little brother is a millionaire

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(Warning fluff in this chapter may be even smut if you guys deserve it)

Luigi was still asleep as some of the kids woke up they hear a knock at the door.

Ludwig slowly got down from the bed yawning and opened the door and saw a weird scientist "who are you" "my name is E Gadd."

"And?" "I'm good friends with a man named Luigi I'm here to borrow him" "mama Luigi," Ludwig said going up to him as Luigi slowly opened his eyes.

Bowser was waking up as well looking at the door and slowly getting up as did everyone else "E Gadd?"

Luigi asked looking at him "hello Luigi I might need your help with something" "Ghost?" "Yes"

Luigi sighs softly getting up "what-a happened this time-a?" "Oh no, it's a problem with your newest mansion."

"MANSION!?" Everyone yelled scaring Luigi making a squeak come out of his mouth and looking at the kids seeing how shocked they were.

Then Luigi looked at Bowser whose tail was wagging hard "wait newest? How many do you have?" Luigi chuckled getting nervous.

"Um I have-a threeeeeee," he said getting embarrassed as everyone had their mouths open then Jr run up to him.

"how much money do you have?" He asked as Luigi became confused "I'm not sure last-a time I checked I had-a over 12 million."

He said as E Gadd patted his back "one of the ghosts is actually in charge of your money but that will be talked about later."

Luigi looked at everyone "I promise to tell-a you everything" he said as Wendy went up to him "can we come with?"

Luigi looked at E gadd who made a big sigh "yes they can come but please make sure nothing gets broken."

Luigi smiled as all the kooplings ran off to get ready E Gadd also left leaving Bowser and Luigi alone.

Luigi jumped feeling Bowser pull him close "when were you going to tell me about this?" "You want to know something funny?"

"Sure" "I forgot-a I even had a mansion let alone three," he said embarrassed as Bowser chuckled "your interesting sometimes greenie."

"Y-You know-a I hate that-a name" "I know so that's gonna be your punishment... greenie~," he said picking up Luigi purring softly.

As Luigi smiled sighing softly "that seems fair" he said kissing Bowser's nose "w-we should get-a ready."

Bowser squeezed Luigi a bit getting a squeak out of him "your like my personal squeak toy but maybe you can be more but still a toy.~"

He said holding Luigi close who was a blushing mess Bowser smirked putting him down "I'll be right back" he said leaving the room.

Luigi took a deep breath getting on the bed he was thinking about changing into his normal clothes but he also wanted to wear something new.

Then Bowser came back with some clothes for Luigi to wear then he took the clothes going to the bathroom to change.

Luigi looked at him in the mirror seeing the bite marks "they're healing-a that's good" he said putting on the shirt.

While Luigi wasn't paying attention he felt someone behind him turning around quickly blushing a lot.

Bowser looked at Luigi chuckling "relax I just came in plus there's no need to get so flustered I've seen what's under those clothes."

He said making Luigi blush even more "Yes but we only did-a it one time so I-a have every right-a to be flustered."

"Are you saying you want to do it again greenie?~" Luigi was a red tomato not realizing what he said.

"W-well-a I mean heh um.." Luigi could only stutter as Bowser got closer to him kissing his neck.

As he did that Luigi went quiet biting his lip and trying his best to hold in his moans.

He loved being treated like this, gently but with a little bit of roughness it melted his heart in so many ways but he was always scared to say.

Bowser soon stopped as he backed away "we'll continue this later.~"

He said getting ready as Luigi was trying to calm down and getting ready as well.

Once everyone was ready E gadd led them to a bus "I'm more comfortable with the bus."

"That's alright-a E Gadd," Luigi said smiling getting on the bus with all the kids Bowser sadly had to be in the middle huffing softly.

But he was happy because Luigi was in front of him leaning down to him making a rumbling sound in his ear.

Luigi became a blushing mess from Bowser looking at him "y-your-a becoming n-needy and I-a th-think it's ad-adorable."

Luigi said blushing as the kids tried getting his attention "mama look at the beach!" Iggy said as his tail wagged fast.

Luigi looked over seeing the sunset beginning "we might have-a to um stay at the-a m-mansion."

He said taking a deep breath and sighing softly as the bus came to a stop seeing the mansion he liked the green on it smiling and getting up.

Everyone got off the bus looking at the mansion all the kooplings ran inside as Luigi chuckled watching them but Bowser laughed proud of his kids.

E Gadd was a little worried looking at Luigi "um Luigi?" "Yes?" He said looking at the scientist "oh! Um heh, let's-a go inside before-a the kids break-a something."

He said quietly going inside as Kamek Bowser and E Gadd followed seeing the kids being crazy.

Luigi took a deep breath "Jr" "here!" "Wendy" "perfect!" "Roy" "Yolo!" "Iggy" "hey oh!" "Lemmy" "present!" "Larry" "right here!" "Ludwig" "here!" "And finally-a Morton?" "Over here, mama!"

Luigi sighs softly smiling as all the kids pushed and pulled Luigi and Bowser toward the front desk as Luigi smiled.

Steward was sorting mail turning around and seeing Luigi and the Koopa family "hey Luigi" he said turning again before realizing.

"LUIGI!" He yelled hugging him over the counter "hey Steward it's-a good to see you-a as well" Luigi said smiling and hugging him as well.

"Sorry about that but what are you doing here? Oh wait, right E Gadd brought you."

"Yeah-a and I'll like-a to order some-a rooms," Luigi said smiling "of course, I'll have the rooms ready on the 6th floor."

Steward said smiling as the kids were amazed that Luigi wasn't scared, whispering to each other as Luigi got the key rooms "thanks-a, Steward."

Everyone waved as they went to the elevator getting on it all the kids started yawning as Bowser joined them huffing "great I got the yawning disease."

He said making Luigi laugh smiling at him then the elevator stopped opening the doors as everyone gasped.

Luigi walked to a room opening the door "Morton, Ludwig you-a two have this-a room" he said as they looked around.

Luigi then continued giving each kid their rooms "Kamek you can-a have your-a own room."

He said giving the key to Kamek who slowly opened it "oh my this is amazing wait how much would this be for you?"

"Maybe at least-a thousand c-coins," he said chuckling softly rubbing the back of his head.

Luigi turned around facing Bowser "we're sharing a room-a but it might be too small for-a you."

He said opening their room "I also forgot to mention-a the rooms are-a soundproof on the 6th floor so we might have-a to check on the kids."

He said hearing the door lock and turning around realizing what he said as Bowser had a smirk on his face picking him up.

"I'm glad for that information" "one of the ghosts c-could-a come in," he said blushing a lot "I put a 'do not disturb' on the door now," he said rubbing a nail under Luigi's chin "where were we?~"

End of chapter 12

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