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Alcaeus Indrath

I woke up in the same room I initially arrived in.

Yesterday, I was completely pulled into the pace of Seris and the Denoirs, the family that owns this place.

That won't happen today.

I was in their backyard which also served as a secondary training ground for when Seris didn't have time to take Caera with her. Watching from the sidelines, it was a bit awkward just sitting around while the girls sparred against each other. I was going to step in Seris' place in a few minutes.

Last night, my frustrations against Seris had vanished after a proper bath. It was obvious why she was doing this. She's keeping me busy so I don't have time to think about Sylvia. 

Whether that was because she thought my lamenting could endanger the mission, or she was worried about me - I didn't care.

It was unnecessary. 

"Okay, let's start-" As I was stepping in, the weight of a massive aura washed over me. My senses warned me that danger was approaching. I looked over to Seris and she was sweating. 

"Hide." She said and I obliged.

The aura belonged to an Asura, I was certain of it.

'Shit!Shit!Shit! Why!?! How!?!' I stopped holding back my Mirage walk and erased my presence. I tried to also surround myself with Aether as a protection layer, but it didn't work. 'Wait, if they knew I was here, Agrona would've sent a proper force. Its just one...and my chances of killing him aren't zero.' I calmed down after that hypothesis but kept my brain thinking. 

If I was correct, and they didn't know that Sylvia's younger brother was in Alacrya, then there were only two possibilities as to why an Asura had come to what Seris described as an inconsequential family's house. 

Either it was a coincidence.

Or...I was wrong about the other Scythe. 

Maybe the bulky man wasn't as arrogant as I thought him to be and tattled to his superior. But even then, he shouldn't have any evidence to convince an Asura to take action, especially not a Vritra. 

These lazy scientists would've stayed as normal citizens in Epheotus rather than rule as Gods here if it weren't for Agrona's leadership. 

Maybe its connected to Seris...

I reinforced my ears in hopes of listening in. It was a risk, but I judged that its worth it.

"...she's not?" It was a rugged voice. I had no line of sight, so all I could tell was that he had a similar build to Dragoth.

"I would've immediately reported it to the High Sovereign if that was the case." Seris' voice sounded normal.

"Hmm, pity. I would've liked another Scythe battle." 

"I am sorry to not have lived up to your expectations." I could feel Seris bowing.

Caera was kneeling on the ground, most likely not allowed to speak. I assume they were talking about the girl's Vritra blood awakening. 

"By the way Seris, where is this man who was seen with you?"

'So it was Dragoth...'

"I left him in Sehz-Clar." 

"What brought this change of heart? Weren't you supposed to be a forever alone type?"

"I was merely influenced by my colleagues." Seris didn't try to argue that she wasn't romantically involved with me. Good, she was also anticipating the Asura, whatever his name was, already knowing what she told Dragoth.

"But since its you, I'm sure you wouldn't have taken a liking to any weak man. Since this lesser turned out to be so disappointing, maybe he can help entertain me at the Victoriad instead."

That was the first time Seris hesitated in answering.

"Unfortunately, his talent is little more than average. I doubt he could even defeat my retainer, let alone have the power to provide a proper show for you, Sovereign Kiros."

'So that's his name...and he is a sovereign. Luck isn't on my side today.'

"This isn't your attempt at concealing him, is it?" Kiros exerted a pressure that made Caera faint, I could feel its intensity even at a distance. 

"Concealing him? I would never. He's merely a plaything I plan on discarding soon." Seris wasn't fazed, however.

"This is why I like you Seris, your replies are always perfect." Saying that, the Asura began leaving. However, he stopped like he had suddenly remembered something. "Oh, by the way, when was the last time you visited High Sovereign's prisoner?" 

"...I believe its been a few days, Sovereign." 

"Hmm, how is it going?"

"It's hard. She's too suspicious of me." 

"Its your job to make yourself less suspicious." Kiros narrowed his eyes at her, reprimanding with just an expression. "Honestly, I don't get why High Sovereign is so fond of her. Keeping the lizard alive calls for more problems from Epheotus. He should just kill her and be done with it. His main priority is the baby anyway."

I felt a jolt run up my spine. 


"You are ever so wise." Seris bowed to say goodbye.

Kiros opened a portal and walked through it. Under his breath, he mumbled 'Soon, he'll be the one calling me High Sovereign.'

As soon as the coast was clear, Seris went into panic mode.

"Alcaeus!?! Where are you!?! Alcaeus!" She screamed.

I silently stood up and walked where she could see me. Though I doubt she could read my expression.

It was a miracle that my magic hadn't yet rampaged.

"Alcaeus...! I...!" Her words got stuck.

I raised my head slightly so I could look in her eyes.

Surprised by what she saw, her feet backtracked a couple steps.

"He was talking about Sylvia." I said. It was a half-question at which the Scythe nodded. "Baby?" 

"I didn't...I thought it wasn't...! Sylvia had a baby didn't..." For the first time, I saw her stuttering. She knew that no excuse or reasoning was appropriate here.

My body moved on its own and lifted her off the ground, choking her neck.

"You can act smart all you like, but remember one thing. Neither Sylvia nor you know what I can do. I can very well do this on my own, you are but a convenience I'm allowing. If I find that you hid anything else, or perhaps mixed in a cheeky lie, I'll crush your body into a bowling ball." 

In reality, I was a bit ashamed of what I was saying. 

I was essentially giving her reasons to include me with the same type of Asuras that the Vritra were.

But hiding the fact that Sylvia had a child with her...her child...

When a sufficient amount of sweat had dripped from her face, and her pale beauty had transformed into a fearful expression, I dropped her on the ground.

This won't do.

I opened a portal that took me to a mountain I came across while flying last night.

I needed to not only clear my mind, but also prepare. 

There were a few things I could do that would give me an advantage if I had to fight a horde of Basilisks. 

And my memory of the book was fresh enough.

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