Chapter 5

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Has the doomsday arrived? Why was she feeling like hers just did?

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Has the doomsday arrived? Why was she feeling like hers just did?

It was like heavy rocks were falling on her head to pull her down and bury her beneath the lowest pit in the ground.

But still she kept standing. Why? How? From where did this strength appeared in her and this defiance to keep standing? To not to fall down on her knees before him?

"D-Dev..." A hushed whispered escaped her mouth yet it echoed in the grandeur hall and reached him.

"Yes. Dev Agarwal. One of my many disguises." He said casually but crushed her absolutely.

She felt like he punched her in the gut and then drove a dagger through her heart several times. She took another step back gaping at him wide eyed, pale faced. Her legs shook. The hand on her belly stayed there. Intact.

"Will you keep standing or ask me already? Not many gets this privilege. You're wasting the time bestowed upon you!"

He inferred and looked up to give her a piercing look telling silently that his patience was wearing thin but she refused to open her mouth only looked at him bewildered not ready to get out of the shock yet.

She didn't look ready to believe it all even though the truth was right in front of her.

He huffed and placing the brush on the table stood up from the chair pushing it back, came around the table and folding his hands on his back neatly walked down the two stairs before striding forward to come to stand before her, two steps away.

The different shades of his eyes has disappeared and now the charcoal black orbs stared back at her.

He quirked his eyebrow as his gaze roamed over the red and blue imprints on her cheeks to the clotted blood at the corner of her lips.

He lifted his eyes back to her before raising his hand to touch the corner of her lips with his thumb, caressed the clot and sighed.

"Looks like you're having quite rough days here." He whispered as his hand touched the finger marks on her left cheek and she flinched but still stood like a figurine blinking her eyes in shock looking at him in disbelief.

"That's why you should have stayed there in that cottage only. Why did you follow me till here?" He said exasperated.

"It wasn't even the first time I went away in the last ten years. But the only mistake I did six months ago was not to inform you when I had to leave urgently. Oh if only I did you would have waited for me there patiently and I wouldn't have lost my time of amusement I used to spend with you for some more days after coming back from this tense war. Ah why, oh why you have to ruin everything Khushi?"

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