The Defense Begins

965 48 36

Aya Grephin

Lord Alcaeus had just killed the human King...

In a quite flashy way, I might add. I couldn't sense what technique he used or how much mana, but I did see a lot of blood.

I am not sure what happened. Right now, we are all making our way to the conference room.

Blaine's wife and kids are horrified. Queen Priscilla had to accompany us to talk with the Asuras, but Prince Curtis and Princess Kathyln are staying with their father's...corpse? There's only blood on the floor, even the bones had disappeared.

It was terrifying to us Lances as well.

Even Olfred's molten lava isn't capable of doing that, at least not in an instant.

I was wondering why there was two bodies' worth of blood on the floor, being quite perceptive in that field. And then I realized that the lecherous priest that's usually stuck to Blaine's side was also dead. 

It then dawned on me.

Lord Alcaeus was holding Lady Sylvia in his arms when we arrived. If Sebastian died before Blaine, then the reason for their death is obvious.

To try and assault an Asura...they have guts, you got to admit that.

Swooping in to save his sister, throw two Lances, including Varay, on the ground and kill the most important man on the continent.

Fuuucck...Lord Alcaeus is too hot, even for my taste. I doubt I'll last more than a couple hours with him.

Of course, I don't mean combat. 

With the way he subdued both Varay and Bairon to the point where they didn't even attack...

He would destroy me within seconds. 

Which only makes him even better...

Cough, I need to calm down. Alea is starting to give me her usual side eyes, she knows what I'm thinking.

Besides, he calls us 'Lessers'. I guess, we are like pets to them. And you don't give your pets a chance in bed.

When we arrived, we saw the Asura sitting on two chairs and Elder Rinia standing in a corner.

When did she get here- is what I'd like to say. But she is a mystery to everyone. I'm just glad she's back from her trip. Both Tessia and Elder Virion lighten up around her. Ugh, I despise the depressing air they sometimes conjure around them.

Like, I get you were kidnapped. But they didn't lay a hand on you beyond ripping your clothes, and that's probably because you struggled. Get strong enough to cut their dicks off for any future encounters, and move on.

Am I insensitive for thinking that? Well, that's what I did, and it worked out all right.

Anyway, the kings and queens took their seats - random seats really. I thought we were going to wait for the dwarfs to arrive, but Lord Alcaeus started without warning.

First, he explained to Pricilla and the human Lances what he had told us. And after a few more threats of imminent war...

"Do you have an Academy? Large enough to accommodate the best future war assets from all three races?"

"There is one in Xyrus, the flying city. The director is a friend of mine and will be more than eager to cooperate."

"I'm going to write a new curriculum to prepare its students for military service. Virion, as of this moment, the council that you spoke of is formed. The three races are united, yes?"

Nods came from all over the place, though without any dwarfs...

Then Lord Alcaeus took out two artifacts from his pocket. 

They were THE artifacts.

Queen Priscilla crunched her eyebrows. She needed time to deal with the reality.

"The reason I was late to arrive by my sister's side earlier, was because I was busy dealing with the dwarfs. Their leadership is dead and their Lances are unconscious." 

Gasps of surprise could be heard around the room.

"Don't worry, Rinia will appoint, with my authority, a representative of the Dwarfs to sit on the council. Virion, you will be the commander of this continent. The leader of the council. I will just be an advisor, while my sister a spectator. The representatives of each race may cast their votes on certain decisions, but you can veto any of them at your discretion."

"Um, Lord Alcaeus, excuse my rudeness but why would you be a mere advisor?" King Alduin asked, not even questioning that his retired father was just put in charge of literally everything.

Oh dear, the elfs' future looks bleak.

The Asura explained us the treaty, and the loopholes around it.

We are going to be facing an army that was raised by Asuras for centuries. They were literally bred for war. 

A couple of Dragons assisting us isn't going to affect anything.

I do hope if affects our chances though...

"About the curriculum I mentioned earlier, Virion, I want each of the student who will participate in it to be approved by you personally. You have experience in war already, so trust your own judgement."

Is it just me or has Lord Alcaeus' tone and attitude changed?

I preferred it the former way...when he looked down on us.

Although, the new Alcaeus is indeed better for strategy meetings, I suppose. 

A few more words were exchanged. It was decided that the already existing armies would be merged and trained in real-life combat.

To my absolute dismay, he dismissed all of us except Priscilla and Rinia, and of course his sister. better not make a move on him ahead of me.

Ah, what am I saying...she just lost her husband. She must be mourning.

Dear me, fufufu...




Next SIX chapters are already out on my Patreon!

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