the question of two kings

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Luigi slowly woke up in Bowser's bed but it wasn't on the ship it was in the castle Luigi looked around hearing someone come in "mama?"

Morton said looking at Luigi "hey Morton what's wrong?" He said getting up and by the looks of it, Morton's nose looked burnt.

Luigi checked his nose as Morton hissed in pain trying to stop him "let's go to the kitchen" "ok."

He said following Luigi crying a little bit as Luigi kept him close rubbing his shell but could hear screaming as all the kooplings cowered behind Luigi.

They all were hurt there was cuts and burns all over them Luigi checked all of them one by one before turning around.

Coming face to face with a female Koopa looking down at him "who the hell are you?" She said growling.

"My name is Luigi and I'm... the kids step mom" "Oh are you now well your little shits ruined my dress," the Koopa said making Luigi mad because of what she called them.

"Kids go to your rooms please," he said as the kooplings left quickly as he had his back facing the woman he felt a gut feeling ducking because the woman clawed at him.

Giving the woman death glares "one I don't know who you are or care two what gave you the right mind to touch those kids!"

He yelled the last part getting her husband and Bowser's attention and running over "Luigi" Bowser said before the woman cut him off.

"So this is your fiance this is the thing you are going to marry the thing you are dating!?"

"So what if I am you don't have control over who he dates!" Bowser has never heard Luigi speak like that or seen Luigi like this or even heard him raise his voice once.

Luigi and the woman were staring daggers at each other as the husband tried stepping in but the moment Luigi looked at him he backed off.

Bowser got in between them now holding Luigi close to his chest "that's enough rose!" He said not even calling the Koopa mom.

Bowser had smoke coming out of his nose and mouth growling deeply as his mom growled back "Bowser the kids need you."

A guard said as Bowser looked at him looking back at his parents huffing.

Bowser's mom growled deeply as well "what the hell did you just call me?" "You heard me and you better remember our deal."

Bowser said giving his mom a death glare as did Luigi, Bowser goes to the kid's room seeing Kamek healing Morton's nose

Luigi slowly got down going over to him rubbing his shell softly as Bowser sat next to the kids "did anyone see what happen?"

The kooplings shake they're heads as Morton got in Luigi's lap hugging him as Luigi hugged him back usually Morton acted like the toughest.

But here he was whining because of his nose when the oldest got to hurt something in Luigi was burning he looked at Bowser.

"How long have your parents been like this" "since I became king, Rose was hoping it would be my sister."

"What about your dad? Or whatever his name" he said holding Morton close as Bowser rubbed his head.

Morton sniffed shaking a lot "that lady is mean" "she most certainly is" Bowser said huffing.

Luigi chuckled softly as Morton looked at Luigi "now that I hear her voice in my head she reminds me of a terrible woman."

"Who was the terrible woman?" "I and Mario gave her a little nickname she hated" "what was it?" Jr asks his tail wagging.

"Ms rag cloth because her skin always looked like a wet old rag sometimes me and Mario would even sing it" the kooplings giggled even Morton joined.

Luigi smiled as he thought about something "how about I tell you a story? Made up of course" he said as the kids smiled getting closer.

Bowser smiled kissing Luigi's head "I'm gonna go talk to Rose and Zane," he said getting up "alright love you."

Bowser looked a little angry leaving the room as Luigi started the story "Once upon a time there were two princes."

He said as the kids gasped "the oldest prince was going to be held king but he didn't want it he wanted to be free."

"So he asked the mother and father to give the throne to his little brother the mother was confused but the father thought about it."

"Because the oldest son was barely home and he has been keeping an eye on the youngest son but what all three didn't know is that the youngest son was listening to everything."

"Was he upset?" Iggy asked worried "of course not sweetie because the younger prince was over joy because he enjoyed helping the people of the land."

"Then why was he listening?" Larry said sounding confused "because he wanted to know the king's answer."

Back with Bowser, he was in his studies as Rose went on a rant about Luigi "did you even consider that he might be using you because you are a king!"

She yelled getting angry and Bowser was getting angry as well "if he was using me I wouldn't have a kingdom anymore! I wouldn't be a king!"

He yelled back growling deeply as Zane got in between Bowser and Rose "that's enough! Rose, I understand you are upset really I do but Bowser is a grown Koopa."

Bowser huffed going back to work "and Bowser I also understand you don't want us here but due to the deal we made we have to come to visit once every four years."

"I honestly want to take it back! Because you also made a deal to never hurt my people or children!"

"They ruined my dress you little shit" the moment she said that Rose jumped on Bowser attacking him Zane tried his best to pull them apart.

Bowser and Rose were at each other's throats till Kamek came in pulling them apart with his magic.

Bowser was badly hurt growling at Rose "leave!" "Bowser."


He yelled fire coming out of his nose and mouth and soon they left the kingdom Kamek tried his best to help.

There was a gasp at the door and Bowser looked over seeing Luigi who went up to him "are you ok Bowser?" "I-I'm ok."

He said as Luigi somewhat helped Kamek rubbing his cheek softly really worried Kamek used his power to carry Bowser and Luigi to their room.

Kamek layed Bowser down as Luigi cleaned up some of the wounds on him as Kamek healed other wounds.

Luigi checked Bowser face rubbing his cheek he was really worried about him staying by his side looking at Kamek "Kamek."

Kamek looked over at Luigi "I understand if you won't go though with this but I want you to ban Bowser's parents from setting foot on these lands."

"Luigi do you understand what you are asking me to do?" Kamek asked looking at Bowser then back at Luigi.

"I'm fully aware of what I'm asking" he said as Bowser put his chin on Luigi's lap.

Kamek nods going to the door as the kooplings come in joining Bowser and Luigi "is daddy going to be ok?" Jr asked looking at Luigi.

"We all know your dad he'll be back up in no time" he said trying to keep the kids happy not worrying about they dad.

Luigi pulled all the kooplings over hugging them or at least tried to and layed down.

Bowser and the kooplings slept on top of Luigi as he looked at Bowser seeing a weak smile on his face Luigi smiled at him kissing his lips softly before going to sleep with him.

End of chapter 11

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