Monoma pt2

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(You still have Violets quirk)

I was sitting in my dorm when my phone made a buzzing noise. I pulled out my phone and swiped up. It read "Wanna come over" I smiled at my phone and put texted back "Sure be right there" Neito doesn't really like waiting so I should start getting ready I start combing my hair We've been dating for 3 months now and i've been really happy I grabbed my shoes and started to put them on. Of course I haven't told 1A yet I don't really want to. When it comes to Monoma they are kinda judgemental. I opened my door and began happily jogging towards 1B dorms. "Hey Y/N wanna hang out" I stopped jogging and turned to see Mina staring at me hoping I would say yes. I sighed because I was about to turn her down again....Sorry Mina can't im busy. She looked at me with peeved eyes. "Really. This is the third time this month you've turned me and the girls down! What are you so busy with" I panicked a little...I-I have school work. I stuttered "Mhm" Then Mina walked off. Shes gonna do something I just have no clue what. I mentally cursed myself for coming up with that dumb excuse. Mina knows I'm a good student and that I don't slack on work. I shrugged what I just told Mina off. I can deal with that later. I gotta go see Neito.

I walked into 1B dorms and was greeted by Kendo and Tetsutetsu "Hey Y/N you here to see Monoma" Kendo asked me. I nodded and headed around the corner. Since I'm dating Monoma I have to come around here a lot. I've only ever snuck him into my dorm twice and it was incredibly risky both times. I knocked on his door. He opened it and the plain look on his face instantly turned into a smirk when his eyes met. He let me in and I sat on his bed with him. We watched movies and ate snacks. I always have a good time with him. I had already spent 3 hours there but I have to get back to 1A sadly. I wish I could spend all my time with him but I have responsibilities. I looked over at Neito with sad eyes."I have to get back to 1A" I said sadly. He looked up at me and walked me towards the door. Before I left he grabbed me and placed a gentle kiss on my hand...... My face flushed a little. I began walking back to my dorm in a hurry.

The red faded from my face and I strolled into 1A dorm lounge and the girls were staring at me weird. I assumed it was because I ditched them. I shrugged it off and proceeded to walk towards my dorm.

Two days later Neito asked me to hang out again. I was on my way to his dorm but Kiri,Sero,Denki and Mina stopped me . "Where are you going Y/N?" Kiri asked me.....Ummm out? I said "Can we come with you?" Sero asked. Denki chimed in "Yeah we wanna hang out" I looked down at my phone....Guys I cant im- Mina cut me off "Yeah we know you're 'busy' What are you so busy with anyways?! So busy that you completely blow everyone off?!" She said angrily. I was shocked that Mina had snapped at me like that but it's not like I dont not spend time with them. It's just this month I want to hang out with my boyfriend. While I was lost in thought I heard Hagakure say something. I looked at her...What. I said dead serious. She looked back at me from what I could tell. She spoke up. "You've been going to 1B's dorms! Why?!" If I could see her face I bet she would be squinting with a dumb grin on her face. After she said that all the attention was on me. A light purple mist emitted off of me. I looked straight at her...You..Followed me!?! Anger tied to every word that came out of my mouth. Mina opened her mouth again. Sero tried to stop her from saying anything that would send me over the edge. "Really?! Y/N what were you doing at 1B's dorms?" She asked me if I could tell the guys didn't want to pry but now they were interested too. Another ding came from my phone. I knew who it was. He was waiting for me. They started asking questions again...I took a deep breath in...QUIET! I shouted. They all stopped talking....I'm dating Monoma. I breathed out annoyed and a little embarrassed I had to admit this. They all looked at me in shock. I quickly ran out the door and down the hall. I'm spending the night at Neito's today.

I stormed down the hall still mad. I can't believe they spied on me and talked to me like that. I opened up the door to 1B dorms and walked straight in right up to Neitos room. I knocked on his door and when he opened it I walked right in and collapsed onto his bed.He knew something was wrong and he sauntered over to me. "Y/N what's wrong?" He asked me. I looked up at him and started to explain. While I was telling him he grabbed me and himself a perrier. (Sorry if u don like it!!!) I spent the night and he made me tea to calm down. We both fell asleep later the next day. I went back to the dorms. Momo and Tsu tried to talk to me but I ignored them and walked right past. I went up to my dorm and sat down doing whatever I wanted till someone knocked on my door. I was surprised to see Kiri at my door..Oh hey Kiri whats up? I asked him, clearly confused. "Uhmm can you follow me?" I know this has something to do with the girls.. I followed Kiri down into the sitting room and my eyes instantly landed on Mina. My brows furrowed and my nose scrunched up. I looked back at Kiri annoyed. He mouthed the word 'Sorry' to me and left the room. My eyes met Minas and she bowed her head. "Y/N I'm really sorry for how I spoke to you. Please forgive me!" I stared at the top of her head. While I was thinking of something snarky to say back, Hagakure budded in "Really Y/N were very sorry that we intruded into your...relationship with Monoma." Hagakure gestured to the left and the rest of the girls were right behind me with their heads down. I guess their very sorry huh I smiled and me and the girls talked for about five minutes. I heard my phone ding. I grabbed my phone and just as I thought it was a text from Neito. 'Turn around' Why would Neito send me that? I did as the text said and turned around. My eyes met with ocean blue eyes and blonde hair. He was in the dorms with everyone else here....Neito what are you doing here!? I said shocked. Uraraka spoke up "To show you were really sorry we asked Monoma if he could surprise you after the apology." "Also you guys can spend time together over here instead of you sneaking out kero" Tsuyu added. I walked over to Neito and asked him if he wanted to go up to my dorm. He agreed and we went up the stairs.

"So do you forgive them?" Neito asked me I looked over at him......Yeah I forgive them. I leaned over and kissed Neito on the cheek. He smirked and wrapped his arms around me.

(This is my longest series yet 4 Sora)

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