Author's Note (Please read)

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I hope all of you are doing okay :)

Please bear with me and read the whole note because it's very important.

I've had been requesting after every update for the readers to leave their feedback ritualistically.

Trust me it was mostly because I wanted to know readers' point of view of how they are finding my story so far.

If a response on a chapter is good, I'd think I had done a good job. If not, I'd be feel a little low but still I'd carry on writing. I had continued to do so the same until the last couple of chapters, I swear.

No matter how much the response was lowered and I felt like giving up, I did not. I will tell you why as you'd read the note further.

It was while writing and publishing Chapter 39 I gave in to the pressure I was feeling and the Author's note at the end of it was a prove of that.

First of all, guys thank you so much for all the love, support and kind words you've left in the comment section. God, I really needed that. Thanks a ton and bear hugs to all of you!

Secondly, l need to clear a few things regarding TKW at this point which readers may have missed even as I keep giving hints about it since the start.

1. As I mentioned in the prelude, in the starting itself that TKW is my very first historical background story. But nowhere I said that this is my first story in general. I've written a handful of fictions before. Writing has been my hobby for quite a while.

2. I started this story with a strong willed mind for it was supposed to be a tribute as well as a surprise gift for a certain group of people who are like my second family.

3. I'm usually very confident with what I write and seldom get swayed by the number of views, votes and reads much but TKW is special. Very special and my dream story.

I've been nervous as well as excited throughout and when it's a project this big then no doubt it would bring about some insecurities as well along with it.

And boy, the way it all threw me off the edge made me stunned. It took me some time to gather myself back to my original confident form.

4. I started TKW with no expectations and I wanted to keep it that way for I wasn't writing this for votes and views but for a couple of very solid reasons that's above all.

But I guess it's in human nature to get greedy when they get something, they want more. So did I.

I'm not ashamed to admit it I got swayed big time. Neither do I regret speaking my mind. If I had suppressed it all then I'd not have been able to write this story any further. I needed that let out.

I don't think it's wrong to ask for feedback as reviews are what tells the author how the readers see their story and it's progress.

Except letting some bad reviews and less response to get to me was wrong on my part. For that I'm really, extremely sorry for the scare I gave to you all wonderful people.

That is why, I took break from both TKW and wattpad for a few days to set my mind back on track. That I did.

Not continuing TKW would mean devaluing my hardwork as Capricorn1900 mentioned in her comment. Dear, your words boosted my morale a thousand times. Thanks a ton.

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