Chapter 11

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"Bhai!" Anvesha called out running inside his court hall where he was working.

Aaron was also present there sitting on the right side of the table going through documents as well while Arnav was sitting on the throne with his concentration solely on the scroll in front of him which he was reading.

Both of them looked up at her voice. Princess Anvesha curtsied cheerfully like the little bundle of joy she was.

"Who let you in?" ASR roared. Anvesha shuddered. Her smile slipping off instantly as she looked down.

"Maharaj, it's been quite long you have been working. Why don't you take rest a bit?" Aaron intervened politely.

Arnav passed him a look. Aaron lowered his eyes.

"Go back to your chamber!" Arnav commanded looking at his sister.

Aaron felt really bad seeing the little princess on the verge of crying. Her lower lip was trembling whilst she was shivering in fear. Why did ASR have to be so rude to everyone just because he was mad at someone else?

"Maharaj I just remembered something I had to do urgently. Till then please take a break." Aaron stood up and interrupted when he saw ASR ready to yell again.

Arnav pursed his lips knowing him too well that he was trying to save Anvesha from his wrath.

He has been on edge ever since Aaron disclosed about his conversation with Khushi to him and has taken necessary actions to outrun that conspiracy with his own solid move.

"Her Highness, till then how about you help Maharaj mash the ink? Would you?" Aaron suggested to which Anvesha looked up and bobbed her head eagerly while wiping her face with the back of her hand.

Arnav huffed but didn't object as Aaron walked out after showing him courtesy and his sister climbed the stairs to come to stand on his left and started grinding the ink powder with water with her little hands on the platter placed beside his scroll.

Exhaling once he looked at Anvesha who as usual had her favourite doll grabbed under her one arm and from the other she was making the ink.

"What is it? Why are you here?" He kept his tone devoid of any emotion.

"Avi, leave it and answer me!" At his gritted command he saw her hand trembling as she straightenened up heeding to his command.

"I want to see it one more time." She said quietly.

"What?" Arnav frowned.

"Your smile and the dimples that appeared because of that. I haven't seen it since the welcoming ceremony. It's been so long. Why don't you smile like that always? You have so many beautiful princesses with you. Doesn't that make you happy?" Anvesha said whatever her brain has deciphered regarding his lack of compassion and emotions that he rarely show.

Arnav felt a lump forming in his throat at her innocent question.

"You're too young to understand some things." He said softly for a record.

A little bit of softness from him increases Anvesha's morale manifold that her fear immediately disappeared and much to her brother's shock climbed his lap with her legs to one side wrapping her arms around his neck.

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