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Albedo wandered around the city eventually catching sight of the other, he would stare at them for awhile before approaching them. Staring down at the other he smiled softly "how could I ever forget you.." he mumbled as he kneeled down in front of them. Taking the others hands in his as he softly placed a soft kiss on their knuckles "Kunikuzushi.." he would feel a soft heat rush to his cheeks as he didn't care who was watching, much less what they were thinking. He then gazed up to their eyes as he got closer to them, he felt his heart racing up the closer he got to them as he observed their features carefully

Kunikuzushi furrowed his brows, he had never remembered telling Albedo his birth name. Ever. It kind if struck something within him as he gazed down at the blonde infront of him. His features said it all, he was shocked, confused and hell- even a little hesitant. Did he even want to know what caused this sudden appearance?
"How the.. I Erased myself from Irminsul you shouldn't remember who I am." He spoke honestly- as thankful as he was that his lover has remembered him, it was also scary in a way. He didn't know just how they would react. He couldn't really predict their reactions in a situation like this. Not easily, anyways. "And.. I've never told you that name." He spoke, narrowing his eyes and slowly pulling hid hand away, not wanting to seem repulsed by this- which he wasn't. He was..  simply just a little bit confused.

He frowned a little bit as he stood up, dusting himself off he stepped away from them. Looking away he would rub his arm a little bit, his brows furrowed as he stayed silent for awhile. Eventually turning away without another word he made a run back to the ports, did he mess up? He must have, he didn't think the other would react the way he did as he grumbled "Maybe it wasn't him, could be a copy.. an imposter.. I could have sworn he died.." he mumbled to himself as he sat down beside the water, letting his feet dangle off the side as he held his head in his hands. His body felt cold, his warmth felt as if it died out as he mumbled out a few things of course only things he could hear "these memories need to go away.." he sighed as he pulled his legs up to his chest and stared down at the water thinking to himself

Kunikuzushi sat I'm silence before shaking his head and scoffing, he never died. He was just.. comatosed.
"I never fucking died.. I blacked out and was in a coma for a while. That's all" he spat, standing up and following Albedo before standing beside the man. "Believe it or not when I was finally allowed out I did try to find you. Although to my dismay you seemed to had forgotten all about me before i had even stepped foot into irminsul" he spoke plainly, crossing his arms over his chest as he let put a quiet huff of dissapointment. He soon stared down at the Alchemist and took in their features, he hadn't seemed to have changed much- and yet the sight of them still hurt him to see. Oh how unfair life could be.
"I don't die easily. Only a fool would believe such things." He grumbled, holding onto the brim of his hat

Albedo silently listened as he furrowed his brows, scoffing a bit he looked away, hiding his face into his knees as he mumbled a bit to himself "..its not like we can go back to the life we had before anymore.." he mumbled as he stood up. Pushing some of his hair behind his ear as he walked off the port, he tied up his hair as he sighed tiredly "even if we do go back it won't ever be the same.." he turned to glance at the other over his shoulder before sitting on a bench nearby, he crossed his arms and legs as he leaned back and closed his eyes to relax

He stood silently for a moment. As much as what Albedo said was true, he still couldn't help but be in denial about it, mentally searching for any kind of answer, any other outcome.
"..maybe that is true. But.." he trailed off, staring at his hands for a moment, thinking his word through, desperately trying to figure out a way to word it, to try and find a way to make it work out. He was scared. As much as he could feel the tension between them he couldn't bare to fully loose the only person who he felt understood his loneliness. "It.. could be better. I.. don't have a reason to leave. Nobody but you and somehow the traveller remember who I am."
Deep within his eyes, the desperation in his words were so painfully obvious, and yet he still managed to mask all his feelings with a cold, clouded facade of irritation that was slowly cracking under the pressure of the moment.

Albedo would glance at him as he narrowed his eyes, sighing he stood up and walked over to them, standing in front he stared at them. He then took their hands and smiled a little bit "We'll talk more about this at home.. let go.." he mumbled as he started dragging them back to Gandharva Ville "I suppose you could be right.. I only got a small amount of memory tho.. I don't remember much of what I did with you.." he mumbled as he looked down at the ground, his mind racing around in thought as he furrowed his brows a little bit

Kunikuzushi stared at their hands, smiling a little as he debating weather or not to lock his fingers with the other- and after w concierable amount of time he had eventually done so.
"Right.." he spoke quietly, soon a slight sense of dread washing over him as he thought about it. Going home. As much as he loved the idea he couldn't help but be a little bit scared. What if something bad happened? "You won't lock me up, right?" He asked, masking his concern with a humorous tone of voice and a cheeky smile upon his face. He knew he couldn't use his old rank as a harbinger- he wasn't even sure if he still held any power over the other. But even if he did- why would he want to use it? He was just going home with his lover. Sombody who brought comfort and safety to him.

Albedo would glance at him as he stopped walking in his tracks, lock him up? What did he mean by that? He laughed a little bit as he sighed "What do you mean? Lock you up? I mean I can if that's what you enjoy" he teased as a smirk went onto his face. He then continued to walk to the Grandharva Ville, eventually stopping at the door of his home he grabbed the key and unlocked the door "Make yourself comfortable, I'll get a room for you ready" he smiled as he walked inside and disappeared into the hallway and into a separate bedroom

Kunikuzushi followed behind the blonde. Looking around the home and smiling st the familiar feeling of it- a sense of nostalgia washing over him before he heard the other saying they weren't going to be sharing a room. He furrowed his brows a little in dissapointment and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Right.." he mumbled, averting his gaze and watching the world pass him by as he awaited for the other to return. There was no point I getting upset over any of it, right? It wad his own fault things ended up going this way.  He was the one who snook off in the night, he was the one the failed, and he was the one who erased himself as the fatui's 6th in attempts of fixing his past only to fail. Only thing that changed was his outcome.
It irked him and made him regret doing everything. Would he need to explain everything from his past life? Maybe. Did he want to though? He wasn't quite sure.

Albedo would walk out of the bedroom as he glanced at the other, smiling he took their hand "something the matter?" he questioned as he kissed their hand and walked to the kitchen "the room is ready, if you want you can use the shower" he said aa he washed his hands. He stared at the water as he furrowed his brows in thought, was separating the bedrooms really a good idea? He had gotten his lover back, but what kept him from distancing himself. Was it perhaps fear of the other leaving, or waking up to find them not beside him again. Sighing he dried his hands and walked back to where Kunikuzushi was at before looking them up and down and smiling softly

Kunikuzushi stared at the other for a moment, wanting to hold them, kiss them, anything. But he felt as if nothing was there between them at the moment but a giant wall that seemed almost impossible to climb.
He carefully took his hand away before bowing a little and quietly thanking the other before walking away into the separate room and closing the door behind him. He felt so stupid. This whole idea was stupid. There was no point in trying to work towards it, right. Why did he say such ridiculous things at the port?
"Stupid. Stupid doctor, stupid fucking irminand stupid-" he ranted as he took his hat off and placed it down somewhere where it wouldn't be damaged, he ran a hand through his hair as he sat down onto the bed that was soon to be his own. "Stupid balladeer." He spat quietly. He felt as if he was in a turbulent household. Did he already loose what he had desired for so many years? It surely felt like it. And he hated it.
He loathed it.

Albedo would watch as the other headed into the room, sighing as he walked to his own room barely closing the door behind him and not bothering to lock it. He laid on the bed as he stared at the ceiling to think for awhile, narrowing his eyes he glanced to the window. He sighed and rolled onto his side "what am I to do now.." he muttered as he stared at his dresser, staring at the picture of the two. He then closed his eyes feeling them getting heavy as he felt himself falling asleep

Kunikuzushi soon began to remove himself of his kimono and his shorts, leaving him in nothing but his body suit before he had climbed into the bed that he would have to grow used to being alone in. He slid his body under the blankets and lay idle, turning off any lamps and just allowing himself to sink into the darkness of the room. He didn't feel at home. This wasn't home. Home is where you feel safest and belonging. He didn't feel that here. He felt nothing but a growing distance between him and the man he loved most.
How could he have been so stupid? He rested his hands over his eyes, feeling a stinging within them and a hurting within his chest. He felt a wetness against his hands. He was crying. Why was he crying? He hasn't done such a thing for almost 500 years, why is he doing that now?
He felt so stupid, and weak. Alone.
Perhaps he was better left off without his memories. Blissfully ignorant to the world around him.

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