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He would feel his body become warm underneath the blankets, but he soon felt the body of the other beside him. He had thought it was a dream as he slowly held the other close to him, sighing a little he felt himself melt up against the other in his arms. When the next day came the sun would rise up in the sky hitting the tent, grumbling he stirred awake before he felt the arm of the other on his waist, looking down at him he felt his face turn a dark shade of red. He reached a hand over to tuck in some of Scara's hair behind his ear, huffing a little he closed his eyes pulling the other close to him by the waist

Upon feeling the others warmth up against him he fully wrapped his arm around them and curled his body around there's ever so slightly,  feeling himself melt against the warmth of the  as he nuzzled himself into the fabric around him before he let out a soft whine, his brows furrowing slightly from the sudden movement around him before his features relaxed once again, his hand gently gripping the fabrics that clung to the others body.
His hair fell in front of his eyes mere seconds after it had been pushed behind his ears. Upon feeling the other pull him closer, he automatically nuzzled himself closer into them.. if this was a bad idea, he didn't know and didn't really care. He was asleep after all.
After another small while Scaramouche slowly began to wake up, huffing out lightly and refusing to open up his eyes, preferring the sensations that surrounded his body and the warmth of sleep more than whatever was going on outside.

Albedo had remained 'asleep' for a while longer, his hands a tight hold on the other's waist as his chest raised up and lowered with his breaths. After a while he opened his eyes again as he stared at the other in front of him, observing his features as he slowly sat up. His hair being a complete mess and all over the place as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, sighing he looked around as he moved himself from the other

Scaramouche grumbled quietly as his arm seemed to stay around the other before it had been retracted, his hand running g through his hair as he stretched underneath the blanket- whining softly before letting out a muffled yawn before his body went limp again. He had been awoken from the moment, and although he hadn't quite grasped what was going on, what he did know was that there was a body next to him and he was rather upset or bothered about the fact it had moved away from him.
Soon enough he shifted under the covers and slowly saw himself up, regretting almost immediately as a slight chill hit his bare skin, causing a grumble of dissatisfaction to escape his throat before he saw the blonde from the corner of his eyes. He didn't say anything, he only watched them, subconsciously admiring their features before he averted his gaze to the blanket that lay across his lap.

Albedo would glance over at the other as he smiled softly, taking off his coat he would wrap it around the other before he brushed a hand thru his hair and tied it back up in its original style. He would stay up for a while longer before laying himself back down beside the other, hesitantly wrapping his arms around his waist from behind him. Yawning tiredly he rested his head onto Scara's back, he just wanted to be in someone's hold and touch. He stared off to the side as his face heated up, his mind filled with thoughts as he closed his eyes sighing to himself

As he felt the others arms around him once more he furrowed his brows in confusion before looking at the blonde that had seemed to attach themself to him. He hummed quietly in response before moving their head and arms softly before he lay himself down again, and wrapping an arm around their shoulders, allowing the other to hold him. He didn't like the idea of being affectionate towards the other, but if it meant letting his plan play out smoothly, he would have to.. and yet there was something getting in the way which contradicted his feelings.
Part of him wanted to show affection to the other, a warmth blooming in his stomach whenever the other would give him attention- it made him feel so... strange. It was almost intoxicating.
"You're so clingy." He grumbled as he let a hand run through the ends of Albedo's hair, a soft, extremely faint redness dusting his cheeks once again. His eyes held a slight foreign feeling within them- admiration, perhaps? Desperation? He didn't know, nor did he care. He thought it was too early to care.

Albedo would open up his eyes to look up at the other, he furrowed his brows as he sat up a little. He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away from the other "I'm sorry.." he mumbled as he grabbed his boots and stood up, almost losing his balance as he held onto the tent for support. He groaned tiredly as he put on his boots and left the tent, walking away from the area as he walked to his alchemy table. Sitting down he would put on some lab glasses as he sorted out the chemicals and potions on his desk.

Scaramouche couldn't help but feel let down as the other left, a sense of disappointment washing through him as the other's warmth left his side. He grumbled to himself as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair once again.
"Stupid.." he mumbled as he removed the other jacket from his frame and slid his Kimono back on, styling it how he usually did before standing up and putting his shoes back on. As he left the tent he picked up the others' jackets carefully, folding it over their arm before he had stood up, looking around the area for the blonde before he eventually laid eyes upon him. His hands help onto the fabric of the jacket softly before he would approach them.
He opened up the jacket and draped it over their shoulders before he crossed his arms over his chest, watching what they were  doing with seemingly minimal interest before he had spoken up.
"Didn't have to get up and leave y'know." He spoke bluntly, his eyes never leaving the contents of the table for a moment, mild curiosity of what may happen if something were to go wrong. "Just because I said it doesn't mean I didn't like it.." His voice was barely a above a whisper, his hands softly folding the fabric of his kimono as he spoke

Albedo would continue on with what he was doing, mixing potions and experiments together as he stopped to look up at the other. Smiling he stood up and moved the lab glasses over his head, leaning in close to the other he gently took his hand, his skin warm and smooth to the touch as he pulled the other close "my bad, did you want to go and cuddle with me then? If you enjoyed it?" he smirked as he cupped the other face, leaning in just inches from his face "I only left because I thought you were uncomfortable, if I knew you liked that I would have stayed wouldn't I?" he frowned before letting him go and moving things out of the way so he could sit on the desk

Scaramouche hummed quietly as a soft red danced upon his features from the proximity of the two, biting the inside of his lip as he analysed the others features, a quick glance down at their lips before averting his gaze. Upon the distance between the two being shared being lengthened he let out a breath he didn't even realise he was holding.
Upon watching the other sit themself down onto their table and idea popped into his mind and he almost immediately jumped into action, sliding himself between their legs and placing his hands over across their lower thighs.. if he was going to try and twist the other into working with him he may as well give them something to stay for, right?
"Maybe I did.. what about it, hmm?" He cooed, slowly re-closing the distance between the two as he squeezed their legs softly. "Would you be a darling and lay with me if I were to ask?" He inquired, his eyes scanning their face as he watched watched their reactions

Albedo would look down at the other, his heart racing up as he looked away to hide his dark red face "fine.. I'll lay with you, only because you asked.." he sighed as he looked back at him, he rested his hand on the other's head as he shivered from the other's touch. He soon pulled himself away from the others touch before standing up and taking his hand, dragging him back to the tent he covered up the bottom half of his face out of embarrassment.

The navy haired man chuckled darkly at the others' reactions, following them closely with a ghost of a smile dancing g upon his features before a teasing glint began to shine within his eyes. He twisted his hand slightly to lock fingers with the blonde before squeezing their hand softly as he stood in front of the tent.
"Oh my.. aren't you quite red in the face?" He cooed, his free hand sneaking up their back slowly. He knew what he was going , he was well aware he was the cause of the colour in their cheeks. Who else would it be? "What could have possibly gotten you so worked up..? Do you perhaps find enjoyment in this intimacy?" He spoke slowly, his voice alluring and dark.
His eyes were dark, curious and heald a strong teasing glint- all of if hiding his true intent of his actions.. and although he wouldn't admit it, he secretly enjoyed seeing the other so worked up over something he did.

Albedo froze up with the contact of the others hands on his body as he glanced over at him, he furrowed his brows as he looked away "shut up.." he mumbled as he got inside the tent and removed his boots and coat. Sighing he pulled the blanket over his body and above his head, mumbling a few things as he calmed his red face down, closing his eyes he relaxed himself taking in some breaths as he waited for the other to join him. His heart still raced up against his chest as he pulled the covers down to stare over at Scaramouche

Scaramouche stared down at the other before removing his Kimono and his own shoes before carefully sitting himself down next to them, eventually slipping under the blanket alongside the blonde and hesitantly wrapping an arm around them.
"Tell me, Albedo.. how do my actions make you feel?" He inquired, his fingers gently combing through their hair as he spoke. His eyes soon landed back upon their figure, admiring everything about them before he turned onto his side and wrapped his other warm around their waist. He soon began staring into their eyes, taking in every detail, every different colour in their eye and the way the lights would reflect against them before he spoke up again. "I'd like to confirm my... suspicions" he spoke quietly, closing some of the distance between them

Albedo would close his eyes as he melted against the other's touch, sighing as he nuzzled up against him "why does it matter? I would have thought my feelings didn't matter to you.." he then pulled himself away as he turned to his side, sighing he closed his eyes again as he felt his body get heavy under the sheets. He curled himself up as he opened his eyes and stared outside "your actions make me feel warm.. and flustered inside, almost as if I had butterflies inside my stomach.." he mumbled as he turned to face the other

Upon hearing the others' words he felt... shocked? Surprised? He wouldn't have thought that a person would be capable of feeling such things for him. He tightened his hold upon the blonde and pulled them closer to his form. He didn't know why he was finding such.. enjoyment in doing these things. He found a strange comfort within the blonde. Maybe it was because he too wasn't a real human? He 'exhaled' softly before he began to think over his words and once he knew how to say what he wanted to say, he said it.
"Let's say I do care about how you feel.." he began, his fingers folding the fabric of the man's shirt between his fingers "What then, my Prince?" He inquired, adding a pathname at the end of his sentence to see what kind of reactions he would evoke from Albedo.
His hold was... protective, in a way. Firm and somewhat caring. He himself couldn't tell if he was being genuine about it or if he was faking it as he had been before.

Albedo would stay still as he listened to the others words,  furrowing his brows, closing his eyes he sighed out quietly "then.. I would actually be rather surprised.. but glad to know you do care about my feelings.." he opened his eyes to glance at the other, taking in his features and reactions as he softly smiled, he only then started to feel his face heat up from the name 'Prince' as he looked away "does that answer all your questions?"

Scaramouche inhaled softly as he listened to their words, a soft red dancing upon his cheeks before closing his eyes and furrowing his brows softly. He squeezed their body gently against his own before feeling his words become stuck in his throat- as if slightly flustered in a way.
"I see.." he trailed off before a hand slid to the back of their neck as if to bring them closer to his face, only to softly comb his fingers through their hair. "That did indeed answer my questions." He spoke as he glanced down at their lips once again before glancing up at their eyes.
What was going on with him? Why was he thinking about doing such a thing? Was it because the blonde was giving him the attention he had desired for longer than he had ever imagined? Maybe.. but even then, why would he even dare about being more intimate with Albedo over something like that.

Albedo would glance into the others eyes as a soft smile went on his lips "good.." he would move closer to the other as he wrapped his arms around his waist, soon nuzzling into the others neck he huffed out against his skin. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest as he closed his eyes, he felt himself relax against their touch as he gripped onto the clothes of the other. He rested up for awhile beside Scara's body as he moved his hands to hold onto the others back, he felt calm and more relaxed when he was with the others hold

The dark eyes man watched Albedo closely, strange urges taking over his every thought and it irked him in a way. He didn't actually care about this maniac, did he? He didn't actually want to.. to kiss the blonde? Surely not. His hands stood moving on their own, ignoring his mental scolding as he took a gentle hold of their chin- propping himself up a little as he stared at the blonde before slowly closing the distance between them, only to stop inches away from their lips. His eyes shot up to look at the others features, admiring their expressions the colours and hues of their eyes and any warmth that may have been present on their cheeks before whispering "fuck it" under his breath before pressing his lips up  the others- his hand slowly moving to cup their face as his thumb gently brushed across their cheek as his fingers slid through the blonde's hair.
A redness began to rise onto his cheeks and he swore that if he had a heart, he would be able to feel it beating harshly against his chest that had begun to feel warm and flushed from the sudden actions he was putting himself through.

The blonde's eyes widened in surprise.. shocked by the others' lips against his own he felt as if the world stopped in its place. He slowly closed his eyes as he returned the kiss back to the other, slipping his arms around Scara's neck as he melted into the kiss. His heart was pounding against his chest as he felt as though he had butterflies in his stomach. Was he waiting for this moment to come, or was he just not expecting it? His mind went blurry with the sudden thoughts as his fingers played with the ends of the others hair. His feelings getting mixed up yet again as he decided to deepen the kiss, his chest feeling heavy by the current moment

Scaramouche flushed a deep red as the other slipped their arms around his neck, humming softly into the kiss as he moved himself to prop his body on top of the others- his free arm helping him keep himself up while the other caressed the others face, soon moving it to undo his hair and gently comb his fingers through his hair.
He pulled away for a split moment, his chest rising and falling softly as he stared down at the man beneath him before opening his mouth to speak.
"Mmh.. well isn't this a surprise? A Knight getting intimate with a Fatui harbinger.. who would have thought" he spoke slowly as he lowered himself down once again, locking his lips against theirs.
He wouldn't dare say it, but he honestly wished he had done this sooner. Their touch, their taste, their everything. It was so... strangely addictive.

Albedo would roll his eyes at what the other had said as he locked his fingers into the others hair, kissing him back he huffed out a bit into the kiss. Soon he parted again as he breathed out heavily, taking in some breaths as he looked up at the other "seems we'll have to keep this a secret then so nobody will know" he smirked as he moved his hands down to the others waist, pulling him closer he chuckled softly.

The balladeer stared down at the other and shuddered as he felt their hands travel down his waist. He couldn't tell whether he loved or hated it. His eyes travelled his features before a thought began to form within his mind.
"You will have to keep it a secret... different story for me." He chuckled darkly as his hand travelled across their throat, gently dragging his fingers over their marking before a small humm escaped his lips. "You may only have to keep it a secret because you killed one of my men.." he spoke, a darkness tainting his eyes as he pressed his thumb against their throat. His eyes watched them carefully, a thunderous gaze never changing.
"And kidnapped the 6th because you wanted my attention." He laughed out, an alluring and mocking smile dancing upon his featured before he gently lifted their chin. "Archons... just what will the knights think?" His voice was low and silky, as if he was egging the other on, as if he liked how the others crazed and obsessed antics.

Albedo would furrowed his brows at the other as he watched his movements, clicking his tongue he looked away, a soft red going onto his face as he thought about it "hm.. that's true, can't let anyone know about what's going on at the Knights.." he mumbled as he soon pulled himself away from the others. Sitting up he ran a hand through his blonde locks as he stared down at the blanket to think. Huffing he looked outside before getting up "now that's not fair that you get to tell people about what happened and I can't, I don't think you should tell anyone as well" he glanced over at him as he stared down at the harbinger

He laughed slowly as he sat himself up, crossing his arms against his chest. Without his kimono obscuring his body, his shape was a lot more defined. He had well shaped arms and some noticeable shaping around his torso. Although he was a catalyst weirder, when he had worked in the abyss, he had to keep himself fit in attempts if coming out alive. His shoulders seemed to be flushed with a soft red.
"Unfair? Oh, please.. who would believe a harbinger when heavily implying that they've slept with a Knight, hm? Not to mention the chief alchemist killing off somebody over some strange infatuation." He asked, cocking a brow as he adjusted his body to sit more comfortably, his eyes trailing their body before biting the inside of his lip and looking back up to their eyes, feeling himself getting lost in them for a moment I mentioned before opening his mouth to speak again. "But of course, if one of those things were to be confirmed by yourself... well, to put it bluntly..Your career within the knights would be tarnished within seconds." His voice was slightly raspy as his nose scrunched up a little as he spoke, a sly smile forming upon his face.
"However... if that were to happen- you just so happen to be in close contact with a harbinger. You'd have yourself a new job- maybe a new title within afew days'' he said, waving his hand around a little, seemingly plotting something as he spoke.. what if he let the other in on what he was leaving for? What if he managed to get somebody like Albedo to help create a god. Surely he would be able to work some wonders.. if not, he would simply have him as his right hand man. What is a god without their beloved servant, after all?

He would listen to his words as he furrowed his brows, knowing that the other was right he would sigh a bit "your right, your absolutely right, my job would be over if all this got out of hand.." he took a seat as he looked down at his lap, thinking he would glance over at the other hearing what he said "what do you mean by that? New Job? Title?" he raised a brow as he stared at him processing what the other was saying

The navy haired man's eyes settled firmly upon the blonde in front of him, chuckling slowly as he held his chin as if he were in thought. He had made up his mind. He soon opened his mouth to speak, and was rather... bittersweet about it all.
"Let's say... hypothetically, you do lose your place within the knights- within Monstadt. How would you feel about joining my ranks? " He asked before he adjusted himself, leaning forward as he held onto their neck softly, his thumb rubbing across their jaw as he moved his hand to hold his chin, his thumb now rubbing against their bottom lip."Being my right hand man?"He asked, his gaze darkening, looking deeply into their eyes as if searching for the answer to his elections, staying quiet for afew moment before he spoke once again.
"How would you feel about.... creating a god?"

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