Chapter 27

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ASR carried the unconscious Khushi up in his arms as if she weighed nothing before lowering himself to sit cross legged on the ground a few steps away from the tied Mehak who was on her knees looking worriedly at Khushi while occasionally glaring at the King as well.

Placing Khushi horizontally on his lap with his one arm coiled around her waist he leaned her head to his shoulder while his other hand reached to the pouch tied to his waist.

Taking out something from it he popped it in Khushi's mouth before closing it he waited for a few seconds before he exhaled and placing the other hand on Khushi's thigh casually looked up at grim looking Mehak whose cries has stopped but not her concern.

"Don't worry saali-sahiba, she will be okay. Till then let's have a little chat between us. I so need someone to talk to at the moment." He gazed at Khushi's face intensely before raising his black eyes to Mehak's seriously.

"I might not admit this to her but let me tell you what I think of your best-friend cum sister Khush actually: Nothing will happen to her, you know why?" Shadows passed across his face as he said that.

"Not only did she endure the brutal betrayal from me but also single handedly brought my son up to what he is today. Ever since she is fighting every day with her own heart and feelings as well."

His one hand was rubbing Khushi's arm while the other was slowly grazing her thigh over her clothes with his gazed fixed on Mehak whilst he talked with certain glint in his eyes.

"Along with that she is also fighting me with all of her even though she knows she can't win over me. She knows I won't let her but she still won't give in. She looks me in the eye daringly, the man known as the cruelest ruler ever born on the face of this earth, she challenged him, ME." He chuckled dryly.

"Anyone at her place would have given up by now or might have committed suicide but she chose to live. For our baby." He paused a bit.

"She would have not relented or broke down or have cried if I hadn't used her weaknesses against her. I'd not have been able to get through her or take her back without her consent otherwise. So in your opinion tell me who among the two of us is stronger? Who has more power over the other? Her or me?" He asked as if he genuinely wanted to know.

"Despite everything I have done to her do you know she still wished me birthday, not because she has forgiven me and all but only because that's who she is. Who she wants to be. Instead of saying, 'Wish you have never been born,' she genuinely said, 'happy birthday' to me meaning that she was happy that I was born. Can you imagine that?" He laughed mirthlessly.

"Would you say the same to the man who have ruined you every way and is still hell bent on to take it all to the ultimate end?" He asked quietly before himself shaking his head.

"Her compassion for even a monster like me makes her stand out among every other women, even all those princesses I have in my flower manor." He chewed every word furiously before his expresion mellowed down as he looked down at the unconscious woman in his arms.

"I admire her as a woman and I'm proud of her. But still I'd not sit back until I crush this vigor and defiance in her no matter how much she protested she would have to become the person I want her to be!" He said without taking his eyes off Khushi whilst caressing her cheek in a daze.

"I'd miss this side of her for sure but I also know that with her being this type of person won't let her to accept me back. And she has to, has to become mine like she once were. Whether she wants it or not." A low growl left him as he shot his red eyes up to look back in Mehak's fearful ones.

ASR kept talking and with his every word Mehak's eyes dilated more and more until she was gaping at him trembling badly.

"There, I revealed much more than I ever told her. Sincerely. Consider yourself lucky saali-sahiba, because not many gets this privilege to know my inner dark secrets!"

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