
753 42 12

Alcaeus Indrath

I punched the tenth wall, which finally revealed a portal behind it.

My strength was improving by unrealistic lengths.

Excitement in my heart kept rising as I walked through the portal with a third of my core still filled.

I thought the next trial would be based upon my speed, or perhaps intellect.

But instead, I saw a small room. The room was filled with grass...and a chair.

I was paranoid for several seconds, waiting for an ambush.

Perhaps branches will tear the ground and attack me. Or perhaps the grass blades were sharp.

Second by second, when nothing came, I made my way to the chair.

I sat down.

...and still nothing.

Is this...a break room?

So, the relictombs were telling me to rest.

I could only imagine that the next zone would be much more difficult than the previous two.

Relaxing, I let out the breath I was holding.

Not being on edge for the first time in a while, I finally noticed.

The Aether concentration in this room...was abnormal.

And I could feel every single mote. They were calling out to me.

I crouched on the ground and absorbed some of it.

My core, and my body, were ecstatic at the taste of pure Aether.

Is there no mana here?

I couldn't tell.

But the sensation of my core being filled up again...

It was better than the time Rinia did it.

For some reason, I kept absorbing Aether.

And my body kept taking it.

My core's capacity was maxed out, but it wasn't trying to reject more.

It was trying to accommodate.

There was a page in the book, a single page. It detailed some sort of egg that no one except a single person could break into. 

It said the egg was made of layers upon layers of Aether. Each one thicker than its former.

What if I could use the concept to increase my core's capacity?

I imagined another sphere rotating around my core.

Suddenly, its center glowed. 

It could hear me.

The excess Aether in my body from absorbing for an hour rushed to form the second layer.

I felt a sharp pain in my sternum as the process was nearing its completion.

Just as I thought I had done it, it collapsed. 

The Aether was pushed out of my body as a defense mechanism, and the second layer failed to form.

I clicked my tongue, not being able to tell what I did wrong.

I contemplated for a few minutes.

The only reason I could think of was that there isn't enough centrifugal force to keep the second layer in place. The Aether, while willing to my wishes, doesn't want to stay in one place for too long. 

This would be much easier if I knew how I had formed the damn core in the first place.

I looked down as I leaned my body to rest for a while before trying again.

My eyesight fell on the grass once more.

Wait...I can see a purple coating around the blades...its so thick.

But it was unmistakably Aether.

I don't know why I thought of this, but I plucked some of the grass and took a bite, only of the Aether.

Only of the Aether!

I...just ate Aether.


Cadell Vritra

"Ugrh...why do we have to do this? This is supposed to be the work of spies." Uto complained to me as we were flying stealthily.

"The person in question is Lady Sylvia, you imbecile." I educated him.

This is why he's still a retainer...

"Okay, okay. But will you at least tell me where we are going, Strongest-Scythe aka errand boy?" 

"The dwarf said he was going to the Kingdom of Elenoir. There has been no word from him since, and we can't teleport there." I ignored his provocations.

"Oh, does this mean ill get to take some elves for me-self?"  

I shook my head, "We are not supposed to harm Lady Sylvia, just report back. We can't do that if you start taking their people as your slaves. That time has not yet arrived."

He clicked his tongue at me, once again, provoking me. "I'm tired of doing it with adventurers. Some times a man needs a weak woman. Well, these Lessers are ALL weak, but still, a weaker woman. My needs are unfulfilled."

"I do not want to hear about your useless problems." He finally shut up, or so I thought.

A similar conversation took place twice  before we finally arrived.

"Hmm? Isn't Elenoir supposed be further ahead?"

Ignoring my retainer, I dropped down to the ground.

There was a platoon of elven guards resting here.

Lessers are foolish and ignorant.

And the elven King is unworthy, or so I've heard.

If Lady Sylvia had stepped foot in their Kingdom, then even a lowly guard would been notified.

I could be wrong, but she hadn't come near Darv, I had made sure of it.

If this fails, I'll just have to search Sapin. I heard the human King is even more arrogant and selfish than Dawsid.

Although, that came from Dawsid himself, so I don't know how true it is.

Fortunately, my guess would turn out to be true.

Fate is on our side, after all.

I left Uto behind and made my way back to Darv to report the success of my mission.




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