kidnapped by the king

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This story begins with two brothers, a bigger brother named Mario, and a little brother named Luigi. Together, they save the princess known as Peach in the mushroom kingdom; everyone loved her, but Mario.....

He didn't know how to describe it. Peach taught him so many things in the years they knew each other, but his brother Luigi was more. How do I say this? He was..... Gay but he didn't know what his type was he sees a lot of men but none of them, could give him the feeling of love...

That was until he was in his bakery that he saw the one that made his stomach fill up with butterflies, the enemy his brother hated, the king of koopas..... Bowser.

He was mostly confused about why he was there but decided to ignore it, or he was going to till the kooplings came over, "Luigi... Is this your bakery??" Wendy asked, looking at the green bean. "it most certainly is dear; how can I help you?"

Wendy looked at all the goodies Luigi had, pointing at a cake. "How much for that red cake?" She asked before Morton came over. "Can I get one all blue?" He asked, and Luigi was getting all the kids' orders, then saw Kamek pop out of nowhere scaring him.

"The king would like to talk to you when you're done with work green, Mario," he said, disappearing before Luigi could say anything sighing.

Then he started making the kids orders counting them cakes, cookies, and garlic bread "let's see three cakes, four cookies, and two garlic breads" he said giving them to the kooplings as they all say thank you before running off.

Luigi looked at the time closing up shop, exiting the building then locking it up when suddenly he was put to sleep, passing out but a giant hand caught him, taking him on Bowser's ship flying somewhere else instead of the kingdom.

Hours have passed, and Luigi was now finally waking up looking around, getting up, and going to the door trying to open it, seeing he was having trouble doing that so he decided to take a look around, the room seemed big like it was made for a big person or creature, seeing a window going over to it looking outside.

Seeing he was in the sky, his legs started shaking, hearing a voice. He quickly got back in bed, faking being asleep as the door opened, and someone went up to him, breathing in his ear.

"I know you are awake, little green man." That is all the person said as Luigi slowly opened his eyes he noticed red hair, his heart in his throat looking at the man beside him "Bowser" he whispered but since he was so close to the king, he heard it backing away from Luigi "good morning sleeping beauty did you sleep well?"

The king asked growling softly scaring the green bean "w-w-w-why am I here" he asked shaking a lot "you are the only one who can get something for me all you have to do is get these things for me I'll set you free" he said lifting his chin with one of his claws while Luigi was having a gay panic attack.

"Mama mia" he said thinking about what he said "w-willlll anyone get hurt?" He asked looking at his finger "not a soul will be harmed now.... do we have a deal or not?" He asked growling, Luigi slowly nods hoping he was doing the right thing.

Luigi was taken to a different room being held by Bowser, as Bowser walked around the ship Luigi was starting to get second thoughts, worrying about the kingdoms before being put down looking at the kingdom they were at.

"This is Daisy's castle what does she have that you want?" "I have a list all you have to do is get these things for me, simple as putting a baby to sleep" Bowser said "take us down!" He yelled scaring Luigi a lot, then he was given a list looking at it.

"Remember our deal, green Mario" he said getting close to Luigi's face before backing away, so Jr could go up to him "daddy said I have to come with you so you don't tell anyone on him!" He said grabbing Luigi's hand, getting off the ship.

When they landed they were in the forest Luigi looked around "Jr?" He asked looking at Jr who was dusting himself off "Yeah?" He said going up to Luigi "why does your dad want this stuff?"

Jr thought for a moment trying to figure out if he should tell Luigi or not, "well daddy told me not to tell you but..." he said looking down, Luigi sighed "it's alright I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later" he said picking up Jr and walking to the kingdom.

Once they were in the fleet market Luigi looked at the list really confused "would Daisy even have this" he said starting to feel overwhelmed with emotions Jr grabbed his hand "can we get candy??" He asked looking at Luigi hoping he would say yes.

"I don't know Jr your dad might get mad but if I have money left I might buy you and your siblings some candy" Jr smiled big, trying to get Luigi to buy all the things on the list "there's one more thing" he said looking at the list "oh no" he said reading the last one.

Daisy's ruby box (I don't know what she has that's important to her) he was worried then he looked around for Jr seeing him go to the castle "oh n-n-n-no!" Luigi said running after him "Jr!"

End of chapter 1

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