Change in Plan

955 45 14

Cadell Vritra

I was rushing back to Alacrya.

Having witnessed a terrifying power emanating from Alcaeus body was understandably tense. 

Landing in Darv, I witnessed another battalion coming through the portal.

But what followed them was not what I wanted to deal with right now.

The old dwarf was back with Nico in tow, likely with his memories changed.

Ignoring everyone, I just grabbed Nico, knocked him out, and took him with me. 

Once back in Central Dominion, I requested an audience with the High Sovereign immediately.

I was getting weird looks from everyone because Nico was on my back, but I didn't give them the time of the day.

After waiting for a few minutes, I was guided to the main hall where High Sovereign was waiting alone.

He didn't show any surprise at seeing who I brought along with me. I didn't want to waste my Lord's time so I began explaining without the details.

"Lord Armani arrived in Dicathen and ordered me to find Lady Sylvia. I made my way to the Beast Glades where Uto was carrying out his missions, and interrogated some elven soldiers. Having confirmed that Lady Sylvia was in Elenoir, I relayed that information to the great vritra while Uto stayed behind and made sure the dragon wouldn't escape. Uto was able to injure several of their Lances before Lady Sylvia interfered and killed him."

Once again, no reaction. I simply continued while swallowing a sigh.

"Lord Armani arrived at the scene and fought a tough battle against Lady Sylvia. Due to her being weakened, I was sure that Lord Armani would be victorious, however..."

"However?" Finally, a reaction.

"A portal appeared between the two of them and Alcaeus Indrath walked through. He was wearing...Vritra scales upon his body as armor. His expression was sinister, as if he had just killed a million people and enjoyed doing it. His first attack appeared to be a harmless purple liquid, and therefore Lord Armani didn't defend against it...But as soon as the attack made contact, Lord Armani's body was erased from existence."

The ground beside me exploded.

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?!?!!?!?" The High Sovereign shouted at me. I knew he wasn't questioning the authenticity of my remarks, so I remained quiet. "He is an Asura!!! How and when did he enter the Relictombs! Not only that, but he obtained two of the Runes I have been searching for for SO LONG!!!!!!"

His face contorted from a human's to that of a beasts' as his rage kept on increasing. 

"CADELL!!!!!! Send everyone in now! Send every Ascender, every soldier into the Relictombs before the sun sets today! I must obtain the last Rune no matter what!"

"Understood, High Sovereign." 

But before I could leave, he appeared next to me, standing over the sleeping form of Nico.

"And as for this...idiot. I'll have to change my plan." 

Milord's hand rested on top of Nico's head as he wove through his memories once more.

Changing memories so often will most definitely lead to severe side affects including decreased mana control. But neither me, nor the High Sovereign were concerned about him.

"There. After you do what I just told you to, take Nico back to Dicathen. Drop him near Alcaeus, and make sure he finds his way to the asuran-boy. Their reunion will be forced but I have no choice." 

Giving him my acknowledgement, I grabbed the boy and left the hall.

I ignored the High Sovereign, who's eyes had turned white and his consciousness had drifted to an afar land. 

Most Lady Sylvia.




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