Chapter 1

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She slowly opened her eyes in a daze and blinked for a few seconds to clear her vision

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She slowly opened her eyes in a daze and blinked for a few seconds to clear her vision.

Her gaze fell on the unknown woman's back standing besides her bed.

Wait, bed? Her mind jolted with the realization and she gasped looking around the room.

A totally unknown place and quite expensive looking furniture too. One she and her husband could never afford even if they worked for seven lives.

Her gasp has caught the attention of the woman and as she turned to gaze at her she gasped wide eyed and ran out of the room leaving her frowning in her wake.

What happened to her? She thought confused. She shook her head. More than her reaction she was shocked at her surroundings.

Last thing she remembered she was ...

Her thoughts came to a halt as she laid frozen on the bed and turned her head as the wooden doors were slid open revealing the person who rushed inside and sat beside her with a hand cupping her cheek.

Dumbfounded she stared. Aghast. With her breaths caught up in her throat. Her heart skipping a beat as she gasped out,


No sooner than that she tried to sit up but was brought down by the prickling pain shooting through her left shoulder all the way radiating to her front and back.

"Careful. You're injured."

She heard the voice she has been dying to hear for the last whole two weeks searching madly for him all over the places that eventually landed her here.

"Dev, please." She cried out in despair.

"I want to hug you. So bad."

As soon as she said that she found herself being lifted up and pulled into the familiar comforting warmth.

As her head touched and felt his heartbeat she broke down into sobs clutching to him for her dear life. She felt him saying something, rubbing her back, trying to pull her back but she held on as if her life depended on it.

The two weeks without him were like worse kind of hell she didn't want to ever face in her life again.

As her sobs mellowed down she just laid in his embrace sniffling not letting him go still.

"I missed you so much. Don't leave me again. Don't go." She felt her eyes pouring down again.

"I'm here." His voice soothed her anguish somewhat.

She wasn't sure she would let him get out of her sight ever again.

This nagging fear of losing him and never being able to see him again has been instilled in her for the last fourteen days and she was afraid it would not leave any time soon.

She has had so many questions. So many complaints. So much to say. But she kept mum and held onto him closing her eyes shutting up every voice of logic in her mind.

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