do that at the moment. From his understanding- Albedo didn't want to speak with him, right? What else could he do? It's not like he could just say he's sorry. It would hurt his pride. He was far too stubborn to admit he was in the wrong, even to himself.
After afew seconds had passed Scaramouche slowly propped himself up, looking over at the blonde before gently cupping their cheek, pressing a soft kiss against the corner of their mouth before he lay back down and closed his eyes.

Albedo would open his eyes as he glanced over at the other, sighing softly he sat himself up and hovered himself over the harbinger. Leaning down he gently kissed their lips "you could have said sorry, it's only me.." he smiled as he layed back down. Chuckling a little he sighed, pulling the harbinger close to his body he ran a hand through their hair "let me do a check up on you, there has to be something I can do to help even if it's little" he mumbled as he looked down at them. Kissing the top of their head he gently placed a hand onto their back, being careful not to put too much pressure knowing it would be painful.

The texture of his back felt... different. There was mental plating and little holes where wires and tubes were going to be inserted and he flinched slightly at the feeling of something against his back- and soon enough once he had grown used to it he melted against their touch. The warmth coming from them almost lulled him to sleep within that exact moment. However, upon hearing the other wanting to do a checkup on him he grumbled and slowly sat up.
"Fine.. do as you please" he said, taking a moment to steady himself out, and eventually looked over at the blonde expectantly, waiting for them to do their thing as he let the cold hit his skin once again.

Albedo would softly smile as he sat up as well. He would gently remove the others shirt, careful to not harm him as his fingers softly creased the wounds on their back. His brows furrowed as he would take a piece of cloth and bandaging as he wrapped it around the others body "this will help put pressure on the wounds on your back.. if you drink that herb I gave you everyday it should help you.." he smiled as he cupped the others face, gently kissing the top of their head lovingly, sighing he then kissed their back softly and their neck a little bit "Promise you'll listen to me, if not I'll have to make you.. I'm not playing around"

He grumbled quietly at their words, eventually leaning into their touch and sitting silent for a moment. He let his mind wander, thinking just what possibly the other would do to him.
"I can only do so much, Albedo." He spoke plainly, staring off into space, recalling what the doctor had said to him before he left, narrowing his eyes as it echoed around his head for a few moments. "I have two days of recovery. If anything, I can just patch myself up with a Kintsugi kit.." he spoke before adjusting himself, laying back down and allowing himself to sink into the bedding.
"..as soon as I go back, I'm.. being hooked up to a machine. If everything goes smoothly- divinity is mine." He spoke, looking at his hands where small sparks of electro would spark out before a small chess piece would appear. A gnosis. He stared at it for afew moments before a look of annoyance crossed his features. It reminded him of his mother, his past and his purpose all at the same time and it irritated him. "It's the only way I will be able to withstand the full power of the gnosis, as well as access its hidden knowledge. Without it.." he trailed off, peering over at the blonde before the gnosis disappeared again, seemingly being stored back where it once was.
"There's a chance it will reject me. And that is the worst possible outcome. Being rejected by the gnosis is its own problem. Death being one of the many"

Albedo silently sat there as he furrowed his brows at the others words. Sighing he stood up and finished dressing up, putting his hair up in a ponytail he slowly nodded "I see.. you won't be able to do it if I interfere.. I'll make sure you don't do that.." he mumbled as he took the key to the bedroom and walked out. Locking it behind him he sighed a bit, he walked away to put on some shoes before he eventually left the house. Putting the key into his pocket he left Gandharva Ville and headed into the city. What he was planning would be dangerous.. but it would be the only way he can keep the other there with him

Scaramouche lay on the bed quietly, furrowing his brows in confusion as he quickly turned to watch them, quickly. But carefully sitting up as they left the room.
"Albedo!" He called out, getting to the door and hitting it- trying to get their attention before wiggling the door handle. No use, as expected. "Albedo do not confront Dottore- you're fucking insane if you think you'll survive that man!" He called out, panicking slightly before banging on the door again.
He soon stood in silence. Not hearing any reply from the other he rested his head against the door and let out an irritated groan. Of course he was being held hostage. He shouldn't have said anything about the plan. He felt so stupid.
"Stupid." He growled out, little sparks of electro manifesting at his fingertips. He soon trudged over to the bed and sat in silence. How was he going to get out? He could try and overpower the blonde- but he cared for them too much and it would only work if they came back.

Albedo would walk up to the academia as he looked at the entrance, his brows furrowed as he looked around. He exhaled deeply as he opened the rather large doors and walked inside, he certainly was crazy enough to face the other Harbinger, of course how was he going to plan it out? That's something he didn't quite figure out yet. He glanced around seeing a few of the agents, he brought his arms up a little, hugging himself. He felt rather hesitant about the whole thing, was it too late for him to turn back now? He sighed a little as he bit down the inside of his mouth. He grabbed onto his sword as he felt his heart sink the more he headed inside, interfering would cause danger and many risks. He knew that back when he was in Mondstadt. He inhaled stopping at another door, reaching his hand out to open it up.

An agent- a well known one within Scaramouche's troops had spotted Albedo, and soon excused himself from his break, quickly following behind him.
"Ah- uh... Albedo, was it? My Lord's new assistant" he called out, carefully approaching the other and lifting his hands to show he wasn't a threat. He was a kind hearted agent, well known and dearly loved by his own small sector that worked below him. "I advise not going through there.. correct me if I'm wrong but you must be angered by the state my lord has been coming back to you in? Confronting the doctor will do nothing bit cause you both great harm." He spoke, stopping and keeping a safe distance from the blonde. His eyes always looked tired yet welcoming- something about them seemed brotherly, in a way. He gently rubbed his thumb over his geo staff as he watched their every move.
"Dottore isn't a very merciful man. He is the 2nd for a reason" he shrugged, pursing his lips before looking back down the hallways where they had come from. "Please, allow me to escort you back to Gandharva Ville. My lord would kill us if he found out you had been injured"

Albedo stared at the agent then back at the door as he listened to their words, he narrowed his eyes as he looked back at the agent "I can escort myself back.. but don't expect the Balladeer to come back for this ridiculous subject anytime soon.." he then turned his heel and walked back down the hallway. He hands on a tight grip on his sword as he looks down at his feet, his mind in thought as he looks around. Making sure there were no agents he went around the back to the academy. Using his flower to elevate him up to the window he looked thru it watching what was inside carefully

Inside the lab there was a table- wires hooked up to it and blood staining the metal. A smell of metal, chemicals and old blood filled the room as dottore flicked through some papers, humming to himself before setting down his notepad.
"The machine is ready yes?" He asked, earning a nod from a scholar before letting out a humm in response. The scholar went into detail about what needed to be done next, explaining that once the balladeer was put into the machine he would not get out easily. Once the connection cuts he would be out like a light. "If he dies it's no problem. He was merely an experimental toy I picked up from inazuma. If this works out though I can assure you. Your nation will have a new god wrapped around your fingers'' he spoke, crossing his arms across his chest.
"We should be able to hook him up once he comes back. The traveller will be in sumeru soon enough. We can't have any more interference."

Albedo would watch for a while before he stepped off his elevating flower. Running a hand through his hair he sighed "this is more dangerous than I thought.." he mumbled as he made his way to Gandharva ville. He walked down the path eventually reaching back home as he looked at the front door, exhaling as he walked inside and locked the door behind him. He then unlocked the bedroom and closed it behind him, a small smirk played on his face as he walked to the bathroom, running a hand thru his hair he looked into the mirror to think over his once again psychotic thoughts that he had planned

He sat on the bed in silence, his brows furrowed as he waited for the other to come home, and the moment he heard the bedroom door unlock, he stared at the blonde intently. He stood up, quickly stopping to conoise himself before standing at the bathroom door.
"Just what the hell were you thinking?" He spat, a rumble in his voice. Though he wasn't keen on showing it, he was indeed incredibly worried about Albedo. He didn't want anything to happen to him, after all. "You could have gotten yourself killed you fucking imbecile! Unlike you, I know how to survive around that... thing! " He swore he felt something pricking his eyes. Something warm and wet. Yet nothing fell. Was he seriously getting worked up over a possibility of a loved one dying? Of course. It stung him like a thousand hornets. It was a feeling he was too scared to feel again.

Albedo glanced back over his shoulder at the other, his psychotic smirk crossing his face as he turned his body to the other. Crossing his arms he tilted his head a little "that's alright.. as long as I get to keep you safe then I don't mind dying" he would reach over and place a hand on their cheek, gently creasing their skin he gazed into their eyes "besides i'm going back to actually confront him later tonight.. I didn't have a chance to" his smile disappearing as he lets the other go and walked into the bedroom "you'll be staying here.. locked up in case you try and escape from me.. it's the only way I can protect you"

He furrowed his brows and watched them, turning his gaze to follow them, small sparks of electro sparking at his fingers as he watched their every movement. A look of anger, disgust and betrayal spread across his features as he listened to what they had to say.
He held onto their wrist and turned them to face him, soon pushing them against the bed and keeping them in place, his knee pressed against their thigh to stop them from getting away as his free hand pushed them down by their shoulders.
"If you die, then there's no guarantee that I'll last much longer than you will, you chalk stick!" He spoke, his eyes scanning their features, angrily eyeing them down as he spoke. He squeezed their wrists slightly, small sparks of electro escaping from his fingertips as he spoke. "The moment you step into that lab with any sign of hostility you will be dead. All of the agents within the academia are under his command- even when I'm present. You won't be able to last against tens, if not hundreds of agents AND the second highest ranking harbinger in teyvat." As he spoke there was a kind of urgency in his voice, he didn't care if the others wanted to keep him locked up- he didn't care if it meant he would have to delay his work for a little longer than preferred- he just couldn't bear the thought of losing somebody else he loved. Not again.

Albedo stared up at him,his eyes narrowing as he looked away from the other. Sighing he quickly got out of the others grasp "fine I won't go.. and don't call me that..'' he quickly moved himself from the harbinger as he left the bedroom. He went to the living room as he laid on the couch, sighing he stared at the ceiling for a while before closing his eyes tiredly. He turned onto his side pulling the blanket over his shoulders as he felt himself slowly falling asleep

He watched as the other left and stood in silence for afew moments. He stood idle for afew moments before cleaning the bedroom to take his mind off of everything. He took away the dirty bedding and changed it with fresh, clean ones before tossing the fabric into a basket. He took his time with it, allowing himself to cool off before he peered out at the other.
He sighed to himself before pulling the sheets back and walking out of the bedroom before standing over the other. He stared down at them before walking back into the bedroom and picking up some kind of book, only to sit in the doorway and begin to read it.
He discovered that since he began to sleep with the blonde, he found it incredibly difficult to sleep without him by his side. Call it a kind of separation anxiety, or maybe it was just a comfort he couldn't live without. During the time he spent reading he glanced over at the blonde every now and again, as if ensuring they didn't get up and leave during the night.

During the night the blonde had woken up, sitting up slightly he pushed the blanket off of his body and looked around the room. His eyes narrowed seeing the other by the doorway as he looked away quietly. He would sit there silently as he stared down at the floor, his mind in thought from earlier as he sighed. He got up going to the kitchen to get himself something to drink, leaning against the counter he swirled the liquid around as he closed his eyes for a while. He then washed his glass and placed it back where it belonged, he then took out a sketchbook and did some sketches, his brows furrowed as he bit the tip of his thumbnail. He only then glanced at the harbinger as he stood up, putting his hair down he took a seat on the couch and crossing his arms and legs

Scaramouche watched him from the corner of his eyes. He felt a kind of guilt swelling in his stomach as he sat in silence. Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken to them in such a way? No, he said what needed to be said. Did he go too far by calling them .... a chalk stick? Surely not. After a small while he stood up and went back into the bedroom, putting the book away and staring at his hands as he pushed it back where it belonged before he slowly wandered back out. He stood in front of the blonde and stared at them for a moment. He soon held their face and did as he did often when he 'apologised', accepting it was a little different this time. He planted a soft kiss against their lips before mumbling a small "I'm sorry" and "goodnight" before letting go and walking back into the bedroom, leaving the door open as he done so before plopping onto the bed and holding his pillow close to his body as he slowly began to lull himself to sleep.

Albedo would watch the other go into the room as he sighed softly. Standing up he made his way behind the other as he closed the bedroom door behind him. He bit the inside of his mouth as he looked down at the other, soon getting into bed from behind as he gently wrapped his arms around their body. He softly kissed the bandaging over their wound as he held them by the waist. He gave a final kiss on their shoulder before he pulled the sheets over them both and falling asleep immediately

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