I'll put your fear in my drink tonight

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Luigi was still on the bed crying "why does it-a have to be a ghost" he said looking at the door and then at the painting.

Before he could even move King Boo entered the room "did you enjoy the show, Luigi?"

"Your-a madman" Luigi replied as tears ran down his face onto the bed.

King Boo could help but laugh "I try my best," he said going up to Luigi "but I have to say."

"I like the new look on the faces of your loved ones you could drink up their tears."

"You-a disgusting" Luigi said getting up and King Boo noticed the chain gone "he destroyed the chain how adorable he still cares about you even after what saw."

King Boo lifted Luigi from the bed using his magic "believe me when I say this Luigi."

"I'm enjoying all of this because this is exactly what I felt every time you showed up."

Luigi was having trouble breathing because King Boos's magic was getting tighter.

"Then w‐why won't you ju-just hurt m-me why bring th-them into t-this."

He said stuttering as he kicked his legs when a Boo came in "King Boo the troublemakers are messing with the painting again."

Luigi was finally let go falling to the floor as King Boo left the room with the other Boo following.

Luigi took deep breaths feeling weak as he started coughing up blood 'no not now' he whispered slowly getting up.

Luigi checked every pocket looking for his medicine seeing a ghost toss around his pill bottle "no don't play with that please."

The ghost laughed poofing away dropping Luigi's pills as it rolled under the bed.

"God-a this Pneumonia is t'so annoying," he said holding his chest as his vision started getting worse looking for his pills but couldn't get to them.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest I tried and tried to take deep breaths but it was just getting worst.

Soon I couldn't hear anything I couldn't feel anything it was like I was nothing but a doll.

As I tried my best to fight it my life flashed in front of my eyes my brother by my side Princess Peach hosting her wonderful balls.

Daisy battling against me in so many sports and then there was Bowser I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face.

Seeing his smile and hearing his voice and seeing him happy with the kids filled me with joy but here I was laying on the floor with blood on my hands.

I was weak why won't I fight why am I like this I hated this, I hated me everyone else probably hates me I can never do anything right.

As Luigi slowly closed his eyes taking deep breaths he could hear something, someone.

As he slowly opened his eyes it was polterkitty trying to calm down Luigi purring and making biscuits on his chest.

"It's good to see you too purple," Luigi said smiling as polterkitty only purred meowing here and there Luigi was slowly calming down now being able to see his pills.

polterkitty noticed as well going over to the pill bottle and playing with it as Luigi slowly sat up getting light-headed.

polterkitty stopped playing with the bottle going up to Luigi rubbing against him.

Luigi giggled as polterpup showed up as well playing with Luigi's hat, Luigi slowly got up shutting his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them again and getting his medicine.

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