Venture into Alacrya

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Alcaeus Indrath

Mirage walk and Burst step were coming in real handy right now. 

I was almost at the edge of the continent. 

But there was one hurdle that I wasn't sure I could cross. Alacrya wasn't anywhere close to Epheotus, and I can't yet create portals that could take me to other continents. And if I went to one of the portals controlled by the clans then there's a chance that Father himself will come to stop me.

With one last push, I reached the horizon. Waves of water crashing against rocks filled my vision. 

I sat down and began concentrating. This was going to take a while...


I was greeted by a sudden voice in my head. I immediately sprang into action and put up my guard, ready to face off against anyone my Father had sent. But no one came, except the voice.

'...go down.'

Go down? Is it telling me to go underground? Now how stupid would I be to trust a random voice in my head-

'150 meters...down...portal...Alacrya...' 

There's a portal to Alacrya here? This has to be some kind of joke. 

I scoffed at the voice.

"How about you show yourself rather than trying to manipulate me?" I shouted. No response was given.


Setting up a portal myself would take god knows how long, and I'm not even sure I can do it. If, by any chance, Sis is captured or killed by the time I succeed then...

I'll have to risk it. Worst case scenario, its a trap and I'll have to escape.

'Fuuuu...' I took a deep breath.

If I charge a blast to force my way'll be sensed by someone on the continent. So I'll have to do this the old fashioned way.

I coated my body in a thin layer of mana protection and started digging with earth magic. 

Taking a scoop of dirt and forcing it to the side, my body began sinking. To quicken the process, I kept the tunnel's size to where I could barely fit. Taking a deep breath of oxygen, I closed off the entrance and focused my entire being on manipulating the dirt and rocks.

It only took me a few minutes to reach it. I could feel a hard surface beneath my feet. Sensing it was metal, I carefully opened it up arching downwards and dropped through it. 

"*Cough*Cough*" My landing created a gust of dirt. After letting it clear, I finally caught sight of the portal.

Sure enough, it was a portal, but it wasn't lit up. 

I walked closer to it. It looked ragged but not broken, like an old man who had lived centuries but wasn't yet ready to die. 

It felt like it was calling me.

I didn't notice when I had activated Realmheart. 

My hand rose. 

I realized I was losing control of my body.

When my fingers brushed against where the portal would've been had it been lit, it came to life.

A surface resembling the bluest of oceans.

And it sucked me in. 

I had no time to contemplate whether it led to Alacrya or not.

The next moment, I was in a empty room. There was furniture of course, elegant enough to dictate it was a well-off house or mansion. There was dust. Not the kind that came from not cleaning, but indicative of there being no one to occupy this room. I deactivated Realmheart, not before my acute hearing picked up conversation in some other part of the house. 

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