Chapter 37

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She was sitting at the edge of his bed as per his command. He has woken her up a few minutes ago.

She didn't know what was the time. All she knew was that all the tension, anger, hurt, fear and disappointment that the man made her feel before she lost her consciousness after seeing that giant crocodile in his backyard, was gone.

She was feeling numb as well as relaxed. She didn't know for how long she was out but she felt like she has had the most fulfilling sleep ever.

Was this the effect of the medicines he gave her? If yes, she wished she could take it everyday so that she doesn't feel any conflict within her ever again.

This peace washing through her feels so liberating after so much anguish she went through at his hands. The moment she woke up she wanted to rush back to Arsh but she kept her mouth shut and waited.

She knew she has to deal with him with patience and that's what she was doing without instigating his wrath. He seemed surprisingly in a good mood.

He has woken her up gently for a record and for a second has also bewildered her with the shower of so many kisses on her face like he used to do in the past after waking her up from her slumber every single time.

That has made all the remaining sleep in her eyes to puff into thin air. She had became alert seeing him hovering over her with a tender smile on his lips. She has gulped hard trembling under his heated gaze.

And now here she was waiting for him as he has asked her to stay put while he has disappeared to his restroom. She was curious as well as scared as hell what was he up to now.

He has come out with a dazzling smile on his face making her heart stutter and stomach knot.

Even if he noticed her apprehension on her face he didn't comment on it.

He just pulled her along to his restroom and she was confused as he stopped her in front of the mahogany bathtub filled with water and rose petals. A soothing scent wafted around creating a surreal atmosphere.

Her head shot to him as he pointed to a dress neatly placed at the rack to the things placed in the cabinets before he kissed her temple telling her to shower and change while he would wait outside.

She was stupefied. He walked to the door and stopped before turning to look at her seriously.

He announced not-so-subtly that she has exactly half an hour. A second above it he would barge back in and if she wasn't done by then he'd take the matter in his hands.

Her eyes widened as she realized what that meant. He smirked victoriously and left whilst she quickly got to work.

She stripped and got into the bathtub taking his threats seriously. Or she knew she would be in trouble.

She hasn't forgotten how he has torn that golden silk dress and made her change himself without her permission when she performed in place of Lady Ira years ago.

She would never want to face that kind of humiliation again at his hands. He was a beast. He can do anything. She needed to be cautious to avoid certain things when she can.

She couldn't prevent a long relieving sigh as the warm water soaked her skin. Her eyes prickled as she saw the petals floating on the water.

It brought back memories. Many memories. That she once cherished. But now they made her heart and body ache with anguish.

She felt like he was deliberately doing this to poke her wounds and hurt her. To keep reminding her of the days and nights they spent together.

She showered, cleaned and got dressed in his given dress in a daze barely hanging her emotions. It took everything in her not to breakdown.

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