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During the night that he was separate from his lover, the blonde male couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning till he finally woke up, sitting up he made his way to the others bedroom. Opening their room and glancing over at their body he sighed softly. He walked in and closed the door behind him as he layed down beside the other, he wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled them close from behind. He then ran a hand thru their hair as he kissed the back of their neck over their mark "glad to have you back.." he muttered against their skin as he closed his eyes tiredly and falling back asleep

Upon hearing the other come into the room he had quickly closed his eyes  pretended to be asleep, not caring if his tear stained face was visable. Upon feeling the other laying behing him he opened his eyes and let out a shakey breath. His head hurt and his chest still ached but the feeling of the other behind him brought some kid of bittersweet closure to him. He swallowed thickly, a slight pain in his throat from how dry it had become from the past few hours of quietly. Part of him wanted to push the other away but the moment he felt their arms wrap around him and their lips press agaisnt his neck he couldn't help but furrow his brows as hisbeyes began to feel wet again. Why was he so.. emotional over this?
He used the ball of one of hisbhands ro rub his eyes and attempt to rid of any tears before they fell- attempting to calm himself and not alert the other. He simply just wanted to sit and soak in theor warmth and yet his body just wouldn't allow it.

Albedo could almost hear the other crying as he slept, smiling softly he pushed their head into his chest softly as he ran his hand thru his hair. He left a soft kiss on their head as he sighed softly, opening his eyes he then turned his lovers face towards him and kissed his cheek "I'm sorry.." he mumbled as he held their face in his hands. Glancing into their eyes as he wiped the others tears with his thumbs

Kunikuzushi pursed his lips and furrowed his brows upon feeling the othet pull him close. Hebsat silent for a moment, his hands gripping any fabric he could manage to grasp tightly. He just let his hears run down his cheeks and he made an attempt to steady out his 'breathing' he let out a shaky breath before he felt the other forcing him to look up at them, a pit in his stomach opening.
Why was Albedo being so affectionate? Wasn't he given a separate room for a reason? He was so confused. So torn- he didn't know what to do, however the moment he heard the other speaking to him be quietly moved his face away, simply just hiding it back agaisnt the blonde's chest as he closed his eyes tightly.
He hated how much his lover had affected him. In more ways than one. He soon let go of their shirt and wrapped his arms around them, slowly curling into himself and once again pretending to be asleep until eventually he would find himself slowly drifting off.
He hadn't a clue of what to say to Albedo. Not in a situation like this. He wanted to bathe in their warmth and make the most of the moment- even if it was just out of pity.

Albedo would hold him close as he ran his hand thru his lovers hair. Sighing softly he kissed their neck and closed his eyes. His eyelids getting heavy as he had eventually falling asleep, holding him close to his body. He felt peaceful.. calm and relaxed when he held the other. He thought he would finally get a decent sleep now knowing that he had the person he loved back in his arms. He stayed still with the other in his arms until the next morning came along

Scaramouche had stayed in bed for hours, even once he had woken up. Which was a short while before Albedo had left. He couldn't bring himself to get up- nor fave the other after last night. His pride had been completely shattered.
For the time he had been left alone he simply just lay in silence underneath the blankets, letting himself sink into the bedding and sink deeper into his thoughts with every moment that passed. Of course when Albedo had gotten up and left, he felt a little bit dissapointed- but it's not like he could do anything about it. He was faking his slumber whilst the othet was there, after all.
He soon closed his eyes once again, praying he would fall back asleep so he could simply just sleep away all of his problems. He wasn't in the mood to face them today, anyways. He wasn't in the mood for anything. He hated the feeling crying had left him with, even hours after his tears had dried. A horrible feeling of fatigue and an overwhelming headache.

After Albedo had finished he walked back to Kuni's room to see them still in bed, he furrowed his brows and sighed a little. Was the other really mad at him? He walked over as he sat on their bed, soon taking their hand and kissing it softly "Talk to me.. are you mad at me?" He questioned, a bit of fear and sadness in his voice as he then got on top and held their face in his hand, creasing his cheeks with his thumbs he leaned down kissing them softly. He then sighed and got up as he let's them go "I love you, I'll leave you alone if your mad.." he muttered as he walked to the door, soon opening it and leaving the room silently to head into the living room

Kunikuzushi wasn't mad. He doesn't think he ever could be mad at Albedo. Though - if he was, which was indeed a little bit, it was more angry and upset with himself than anyone else. He opened his eyes as they left the room and felt a chill of loneliness settle in.
Was home ever this cold?
He turned his back to the door, hugging himself as he pulled the blankets over his head. He furrowed his brows in irritance as he curled up into a foetal position. He inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes once again, staring at the folds in the blankets and soon letting out a shakey breath.
Archons, how he craved to be back in Albedo's arms once again. To hold him, to kiss him, anything. And yet he felt as if he couldn't. So he just lay alone for a little while. He thought that maybe if he were to settle his thoughts and grow used to the way things were going to be from now on, he would be able to talk to them sooner rather than later.
–As a few minutes possibly hours passed, Albedo would work around the home as he glanced at the others room. His brows furrowed as a look of worry crossed his face, he wasn't sure if he should try talking to them again or leave it be. He sighed and put the dishes away as he walked to their bedroom. He looked at them as he leaned up against the doorframe, he then walked over and held the others hand, creasing over their skin with his thumb as he brought it to his lips and kissed their knuckles "Lets talk about this.. please." he pleaded as he picked up the other, pulling them close to a hug and pressing their head into his chest "I don't want to live like this, it pains me to see you alone.." he sighed as he squeezed their waist "talk to me, lets go back to how we were.." he mumbled as he moved his hands to cup his lovers face, as he glanced into their eyes

He stared at them for a moment, a kind of tired and distant look in his eyes from just laying in the exact same position for hours on end. He averted his gaze and furrowed his brows, humming in disapproval before carefully moving his face away from their touch- however once he had been pulled towards them rhe felt himself tense up agaisnt the others body, only to move his face away again hesitantly.
"Why would it even matter. It wouldn't even feel the same." He grumbled as he furrowed his brows. He had partially regretted what he had said earlier, saying that it might be a better experience. It wasn't. It felt forced in a way. Why was he so desperate to have them back without looking further into it? He truly was stupid, Wasn't he? "Forcing it is just going to make a mess.." he mumbled as he tiredly rested his forhead against their shoulder. He wanted to do nothing but melt against the man infront of him, to be able to love them the same way he did in his past life- but it didn't even matter anymore, did it? He said what he said, and he knew there would be consequences. And yet, there was still a kind of desperation visible within him to be close to the other yet again.

Albedo would listen to their words as he sighed softly, he then used his pointer finger and placed it underneath their chin, lifting up their head he smiled warmly "We can take it slow.. I won't force you to start a relationship again with me.." he frowned as he moved their hair back and kissed their forehead, leaving his lips there as he wrapped his arm around his waist. He then sighed and held their face once again, creasing his cheeks, his touch loving and gentle as he smiled "Just know I'll always love you.. even if you are upset or something" he kissed their lips softly before he let them go.

Kunikuzushi flushed a soft red from the pressure of the others lips agaisnt his own, and the moment they let him go he quickly held onto their arm, as if he didn't want them to leave. Upon realising what he did he looked at his hand in dissapointment before letting go and placing them both onto his lap.
"..thanks.." he said quietly, keeping his eyes away from the blonde infront of him before he moved to lay back down again with his back faced towards them. From this view and the morning light, little golden lines of kintsugi could be seen from the edges of his compression shirt. They were thick and ragged from the what appeared to be the centere of his back and slowly gotten thinner as they neared his shoulders and around the marking of his neck - soon dissalearing into his skin.
He held himself as he lay there, quietly attempting to calm himself from any overwhelming emotions that torn him apart from the inside.

Albedo would stare down at them as he studied the others body head to toe, feeling his face turn a soft red as he sighed "I'll be moving your stuff to my room, you'll sleep with me.. like we used to" he smiled as he leaned over to kiss their head "try not to worry so much.. you can still be with me and all that but we have to work our way back up" he then pulled the sheet over the others body as he ran a hand thru his hair, softly humming a calming song he kissed their cheek "i'll let you rest up.." he then kissed them once again before grabbing his lover's stuff and moving them to his room. He had felt bad about moving the other to a separate room, heck he tried his best to cheer the other up. He sighed putting them by his bedroom door before he walked to the bathroom to take a quick bath

Once Albedo had left, he turned to face the door once again, staring blankly as he let out a slight sigh. He stayed that way for a short while before he had heard the water running in the bathroom. He slowly sat up, feeling a little stiff from laying down for much longer than he originally wanted to. Mentally complaining, he slid himself out of the bed he once lay in and stood up, taking afew moments to balance himself out before slowly leaving the room.
He let his eyes wander around the room for a moment before he closed the door quietly behind him before slowly walking into their now, once again, shared bedroom. He cracked the door open before sneaking inside and closing the door after him.
He wandered to the side of the bed he would always sleep on before climbing ontop of the mattress and laying down, curling himself up under the covers and closing his eyes. He hugged his pillow close to his body, his head resting on a portion of it whilst the rest was pressed agasint his chest.

Albedo sat in the bath for awhile, calming himself down as he leaned his head back sighing to himself. He then got out and dried himself off before putting on some shorts and a tank top as he made his way out of the bathroom. He glanced around the room before eventually spotting the other on his bed, smiling softly he put the towel away and walked over to him, he got on his side of the bed and layed beside the male. He raised his hand to run a hand thru their hair as he sighed a little, then he got closer, his arms wrapping around his body as he held them close. Kissing their head he then turned off the lamp beside his bed and waited till he started getting sleepy

Kunikuzushi lay silent as he felt the other against him, soon turning his body to face them and replace the hold he once had around his pillow on Albedo. He hummed softly upon feeling their warmth around him and gently tucked his head beneath their chin before letting out a soft, shaky breath.
He let his thoughts consume his mind as he just lay there, thinking to himself and quietly reminiscing those odd but loving times. The time he had been kidnapped- the time Albedo had visited him after killing his top agent.
He narrowed his eyes at the thought of the other not remembering any of it- wondering what would happen if they were reminded. Or if he even wanted to remind them. Either way. He slowly felt himself falling asleep, only to br awoken by a small noise from outside the window- a bird. Perhaps he shouldn't have slept all day. He found it increasingly difficult to do try and sleep.

Albedo had slept for a few hours, a hand on the others lower back and the other on their waist as he kept them close. Eventually waking up he moved his hand from his lovers back to rub his eyes tiredly. He glanced at the male beside him as he smiled, tucking some of their hair behind their ear as he then kissed their forehead lovingly. He stayed close to the other as he gently rubbed their back comforting them. He looked out the window as he furrowed his brows thinking, only then to look at his lovers sleeping features

He would watch the other sleep as he smiled softly, he pulled the sheets over their body and move into a more comfortable position as he continues to hold onto the other. He sighed softly as he ran a hand thru their hair, making sure they were asleep, he then stared at the ceiling in silence as he laid there, resting his hand around their thigh as he closed his eyes again to rest up

Kunikuzushi kept his ear pressed against his lover's chest throughout the night. He kept his thigh across their body in order to keep them close.
He let out a quiet breath as he listened to the beating of their heart- finding such great and indescribable comfort within both that and their warmth that it almost made him forget about every problem he had and has.
Archons, what he would do to let this moment last forever, and the moment he felt their hand against his thigh, he felt a warmth spread across his cheeks, swallowing thickly before closing his eyes once again and slowly feeling himself fall into the deep slumber he had been awaiting for- not once letting go of the other as he slept soundly

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