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Albedo had looked over at the other from of his eyes as his smile disappeared from his face, sighing he turned his attention to the other "so you wish to know more about me huh?" he smirked as he looked away to think. His brows furrowed as he glanced back at him "I'm an artificial human, one who is made from chalk. I practise the art of Khemia.. it was one of the downfalls that caused Khaenri'ah's cataclysm 500 years ago.'' He would lean off the counter as he took his lover's face in his hands.  "I was sent to learn more about the world by my master.." he let them go as he smiled again. "any more you wish to know about me?"

He stared at them carefully, humming to himself before staring off into space, debating whether or not he should ask this next question.
"..you didn't answer my other questions. But that's fine for now, I suppose..." he spoke, coming away from the counter before wrapping his arms around their body. He didn't care too much  he was getting too personal- but he felt as if he needed to ask these questions. "..did your master ever come back for you?" He asked, staring at them intently. He wanted to know just how many similarities the two had. He wanted to know why he found such comfort in the blonde and he thought that maybe, just maybe, learning about their past would answer that question.
He found himself staring at their eyes, searching them for anything that might give him answers.

Albedo would hold them by the waist as he stared at them for a while, his brows furrowed as he sighed a bit "no.. no she didn't, she.. left me long ago" he would place a hand on their cheek as he creased him softly. Smirking he kissed their forehead then their lips as he squeezed his side tightly, he then let them go and locked fingers with his hand and walked back to the living room with them. Taking a seat on the couch he leaned back and sighed closing his eyes a little "how about taking a seat and resting?" he glanced at him and patted the seating beside him

Scaramouche couldn't help but feel a kind of pity towards them- perhaps it was because he felt a kind of familiarity in their words? A familiar story. Abandoned, in some way. He watched them carefully before letting out a small humm- stepping closer to the sofa before he sat himself down next to the blonde, looking at their hand for a moment before his fingers slid between theirs.
"I suppose that, in a way, we share similar experiences. Not mirrors experiences, but... the same'' he spoke, his cold fingers squeezing their hands gently as he spoke. He wasn't going to go into too much detail about it, but he would let them know one or two things. "..If you fear that I may abandon or leave you, I can assure you that I won't." His eyes soon tore away from their hands, slowly setting his gaze upon the others eyes, feeling himself getting lost in them for a brief moment before a warmth spread across his cheeks in mild embarrassment which had caused him to avert his gaze almost immediately- settling on staring at their hands once again ad he gently rubbed his thumb over the surface of their hand.

Albedo would glance at them for a while as he smiled softly, leaning in close he placed a soft kiss on their neck "I'm happy to hear, I won't abandon you either then.. I promise.." he hummed as he moved his hand to squeeze the other's thigh. He looked down as he then traced small hearts onto their legs, a soft smirk going onto his face as he looked at the other again, staring into their eyes he then cupped their face. Exhaling he closed the distance between the two and kissed them deeply, his hands sliding down to their waist

Scaramouche felt a warmth within his chest from the others words, opening his mouth to speak before he felt the others hand upon his thigh- causing the redness in his cheeks darkening before he let out a small flustered breath.
Upon feeling the others lips upon his own he froze up for a brief moment before melting into the kiss, closing his eyes as his arms slid over their shoulders. He didn't really expect this right at this moment, but he wasn't complaining, he knew that much. He felt his skin tingling from their touch, the warmth of their hands leaving a sensation behind that just made him want more of it every time. A burning desire to have the other to himself within that moment, a small humm escaping his throat as his fingers slid through the others hair.
Perhaps being cooped up wasn't such a bad idea.

Albedo held them close by their hips as he parted from the kiss for a breath of air, he stared at their features noticing how red they had gotten as a small smirk crossed his face. He would teasingly move one of his hands down to their thigh again as he held their face with the other hand, soon leaning in close to their ear "your face is rather cute when it's red.. it's a sight I can capture all to myself" he chuckled softly as he pulled himself away from the other. Eventually letting the other go he would pat their head "how about you go take a bath, just to clean yourself up" he smiled as he relaxed into his seat as he closed his eyes sighing

The navy haired man stared at him intensely for a moment, his thunderous gaze never once leaving their form before he grumbled and ousted himself off of his chair- standing still for afew moments before feeling confident enough to start walking to the bathroom.
As he walked he held his hand over his mouth, his brows furrowed as he opened and closed the door behind him- the redness flushing deep within his cheeks never once fading as he stared at the lock. He trusted the other enough not to lock it- so he had ended up just leaving it unlocked, soon letting the water run into the tub before he began to remove his clothes, setting them into a basket. Soon enough, he had sat himself down in the bath and let the water fill up the tub before eventually stopping the flow and just sitting there for a moment. He used this time to reflect to himself. He was... astonished that he had actively managed to get this far- a mutual relationship.. well, as mutual as it can get. He wasn't quite as obsessed with the others as they were with him, nor did he have any plans on killing someone for looking at his lover in a way he deemed inappropriate.
"Archons.. how did I end up like this" he grumbled, letting himself sink backwards into the water as he let his thoughts run wild.

Albedo would close his eyes and sigh out as he couldn't help but think about the others facial reactions, chuckling he got up and went to the kitchen to make himself a snack.. something sweet sounded good to him. After a while he carried the snack to the bedroom and sat down on the bed, yawning. He placed the plate down on the bedside table and plopped onto the bed. He glanced to the bathroom watching it closely as he looked back to the ceiling in thought.

After Scaramouche had washed himself down, the sound of draining water could be heard briefly, any aches and muscle pains he had once had in his back were now gone, and all that had remained was a dull pulsating feeling. He soon shook his head, any water dripping into the tub before he had climbed out, wrapping a towel around his waist before opening the bathroom door before he made his way into the bedroom.
He was rather toned and had small very faint inezuman markings across his chest, a shattered-like scar painted his chest as well as kintsugi markings, a golden glue-like substance, keeping where his chest had once been agape, in one piece- he had similar markings across his thighs and fingers.
He soon walked over to his drawer of clothes, looking through it before he grumbled to himself, pulling out a long, black robe and wrapping it around his form, removing the towel from his waist once he was covered enough and then used the towel to dry off the rest of his hair.

Albedo would glance over at the other as he looked them up and down, his face turning a dark red as he stood up and walked over to them. Smirking he wrapped his arms around their body as he kissed their cheek softly "my oh my what is with those golden markings all over your body?" he questioned as he kissed the back of their neck and their back thru the clothing. Huffing a bit he would take the other hand soon leaving soft kisses along their skin, eventually letting go he walked back to the bed and sat down as he picked up the plate he had.

The navy haired man flushed a deep red and looked at the blonde from the corner of his eyes, feeling the warmth of their body against his own caused a slight shiver to run down his spine.
"It's Kintsugi..." he spoke, his eyes following the others' actions, his hand curling into itself upon feeling their lips against his skin. "Its type of glue for fixing pottery and porcelain.. It originated in Inazuma." He watched as the other had let him go, his thunderous gaze following the other back to the bed before his feet started moving on its own.
He hung up the dampened towel, allowing it to dry before he sat himself down onto the bed and lay down, his back resting against the plush fabrics of the bedding as he stared up at the ceiling as he closed his eyes. The thin fabric against his chest was loose around his shoulders and loosely tied around his waist, as if the slightest of movements would cause it to come loose and allow his glassy skin to be shown off

Albedo would put some of the food in his mouth before glancing over at the other, chuckling a bit he then got up "I see, so your skin really is like porcelain? That's interesting to know.." he would walk to the kitchen putting the dish in the sink before returning back to the bedroom. Pulling a sheet over the other body he would sit at the edge of the bed, he stretched his arms over his head as he let out a tired groan. He pulled out a book from his bedside table and laid beside the other as he would quietly start reading to himself.

He hummed quietly in response to their questions, turning onto his side and tucking his arm under the pillow for extra support and he stared up at the other.
"In a way, yes." He spoke, soon closing his eyes once again, draping an arm over their stomach. He only did so because he liked to feel that the other was there, and by simply just placing an arm over them he wasn't necessarily getting in the way- not that he cared if he did. All he wanted was to feel Albedo near him. "Though it still holds the illustration of real skin. However, if I were to receive a deep wound, instead of a scar it would be something more of a permanent chip in my skin- therefore I use kintsugi to fill it in and repair any cracks." He explained, his hair falling in front of his face ever so slightly.
"Once the injury is healed, of course." He finished, burying his face into the bedding as he felt himself relaxing against the sheets

Albedo listened to the other silently as he chuckled a bit "interesting.." he would place the book down beside him as he pulled the other close to his body. He would hold their waist with one hand as he used his other to run a hand through the harbingers' hair. Smiling he would lean in and kiss their head softly "how about you get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up.." he would softly talk, his voice filled with love and his words being gentle and calming. He would pull the sheet over the both of them as he continues to run a hand thru their hair

He hummed quietly in response, carefully holding onto the fabrics of his lover's clothes as he made an attempt to force himself to sleep. In reality, he wasn't really tired, he just.. simply wanted their attention. To feel loved- which he did.
He furrowed his brows before letting out a heavy sigh.
As he lay there, he let himself think about everything that had happened since he had originally met the blonde back in . Part of him wonders what would have happened if he never returned- if he never had paid attention to Albedo. He was curious as to what would happen if he managed to get out. If he were to get hooked up to that machine, unable to get out.
He soon let these thoughts escape his mind, setting them aside for the time being before opening his eyes and looking at the blonde, admiring their features before letting out a small huff and closing his eyes once again.

Albedo would stare down at them as he chuckled softly, kissing them on the forehead he moved his hands to their hips and sighed. He then proceeded to make sure the other was secure and comfortable in his arms as he felt his eyelids getting heavier by the moment. Groaning tiredly he finally felt himself falling asleep while holding the other close, making sure they weren't going to get up and go anywhere.
Scaramouche lay idle until the other had fallen asleep- contemplating his actions before he managed to slip through their grasp, replacing his body wirh a pillow and one of his kimonos to keep the illusion of his scent nearby. He was cautious with all of hid actions before quietly stepping over to his drawers, quickly changing into some clean clothes before looking back at the othrt.
Was he really doing this?
Was he really prioritising his chance at divinity over this?
Of course he was. This was all nothing but a side plan, right? Nothing but a small break in the road. As he stared at the others sleeping figure he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt washing over him before he finally convinced himself to stop saying that whatever he had with Albedo was fake. After all of this time. All of the hidden denial and the half asked confession from back in the hotel, he had finally admitted to himself thay he truly did love Albedo.
He averted his gaze to the window before furrowing his brows and sighing to himself, stepping to the side of the bed and brushing some of their hair from their face before pressing a gentle kiss agaisnt his cheek before he had left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
He soon picked up his hat and left the small cottage-like home.
He didn't look back- he never did. He tried to convince himself that he wasn't actually abandoning the other. He was just..  he was simply going to work early. And taking a permanent residence inside of a machine. Without telling him.
He had ignored every curious gaze that was caused upon him as he exited the small village, setting his final location on the Academia, where he would inevitably be trapped in a machine, finally fulfilling his purpose.

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